Chapter 124
A branch with a pointed head stably plunged down towards the creek.

Come out again, there is a fish stuck on the branch, struggling.

Su Chengyun put away the silver jade badge on the fish and left the small river.

The dense forest is very big, really big, and more than 7 people have scattered in it, and the number of people they have encountered so far is less than a thousand.

After calculating the time, two hours have passed, and the jade badge on her body has broken ten.

The dense forest was dark and gloomy, and Su Chengyun was thinking about whether to continue searching for the jade token, or just wait for the end.

It is true that there are not many jade cards in his hand, but there is absolutely no problem in passing the selection.

Just when Su Chengyun was hesitating, a map suddenly appeared in his mind.

A green area on the map was marked out separately, and a red dot kept flickering.

Ji Lao's voice sounded at the right time.

"The green area is the safe zone, which will be opened at You hour. If you do not reach the safe area before the end of You hour, it will be considered a failure. The red dot represents your location. You not only have to go to the safe area, but also avoid the attacks of hunters, little prey, Wish you guys good luck!"

Su Chengyun was shocked when he heard this.

This hunter must be the thousand teachers. It seems that they are going to make a big move.

Nancang Academy is not afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and those who are going to rob the jade tokens will not find their targets, so they point out a way.I was also afraid that they would pass the customs smoothly and let the hunter in.

Su Chengyun carefully calculated the distance to the safe zone, and it was quite far.Moreover, this road will never be peaceful, not only to prevent other people from snatching, but also to avoid hunters.

Su Chengyun sighed, and walked towards the safe zone resignedly.

She was looking for jade tokens as she walked, and she was not in a hurry to get to the safe zone. Even if she arrived, the safe zone hadn't been opened yet, so she might as well collect more jade tokens to increase her points.

While walking, suddenly a white object rushed over and passed by, Su Chengyun picked it up.

It turned out to be a little white rabbit.

Su Chengyun grabbed the little rabbit's cute long ears, and took off the jade plaque hanging from the little rabbit's neck with his backhand.

"Over there, over there!" A loud voice sounded.

Su Chengyun looked up, and two men and a woman came into sight.

"The little rabbit is there!" The girl saw the little rabbit in Su Chengyun's arms with sharp eyes, and called out.

"The rabbit is ours, give it back to us!" the girl said coquettishly to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled, stretched out his hand and threw it away: "Give it back to you!"

The girl stepped forward and caught the little rabbit, she hurriedly looked at the little rabbit's neck: "Ah, where is the jade token?"

The girl searched again in disbelief, but she couldn't find the little rabbit even after searching it all over.

"Ah, the jade token is gone!" the girl cried.

"I don't see it missing, it must have been taken away!" A boy who was with the girl stared at Su Chengyun and said.

"Brother Wang Lin, do you mean that someone took the jade token?" the girl asked.

"Of course!"

"Ah, who took it?" The girl's face was filled with anger.

"Who else is here besides us?" Another boy curled his lips and said.

"Brother Li Tian, ​​you mean...that...sister!" The girl covered her mouth and looked at Su Chengyun in disbelief, "Impossible, how could my sister take our jade token?"

"What's wrong!" Wang Lin rolled his eyes.

"No way, sister, did you really take our jade token?" the girl asked innocently.

Su Chengyun shook the golden jade plaque in his hand: "Is this jade plaque you're talking about?"

The girl's eyes lit up suddenly, Wang Lin's and Li Tian's eyes also lit up, but then hid them.

"Sister, can you return the jade token to us?" the girl asked expectantly.

Su Chengyun chuckled when he heard the words, held the jade plaque in his hand, shook his head and said, "No!"

Since they like acting, she let them continue to act.

"Sister, that's our jade token! Sister, you won't snatch our jade token, right?" the girl emphasized.

Su Chengyun nodded, and said solemnly: "Well, I won't steal your jade tokens, but now you are robbing mine!"

"Sister, that's obviously our jade token. You took our jade token. How can you say that we stole your jade token?" the girl said anxiously.

"Sister Wan, don't worry! Brother Wang Lin won't let anyone steal our things!" Wang Lin said firmly.

"That is, if someone wants to steal our things, they have to ask Li Tian first!" Li Tian also continued.

"Ah, Brother Wang Lin, Brother Li Tian, ​​there must be a misunderstanding here, I will try to persuade my sister!" The girl shook her head, and finally looked at Su Chengyun.

"Sister, return the jade token to us! Otherwise, brother Wang Lin and brother Li Tian won't let you go!"

"That's right, return the jade token quickly, otherwise it won't be a jade token!" Wang Lin shouted.

"Yes, hurry up and present the jade plaque, or I will make you look good!" Li Tian also shouted domineeringly.

"Hehe!" Su Chengyun smiled at the three of them.

"Sister, the two of them have a bad temper, don't make them angry!" the girl persuaded.

"Oh, I didn't piss them off, it's you who have been pissing me off!" Su Chengyun said, "Okay, you don't want to act here! What you want is not just this jade token, do you also want it?" All the jade badges on me?"

The girl was taken aback when she heard the words, and smiled embarrassingly: "What did my sister say, how could we do that!"

"Isn't it possible?" Su Chengyun sneered, "You dare to say that you didn't put that rabbit, and you dare say that you didn't tie the jade plaque around the rabbit's neck?"

The three of them were taken aback when they heard the words, and they looked at each other, with the same doubts flashing in their eyes.

How does she know?How does she know?

"Sister, why can't I understand what you are talking about?" The girl reacted quickly enough and immediately pretended to be pitiful.

"Hehe, don't be fooled. You specially found a rabbit, and then tied the jade token around the rabbit's neck. After finding the right person, let the rabbit go. After someone removes the jade token from the rabbit's neck, you will come It is natural to ask for it, if that person is weak and easy to deal with, are you going to grab it directly?"

"Sister..." The girl's face froze, and the two teenagers twisted their bodies uncomfortably.

"Do you think I'm lonely, but a weak woman, that's why you chose me?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile, "Do you think that I'm difficult to deal with, so you're afraid to do it?"

The three of them looked embarrassed.

"If you want to get the jade token back, come and grab it, I'll wait for you to grab it!" Su Chengyun smiled, and shook the jade token in his hand again.

"What are you waiting for? People are so provocative, why are you still hesitating?" Wang Lin said.

"Brother Wang Lin..."

"Li Tian, ​​you're scared, don't you remember that person was so arrogant last time, he was beaten to the ground by us, the three of us are afraid of what she will do alone!" Wang Lin said.

Li Tian's eyes lit up: "Yes, it may be a bluff!"

Girl: "But..."

"Sister Wan, you're the one who made this trick, you won't shrink back, will we lose a gold and jade medal in vain?" Wang Lin said.

The girl bit her lips: "Okay, let's grab it back together! Sister, I've offended you!"

The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth slightly curled up: "Don't offend, don't offend, I don't mind!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Su Chengyun was the only one left around, and she laughed out loud as she counted the jade tokens in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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