Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 138 All parties are moving

Chapter 138 All parties are moving
"The base camp can't be kept!" Wang Wu shook his head and sighed.

"It's not the last moment, maybe there will be a miracle!" Qi Jun said staring at the big screen.

"Miracle? Unless the sun comes out from the west!" Yang Tian twitched his lips. He never expected that the base camp would be taken away so easily. He gave Chu Liang, who was in the shape of an ostrich, a hard look.

Suddenly one person pointed to a corner of the big screen and said in surprise: "Look, some brothers have discovered the situation in the base camp, and they have already begun to organize their staff!"

Everyone in the hall looked at the man's fingers.

"Ah, it's Sun Wenlin!" Someone called out his name.

Immediately, the previous confusion was swept away in the hall, and everyone was looking at Sun Wenlin energetically.

"Sun Wenlin, come on!"

"Su Wenlin, hurry up, the base camp will be completely wiped out any longer!"


It was all whispers of cheering.

Even Yang Tian blushed with excitement, holding his hands tightly.

Chu Liang even prayed in his heart that Sun Wenlin could keep the base camp, so that he would feel less guilty.

"Little girl, die!"

In the depths of the dense forest, a man in black grinned grinningly and walked towards the little girl who fell to the ground with a frightened face. Suddenly, a voice behind him made him stop.

Could it be a sneak attack by prey, the man in black sneered and turned around, only to see one of his companions hastily greeting him with gestures of urgency.

The man in black glanced at the little girl on the ground, frowned and walked towards his companion.

The companion whispered a few words in the ear of the man in black, and horror and disbelief appeared on the man in black's face.

"Go!" The man in black greeted, and the two hurried away.

And the little girl who fell to the ground still didn't believe that the man in black had let her go, but she was also afraid that the man in black would go and come back, so she got up and left the place in a hurry, not even patting the dust on her body.

Wang Yang quickly shuttled through the dense forest. Beads of sweat were all over his forehead. Big drops of sweat fell to the ground and bloomed beautiful flowers. His heartbeat was very fast, which was the aftereffect of running for a long time. .

They shouldn't be able to catch up, right?
Wang Yang turned his head and looked back, seeing no one behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief, he paused, bent slightly, slammed his forehead with his sleeve, and panted heavily.

not good!

The sound of hurried footsteps behind him jumped into his ears again, and Wang Yang wanted to run again, but his way forward was blocked. At some point, a man in black sneaked ahead and blocked the way.

The two men in black behind also appeared, enveloping Wang Yang.

It's really haunting!
Wang Yang swept over the three men in black one by one.

"Boy, don't run away, you can't run away, just be good and catch it!" A man in black laughed, but he was cursing in his heart, this kid is so good at running, they are almost out of breath after chasing him .

"Let me catch Wang Yang without a fight, delusion!" Wang Yang straightened up, staring sharply at the man in black who spoke just now.

"Hey, he's still a master who would rather die than submit. Since he wants to die, let's help him!" the man in black laughed.

"Are you going to bully the few with the more?"

"Hey, who made you so difficult, we have to do the same in order to kill you!" The man in black doesn't think there is anything wrong with bullying the less. This is a contest between the hunter and the prey, as long as he can catch the prey , It is normal to take measures.

Wang Yang's heart sank, he was not sure about facing the attacks of the three.

"Why, boy, are you afraid?"

"Whoever is afraid, let's go together, whoever is afraid is a coward!" Wang Yang poked his neck, even if he didn't know what to do, but he couldn't lose his momentum at this time.

"Good boy! With your strength, our brother will not let you suffer too much! Brothers, treat the boy well!"

The three men in black walked towards Wang Yang, they were not in a hurry, and slowly narrowed the encirclement.

Holding the long sword, Wang Yang's face became extremely serious. Just as he was deciding whether to make an early move, a long howl suddenly pierced the sky.

Is it friend or foe?

Wang Yang was surprised, but also looked forward to it.

But the faces of the three men in black suddenly changed.

"Let's go!" The three of them glanced at each other, one in black waved his hand, and the three of them left quickly.

Wang Yang looked at all this in disbelief, and still didn't believe that he was out of danger. It wasn't until the man in black hadn't turned around after waiting for a while that Wang Yang believed that he was really safe, and sat down on the ground all at once.

How dangerous!
In Wang Yang's heart, there was a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

But what happened to the men in black, why did Qi Qi withdraw?

Once Wang Yang was safe, his mind became active.

There must be something wrong with the man in black. The ones who can cause trouble for the man in black should be their small prey. I don't know what they did to make the man in black give up his prey.

But what is certain is that their prey must have made a big deal. Although they can't guess it, and they don't know who made the big deal, he, Wang Yang, will definitely join in.

Thinking of this, Wang Yang stood up, staring at the direction in which the man in black left with bright eyes.

There are figures running around in the dense forest, there are people in black, and there are selectors, but there is no such thing as the men in black who see the selectors and take action. Every person in black hurried past, as if something big happened look.

"There's something wrong with the hunter!" A boy in white jumped down from the tree, looking in the direction the man in black left.

Hehe, the third hunter!

Go check it out!
The boy in white stepped lightly, and quickly walked in the direction of the man in black, before disappearing into the forest.

"Brother, what's going on? Why did the men in black suddenly run away!"

A young girl looked at the man in black retreating like a locust, the sword in her hand was still stabbing straight forward.

The burly boy next to the girl frowned and pondered for a moment: "Little sister, there may be something wrong with the man in black, let's go and have a look!"

The strange appearance of the man in black attracted the attention of many selectors, but very few followed him, and they were all foolish and bold.

"Who?" Wang Yang stared straight at the bushes ahead.

"It's me!" A teenager stepped out of the bushes.

"Luo Tianyi!" Wang Yang called out the boy's name.

"Wang Yang, what a coincidence!" the boy said with a smile.

"Luo Tianyi, what are you doing here?" Wang Yang asked suspiciously.

"Hush!" The boy pointed behind Wang Yang, Wang Yang listened intently, there were footsteps, Wang Yang didn't think much, took a few steps forward, and hid in the bushes.

After a while, two men in black hurried past without even looking here.

"Wang Yang, something big is happening ahead!" Luo Tianyi moved over and whispered.

Wang Yang, who was thinking about the actions of the man in black, immediately lit up his eyes when he heard the words: "What happened?"

Luo Tianyi smiled and said: "Young Master Ming Yi has brought people to the hunter's base camp. The base camp is about to be overwhelmed, and the hunter is calling for rescue!"

Wang Yang opened his eyes wide: "Is this really true?"

"It can't be truer! I've been hiding this fact for a long time!" Luo Tianyi said proudly.

Wang Yang rubbed his hands, the news was really exciting, he imagined many possibilities, but he didn't dare to assume this, unexpectedly Mr. Ming Yi took someone to do it.

"No, we're going to support Young Master Mingyi!" Wang Yang hammered the hammer with both hands, how could such a feat be done without Wang Yang.

"Okay, I'm planning to do that too!" Luo Tianyi said.

"Luo Tianyi, since the two of us are not enough, let's also notify the staff, hurry up!"

"it is good!"

The two left one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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