Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 136 Assault on the Base Camp

Chapter 136 Assault on the Base Camp

After a while, Mr. Mingyi came back here.

"Miss Su, I counted just now. There are about ten people who can achieve the kind of one-stroke control you mentioned. Add me, Feng Jue, and Tang Yu, and you can make up 13 people!"

Su Chengyun nodded: "Add me and Mo Mo, so there will be 15 people!" She and Mo Mo can do it, even better than others.

"15 people, just enough to annihilate two patrols! That's the decision, we have no time to procrastinate!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

Su Chengyun looked at the time, and they really didn't have much time.

"Let me briefly talk about the battle plan with everyone first!" Mr. Mingyi walked away again, he was very careful, trying not to make a loud noise, so that the people in the hunter's base camp could notice.

Soon the team was divided into eight groups, and each group had its own mission. The first and second groups were vanguard groups whose main task was to assassinate, while the task of the rest of the groups was to cooperate with the first and second groups to complete the assassination plan and contain the rest of the men in black .

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo were honored to be members of a group that carried out an important assassination operation. The other members were Mr. Ming Yi, Feng Jue, Tang Yu, and two unfamiliar teenagers.

"Action!" Mr. Ming Yi gave an order, and several teams were led by the team leader towards his goal.

Su Chengyun and the others took the lead and quietly touched a team of patrollers.

The few members of the patrol team didn't notice this, and continued to patrol as usual.

Su Chengyun and Mr. Mingyi exchanged glances.

"Action!" Mr. Mingyi had just waved the action gesture, and several people were already scrambling to move towards their previously predetermined target.

Su Chengyun's target was a muscular man in black in the middle of the patrol team. She was seen floating towards the man in black like a ghost. The man in black could only feel a gust of wind, followed by a thin The arm was on his neck, and his right leg was restrained and could not move.

"You're dead!" A deep voice rang in his ears, and an extremely sharp dagger was pressed against his neck. The man in black only felt a chill on his neck, and he didn't dare to move, as if the coldness would come from him if he moved. The neck instills into the whole body.

The man in black froze and didn't dare to move. He only rolled his eyes, but was shocked to find that his other companions were all restrained, and it was a deadly move.

Their team was completely wiped out!

Mr. Mingyi pointed to the side, and several men in black lowered their heads and moved towards that side resignedly.

At the same time, a teenager not far away made a gesture.

The complexions of several people suddenly brightened, and the second group also succeeded!

"Go, continue!"

A few people continued to hide their tracks and moved towards another unsuspecting patrol team. They were very careful not to make a sound under their feet, and soon they were less than ten meters away from the patrol team.

Several people waited for the opportunity and remained silent, but at this moment, a sharp cry pierced the sky.

"Someone broke into the camp... There is..." The voice stopped abruptly. From a distance, a man in black was killed by the members of the second group, but it also alarmed the other men in black.

The whereabouts of the second group were exposed, and the patrol team approached by Su Chengyun and the others also heard it, and their expressions became serious.

"Go, go and have a look!" Said one of the patrols.

Seeing that the patrol team was about to leave, Mr. Ming Yi let out a low drink.

"Do it!" and rushed forward first.

Not to be outdone, Su Chengyun and the others came out of the dark one after another, and rushed towards the man in black at the fastest speed.

"Everyone be careful!" The patrol team immediately put on alert.

"The little preys are really bold, come to the base camp, give them a taste!"

"Hey, throw yourself into the trap!"


Obviously the patrol team didn't take Su Chengyun and the others seriously.

Su Chengyun and the others didn't care about their words, now is the time to race against time.

Su Chengyun locked on to a short man in black, and a dagger went towards the man in black with the force of a meteor.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The short black-clothed man snorted coldly, and blocked the blow with his long sword.

The corner of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly, and with a twist of his wrist, the dagger followed the long sword towards the man in black, and Su Chengyun's elbow also hit the man in black's shoulder.

Everything happened in an instant, the man in black didn't have time to dodge, he was hit by Su Chengyun's elbow, he reacted very quickly, and got rid of Su Chengyun with a movement of his body.

"Little girl, yes, come again!" The man in black invited to fight.

Su Chengyun was not polite, and rushed towards the man in black again.


The two fought together, but the man in black was slightly inferior, and Su Chengyin's dagger was held against his throat in a short while.

"You're dead!" Su Chengyun withdrew the dagger, glanced at him, and saw that Mr. Mingyi had also ended the fight, and they nodded to each other.


"Miss Su!"

Mo Mo and Feng Jue also ended the battle in good time.

The others seemed to be stimulated by a few people, and they also dealt with their opponents within a few moves. They were already strong enough, they could be said to be the best representatives, and it was no problem to deal with the black-clothed man who suppressed his cultivation.

"Let's go, let's go support the others!" Mr. Ming Yi waved his hand, leading everyone to other battlefields.

This was also what they had discussed a long time ago. After the first and second groups completed the assassination mission, they would act as a support team and go wherever they needed it.

A few people arrived at the battlefield of the second group first, and the men in black who wanted to come to support were stopped by other groups. The second group still fought one-on-one, but it was obviously harder than their first group.

Mr. Ming Yi pointed at the two people Su Chengyun didn't know.

"Go and help them!"

The two agreed, and immediately joined the battle of the second group. The combat power of the second group improved a lot at once, and I believe it is not far from victory.

"Let's go!" Young Master Ming Yi led the remaining few people towards other battlefields, which were still stalemate.

The task that Mr. Mingyi gave them was to contain and drag these hunters to support the patrol.

They have more than 40 people, and the men in black have more than 20 people, which is double the number. If they cooperate well, the loss rate on their side will be very low.

Moreover, the containment battlefield is divided into four places, three are people in tents, and the other is patrols!

Mr. Mingyi chose the hunters in the tent, and the combat power of those who can be in the tent is somewhat higher than that of the patrol team.

They are the strongest and the organizers of this operation, of course they have to choose hard bones to chew on!

"Haha, little prey, did you see that, that's what happened to the prey!" A man in black laughed while pointing at the selector whose golden light was gradually disappearing. It was obvious that this was his masterpiece.

"Even if you break into the base camp, it won't change your status as prey. We hunters will send you out one by one, haha! Haha!" The man in black laughed wildly.

Some selectors showed hesitation on their faces. This person is too strong. They have already lost two people in his hands, and no one wants to be the third.

"Haha, little preys, be afraid! Don't be afraid, come on, I'll be right here waiting for you!"

No one answered.

"A bunch of cowards!" The man in black laughed and cursed.

"I, Nan Mingyi, will meet you!" At this moment, Mr. Mingyi's voice resounded.

(End of this chapter)

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