Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 139 The Hunter's Reinforcements

Chapter 139 The Hunter's Reinforcements
In the base camp, seven men in black were surrounded together, and nearly 40 selectors collectively attacked several of them.

"I fell down today!" A hunter swung his sword and said heavily.

"Ah, my arm. These little bastards are really cruel!" A hunter yelled and cursed while clutching his injured arm.

"Let's find a way to break through! If we are all folded here, it will be a big shame! Don't even think about raising your head in the future!"

"Breakthrough? It's not that easy! Which one of you can break through Mr. Mingyi's defense?"

The hunter fell silent.

A hunter suddenly said: "Don't be so pessimistic. When they attacked the camp, I let Li Ran sneak away immediately. The brothers outside must have known our situation. If everyone persists, maybe our brothers Already here!"

"Good guy, I really have you!"

"Then everyone hold on and wait for reinforcements!"


Not far away, Mr. Ming Yi, Su Chengyun, Mo Mo and a few others stood together and watched their companions besiege the hunter.

"Aren't you going to help?" Feng Jue asked.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I won't go! The opportunity is given to them, it depends on whether they can seize it!"

"Those people are very strong, they are not necessarily opponents!" Feng Jue said.

"Of course they are not opponents in a single-player battle, but if they can't win seven people in a team fight, that's their problem!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"I'm afraid that if everyone strives for merit, it will give the hunters a chance instead!" Mo Mo also expressed his opinion in a rare way.

"Mo Mo Xing, you can think of this!" Feng Jue looked at Mo Mo with a smile.

Mo Mo turned her head to the side arrogantly.

"Feng Jue, Mo Mo is very smart!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Uh, Miss Su..." He didn't say that Mo Mo was stupid.Looking at Mo Mo's eyes bent because of Su Chengyun's boast, Feng Jue felt for a moment that Mo Mo was definitely a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Young Master Mingyi, it's not good, the hunter's support troops have rushed over!" A young man shouted from a distance.

Su Chengyun recognized that this person was a young man in charge of security.

The two parties who were fighting, the selectors were stunned for a moment, while the hunter was ecstatic, and the hunter even took advantage of the moment of the selector's confusion to solve the two people.

"Brothers, kill them first!" One person yelled, and attacked the hunter first. Seeing this, the others also attacked the hunter one after another, but a few people began to retreat slowly, trying to get out of the encirclement.

"How many people are there?" Young Master Ming Yi asked in a deep voice.

"About 20 people!"

"There are more than 20 people, nothing to be afraid of!" Mr. Ming Yi laughed.

"The hunters are scattered too widely, it is difficult to get together, it is not easy for them to gather so many people, even if people in the distance get the news, it will take time to come, but I don't know if they can catch up with this battle !" Su Chengyun said.

"What we have to do is to end this battle before they arrive!" Mr. Mingyi continued.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Feng Jue asked.

"Feng Jue, go help them and resolve the battle as soon as possible. Miss Su and I will meet the hunter's reinforcements!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

Feng Jue looked at a few people: "Can you guys do it?"

"Feng Jue, do you underestimate people? Why can't I, Wei Ang, go out?" Wei Ang sneered at Feng Jue.

"Okay, okay, you can do it!" Feng Jue raised his legs and walked towards the encirclement.

"Listen up, everyone, Mr. Ming Yi, the hunter's reinforcement, is here to stop him. Let's quickly resolve the battle here and help!" Feng Jue shouted loudly. When the people surrounding the hunter heard that Mr. Ming Yi had made a move, they immediately became confident. came back.

Mr. Ming Yi went out, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

Mr. Mingyi is their spiritual pillar.

"Okay, let's not hold back, kill them as soon as possible and help Mr. Mingyi!" One person shouted excitedly.

"That's right, Master Mingyi is still waiting for us!"

"Everyone do it together!"

The hunters who were delighted by the arrival of reinforcements just now did not expect that the opponent's originally sluggish momentum would disappear just because of the name of Mr. Mingyi, but their fighting spirit would be lifted up instead, and their hearts suddenly sank.

The situation is not good!

This is the mood of the seven hunters, but they don't have time to feel it, because the attack of the prey has already arrived.

"Accept my Fengjue sword!" The fierce sword light swept over, with a cold and cold sword light and a suffocating sense of oppression.

"We're coming!" A shout came from a distance, and it was the hunter reinforcements.

"Let's go!" Mr. Mingyi said.

Several people greeted the hunter reinforcements.

"Ah, it's Young Master Ming Yi!" Someone in the reinforcements recognized Young Master Ming Yi.

"So what about Mr. Mingyi, he is our enemy now!"

"Yes, defeat Mr. Mingyi and save our companions!"

"Everyone, just a few people dare to stop us, beyond our control! Break through their defense!"

The reinforcements rushed towards Mr. Mingyi and the others like a spring.

Seeing this posture, Wei Ang immediately flinched: "This posture is so fierce!"

"Can we stop it?" Tang Yu also swallowed.

"Do your best!" Young Master Ming Yi said indifferently, "Our reinforcements must be arriving soon!"

"Our reinforcements?" Wei Ang and Tang Yu looked over in surprise, "Where do we get reinforcements?"

"You think that our people can't detect the abnormalities of the hunters. Do you think they will let them go?" Mr. Mingyi laughed.

"Ah, I see! We also have a lot of smart people! After this battle, there must be a lot of points. Those who are discerning will not miss the opportunity!" Wei Ang patted his head violently.

"So that's the case!" Tang Yu also said with a smile, knowing that there were reinforcements, his heart was much calmer.

"Okay, the enemy is coming, we just try to hold them back, remember to save yourself first!" Su Chengyun reminded.

Several people nodded, pulled into a net, and waited quietly for the enemy to come forward.

"Come on!" The reinforcements quickly rushed to the front.

Mr. Ming Yi took the lead and took the lead, blocking the way of many people with a cloud fan.

Su Chengyun also made a move. She couldn't do what Mr. Ming Yi did, but she had her own method.The cooperation between her and Mo Mo has not been broken in a short time.

Wei Ang and Tang Yu also formed an alliance, the power of one plus one is greater than two, the two cooperated seamlessly, so far no one has been let go.

Several other people followed suit, and for a while the reinforcements couldn't advance a step, they could only watch their companions gradually decrease in the encirclement.

"How did this happen? How did this happen?" Yang Tian scratched his hair annoyedly, "Didn't the reinforcements arrive to kill the Quartet? Why did they get blocked by a few small prey and couldn't move forward!"

"Don't worry, they won't be able to hold back for long!" Wang Wu said.

"There's no time, the brothers in the encirclement can't stop it!" Yang Tian looked at the three people left in the encirclement and said regretfully.

Wang Wu was also worried, and he wasn't sure if the rest of the people could hold on.

"Oops! The selector's reinforcements are coming soon!" A person pointed at the rapidly marching selector on the big screen and shouted in panic.

Looking at the people in the hall, they saw a team of more than 30 people rushing towards the base camp, and they were very close to the base camp.

For a while, the faces of the people in the hall began to turn pale.

Done!It's over!

(End of this chapter)

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