Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 135 Battle Plan

Chapter 135 Battle Plan
"Who is it?" Su Chengyun snorted, and stretched out his hand to signal the people behind to stop.

There was a rustling sound in front, and then a handsome young man walked out of the grass.

"It's you!" As soon as Su Chengyun saw the young man, he recognized this young man as the one who appeared after the black and white double evil. Although he only met once, Su Chengyun still remembers the young man's free and easy and decisiveness.

"Girl, we meet again!" The boy didn't feel scared when he saw so many people, but greeted him openly.

"Wei Ang!" Feng Jue stood up and called out the boy's name.

"Hey, Feng Jue, you're here too!" the boy said with a smile.

"Wei Ang, why are you here?" Feng Jue stepped forward and gave the young man a punch, and then briefly introduced Su Chengyun and the others, "This is Wei Ang, my friend!"

Su Chengyun nodded to Wei Ang.

"Wei Ang, you haven't said anything yet, why are you here? You've always been worthless!" Feng Jue was still thinking about this question.

Wei Ang smiled: "Hehe, I found something interesting in front!" After finishing speaking, Wei Ang looked at Feng Jue and the others in doubt, his eyes revealed deep thought, "Feng Jue, you all came here for...!" Wei Ang Pointing to the front.

Feng Jue hooked Wei Ang's shoulder: "Hey, your guess is really accurate, we really came for the base camp of hunters, brother, are you interested in joining?"

Wei Ang's eyes lit up suddenly when he heard the words: "Haha, what am I worried about? It's obviously fun, but I'm worried that I can't play it alone, and I want to give up, but you are here!"

"Hey, I knew you were interested!" Feng Jue said with a smile.

"I, Wei Ang, followed you!" Wei Ang said without delay.

"Okay, we have another general!" Feng Jue looked at Su Chengyun and Mr. Ming Yi with a smile.

Mr. Mingyi took a step forward, clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Wei, it seems that the direction you are coming from is the direction of the hunter's base camp. Do you know their latest situation?"

"Master Mingyi, you can just call me Wei Ang. Hehe, you are right to ask me about this matter. I have been observing for more than half an hour. Unfortunately, no one dared to do anything. But with you, Mr. Mingyi, , I, Wei Ang, have more confidence."

Mr. Mingyi nodded: "Please also explain the situation ahead so that we can formulate a battle plan!"

Talking about the business, Wei Ang also put away his hippie smile, and said seriously: "The hunter's base camp is less than one mile away from here. They have 50 people in total, including three tents, five people in each tent, and 35 other people around. Patrolling, they are patrolling around the tent and never go far! This is the normal state of the base camp, but occasionally hunters will come back to hand in jade tokens. If the number exceeds this amount, you have to return to the base camp to hand in the jade token. During the half-hour I observed, three people came back to hand in the jade token, and one came back every time.”

Everyone fell silent after hearing the words, thinking.

Mr. Mingyi said for a long time: "Everyone understands, the hunter's base camp only has 50 people, at most one or two more people, our previous 52 people plus the five people gathered on the road and Wei Ang will add up to a total of 58 people." [-] people. We have a large number of people, so don't be afraid, we will take the base camp as quickly as possible!"

"Let's go!" Mr. Ming Yi gave an order, and the team immediately moved forward.

Soon, the large team arrived at the hunter's base camp.

Mr. Mingyi signaled everyone to hide, and then led a few people forward to observe the situation in the base camp.

The situation in the base camp was indeed consistent with what Wei Ang said, and several people withdrew.

"Young Master Mingyi, what should we do now?" One person asked.

Mr. Mingyi did not answer, but pondered.

"Let's attack directly, with real swords and guns, fight them to death!" Feng Jue said handsomely, shaking his hair.

"No, we will lose a lot of people!" Su Chengyun directly vetoed it.

"Yes, what Miss Su said is right, we can't fight head-on, we are fighting for our own future, a strong attack will hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred, it's a bad move!" Mr. Ming Yi also shook his head in denial.

"Then what do you say?" Feng Jue asked.

"Feng Jue, we are not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?" Wei Ang said with a smile.

"Wei Ang, you don't understand, I just look at a piece of fat and don't eat it so I'm so hungry!" Feng Jue said.

"Hey, sooner or later there will be fat in your mouth, you should be more patient!"

"Then think about it quickly?" Feng Jue urged.

"Or sneak attack?" Shangguan Youyue whispered.

Mr. Ming Yi nodded: "Sneak attack is a good way, but how to sneak attack needs to be carefully planned. Miss Su, do you have any good ideas?" Mr. Ming Yi looked at Su Chengyun.

Feng Jue also looked over: "That's right, Su Xiaomei, you've always been smart, but do you have a good way?"

Su Chengyun raised his head and frowned slightly: "I just observed that they have five patrol teams, each with seven people! There is a certain distance between each patrol team, and there is also a distance from the tent. I think we can use this distance .”

"How to use it?" Young Master Mingyi asked with interest.

"Our team should have people who are good at assassination skills or people who are capable of single-handed combat and can defeat the enemy with one move!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei, what does this mean? Why can't I understand!" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

Mr. Ming Yi's eyes lit up: "Wonderful! This is a great idea!"

"Ah! What kind of magic method?" Feng Jue continued to ask, but was held back by Jin Duoduo, "Feng Jue, don't disturb Chengyun and the others, I don't know what's going on, it's not okay to do whatever you are asked to do! "

Feng Jue stared.

Jin Duoduo stared back: "Hmph, don't you look at what time it is now, we have to rush to the safe zone after we are done here, you are wasting a little time now, how much time we will spend to make up for it next!"

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman, I just pretend to know what I don't know!" Feng Jue said with a straight neck, and really didn't want to bother Su Chengyun and Mr. Mingyi anymore.

"Miss Su, there is a loophole in this idea. The distance between several patrol teams is too close. How can we solve the first team without disturbing the other teams?" Mr. Mingyi asked.

"Young Master Mingyi, it should be difficult to deal with the first team without alerting the other patrols. We should think about how to deal with the first team before the other patrols arrive!" Su Chengyun said.

"Several patrols can be dealt with at the same time!"

"It's hard!" Su Chengyun shook his head, "Young master Ming Yi, if everyone has your skills, it's not difficult, but unfortunately... we may not have so many experts in this area here!"

"Then send someone to hold back the other teams!" Young Master Ming Yi responded quickly and made another suggestion.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded: "This is feasible, let's see how many people are available here!"

"Okay, I'll do the statistics!" Mr. Mingyi got up and walked towards the big team.

Su Chengyun looked at Tang Yu and the others ahead, and after seeing the gestures made by them, he knew that everything was as usual, so he nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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