Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 137 Breaking the Rules

Chapter 137 Breaking the Rules
"Master Ming Yi is here, Mr. Ming Yi is here!"

The selectors seem to have a backbone, and everyone has a glimmer of hope in their eyes!

The man in black glanced at Young Master Ming Yi: "Young Master Ming Yi, ask your name earlier, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Mr. Mingyi waved his hand: "Leave this to me, you go and help others!"

The selectors were delighted when they heard this, and shouted loudly.

"Master Mingyi, come on!"

"Young Master Mingyi, defeat him!"

"Young Master Mingyi, avenge our brother!"


"Young Master Ming Yi is really extraordinary! Just taking advantage of our different positions today, we will have a big fight! Haha!" The man in black pointed at Young Master Ming Yi with his sword.

"I will accompany you to the end!" Young Master Ming Yi said without showing any weakness.

"Haha! Haha!" The man in black attacked Young Master Ming Yi with a sword, and Young Master Ming Yi threw out his Liuyun fan and fought with the man in black.

On Su Chengyun's side, seeing a young man almost killed by the man in black, she made an emergency move and blocked the man in black's important strike.

When the man in black saw that it was Su Chengyun who stopped her, his eyes flickered, and he attacked Su Chengyun with his sword.

"I'll help you!" Another man in black stepped forward and attacked Su Chengyun without saying a word.

The young man rescued by Su Chengyun sat on the ground stupidly, not knowing what to do for a moment, he wanted to help but was powerless, and going up would only add to the chaos.Those who attacked the man in black with him did not know how to deal with it.

"Susu, Mo Mo is with you!" Mo Mo stepped forward, grabbed the boy and threw him away, drew out his dagger, and stood with Su Chengyun.

Seeing that someone was helping, the boy heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and walked towards other battlefields, and the others followed suit.

The two men in black shot very hard, really hard, and their moves were all in a posture of venting anger.

The more Su Chengyun watched, the more she felt that the two men in black were familiar. Finally, after fighting dozens of moves, she finally remembered who the two men in black were.

It turned out to be Lu Huining and He Tianrui!

Thinking about it, she basically had no contact with the teachers of Nancang College, except for the three teachers who went to Mochizuki to recruit students, she really couldn't think of anyone else.

So, Lu Huining is going to stand up for her nephew and niece, is this He Tianrui, just a tail-wagging pug next to Lu Huining!

Knowing the identities of the two, Su Chengyun felt a little more at ease, and snorted coldly at the two.

Lu Huining wanted to stand up for Lu Ruyun and the others, but she didn't want to see if they were worthy of her.

With the nature of the Lu family, there will be many troubles in the future. I don't know if Lu Huining is determined to be dragged into trouble.

Thinking of this, Su Chengyun didn't show mercy in his strikes, and his moves were fierce, and Mo Mo was even more merciless against He Tianrui.

Soon, a golden light lit up on He Tianrui's body. He glanced at Lu Huining, but he didn't say what he wanted to say, and was sent out.

Seeing He Tianrui disappearing, Lu Huining panicked for a moment, but recovered quickly.

Mo Mo wanted to come to help, but was stopped by Su Chengyun.

It is better for men not to participate in the war between women.

"You are strong! I underestimated you!" Lu Huining said.

"There are many people who underestimate me, and their fate is usually miserable!" The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly, and his tone was unquestionably firm.She will never be polite to anyone who seeks trouble.

"You are too arrogant!"

"I have the capital of arrogance!" Su Chengyun looked at Lu Huining with a smile, "I'm not like your niece, who likes to bluff when she has no skills. The higher the jump, the worse the fall!"

"You..." Lu Huining looked at Su Chengyun in disbelief.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Yes, I know who you are, I also know who the man in black was just now, and I also know why you attacked me. I don't know if you are satisfied with this answer?"

She actually recognized her, and also He Tianrui, her eyes are really poisonous!

But even if he recognized him, she would definitely send her out today.

This is what she promised Ruyun, if there is a chance, Su Chengyun will definitely not be able to enter Nancang Academy.

Thinking of Lu Ruyun, Lu Huining thought of Su Chengyun's attack on Lu Ruyun several times, it was so vicious, she must teach her a lesson, let her know how unwise it is to bully her family.

"Su Chengyun, die!" Lu Huining attacked Su Chengyun with his sword.

Is it finally here?Lu Huining is so stubborn, why should she be polite.

"Haha, Lu Huining, you are the one who seeks death!" Su Chengyun returned with unceremonious sarcasm, and the sharp dagger cut through the cold and went towards Lu Huining.

court death?

Lu Huining was out of breath, and her strength increased sharply, but she didn't expect that with a bang, when the sword and dagger intersected, it was her who took two steps back, and her blood surged violently.

So strong!

Lu Huining had to admit that Su Chengyun was really strong!
"Su Chengyun, don't think you can defeat me like this?"

"Hehe, I'll let you watch how I beat you!" Su Chengyun replied.

Lu Huining gritted her teeth and attacked Su Chengyun again.

The shadows of the sword flew, and the light of the dagger was terrific.

Dozens of strokes passed in the blink of an eye, and Su Chengyun's dagger touched Lu Huining's lower back, and he could stab it with a little force.

Lu Huining's face froze slightly, she didn't expect to lose so easily.

She is not reconciled, not reconciled!
"You lost!" Su Chengyun said with a condensed tone.

Lu Huining's heart was surging, and her face darkened.

Su Chengyun smiled coldly, and took away the dagger.

"Susu, you won!" Mo Mo walked forward with a smile.

Su Chengyun smiled at Mo Mo.

Listening to Su Chengyun's laughter, Lu Huining's face was gloomy and uncertain.

Do not……

Lu Huining gritted her teeth, turned around and stabbed at Su Chengyun fiercely with her sword.

"Su Chengyun, go to hell!" Lu Huining yelled like crazy.

"Susu, be careful!" Seeing Lu Huining's movements, Mo Mo opened his eyes wide in horror, and stepped forward fiercely.

Su Chengyun also felt the movement behind him, and was about to fight back, but Mo Mo suddenly came over and took her to spin.

As a result, she left the place, and Momo took her place.

The cold sword light stabbed at Mo Mo's body.

"Momo!" Su Chengyun called anxiously.

Lu Huining's eyes shone with pride.

Seeing that the tip of the sword was about to stab Mo Mo.

Suddenly there was a sound of ping, and Lu Huining flew backwards, her face still froze in place with a smug smile on her face, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out from her mouth, floating in the air, it was red and extremely bright.

How is this going?

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo looked at each other and looked around, but there was no one who made a move.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded in everyone's minds.

"Those who break the rules will be punished!" It was Ji Lao's voice.

Lu Huining had died before, and attacking Su Chengyun after his death was obviously breaking the rules. It seems that Ji Lao meant that he would be severely punished!

She deserved it too, regardless of the occasion.

I really don't know what to think!
Lu Huining was lying on the ground weakly, the golden light enveloped her body, before she disappeared, she glanced at Su Chengyun, with a hint of viciousness and a sneer in her eyes.

Su Chengyun also looked back coldly.

If you dare to come again, she is absolutely welcome!
"Mo Mo, are you okay?" Su Chengyun looked at Mo Mo.

"Susu, Mo Mo is fine!" Mo Mo shook his head.

"Mo Mo, don't do such stupid things again!" Su Chengyun said.

"Susu, Momo will not let you have trouble, Momo will protect Susu!" Momo's tone was extremely firm.

This fool!

(End of this chapter)

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