Chapter 142

"Su Xiaomei, I don't think something is right!" Feng Jue said with frowned eyebrows.

Su Chengyun looked over, and Feng Jue said: "We haven't met a hunter since the last hunter, and now we are approaching the safe zone, why do I feel more and more depressed, like, like... "Feng doesn't know what words to use to describe it.

"It's like the calm before the storm!" Su Chengyun continued.

"That's right, that's right!" Feng Jue tossed his hair and smiled, "It's Su Xiaomei who knows what I mean!"

Su Chengyun wanted to imitate Jin Duoduo and rolled his eyes.

"Feng Jue, Su Su knows Mo Mo best, not you!" Mo Mo ran over and blocked the two of them, blocking them.

"Uh... Mo Mo, I still have to talk to Su Xiaomei!" Feng Bu said dissatisfied.

"Susu can hear you when you say that!" Mo Mo replied without looking at it, no oil or salt.

"But it feels strange to be separated by a person like this!" Feng Buyi.

"You can tell Mo Mo first, and Mo Mo will tell Susu later!" Mo Mo raised his eyebrows, there was no one between them.

Feng Jue became even more depressed, stretched his neck and called out, "Miss Su!"

"Feng Jue, I can hear it!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"Ah..." Why even Su Xiaomei and Mo Mo bullied him.

Just as Feng Jue was about to say something, suddenly a young man ran up in front of him.

"Master Mingyi, there are... there are... quite a few hunters, about 30 people!" The young man panted and reported the news he found.

Everyone stopped, digesting the news brought by the young man.

The boy said that there were more than 30 people, and they could only guess more. Last time they reported 18 people, and the result was [-] people.With the lessons from last time, they can only estimate more.

"More than 30 people, that's a lot!" Mr. Ming Yi dragged his chin in thought, but there was no worry in his eyes.

"What are you afraid of? Let's crush them all the way!" Feng Jue said, poking his neck, he's just a little hunter, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Feng Jue, this is their last counterattack, don't underestimate it!" Wei Ang shook his head.

"Wei Ang, you're scared, hide behind!" Feng Jue said.

"Who is afraid, Feng Jue, who is afraid? You can kill them all by yourself if you have the ability! Feng Jue, you are a hard rotten rock!" Wei Ang pointed at Feng Jue and said angrily.

"Rotten stone? Wei tell me clearly..." Feng Jue wanted to say something, but was held back by Tang Yu.

"Feng Jue, what time is this, you still have to argue with Wei Ang! Save your energy and deal with the hunters later!" Tang Yu said.

"Hey, Tang Yu, you still listen to what you say!" Feng Jue boasted.

Wei Ang gritted his teeth angrily, what did he mean by that, it was obviously because Feng Jue didn't like what he said.The villain!
"Master Mingyi!" Wei Ang turned his head away, deciding not to argue with Feng Jue.

Mr. Mingyi looked at everyone looking at him, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up into a beautiful arc: "Everyone knows, there are hunters blocking the way ahead, and they want to avenge the base camp. And they occupy the road leading to the safe zone. The quickest way, if we take a detour, I'm afraid we won't have enough time, what do you think we should do?"

"Master Mingyi, they are a group of remnants and defeated generals, let's rush over!"

"That's right, we've killed the strongest of them, what are these young people afraid of?"

"Yes, kill them and rush over!"


Mr. Mingyi waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

"It seems that most of them are advocating to rush over, so let's rush over. If you have different opinions, you can stand up. I, Nan Mingyi, will not force you!" Mr. Mingyi's eyes swept across the field, although some people's eyes were shining. , but did not stand up in the end.

"Okay, we have overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. This is the last hurdle. After passing it is the broad road. Let's rush through together, the old rules, work together, and try our best to protect ourselves!"

"it is good!"

Mr. Ming Yi led everyone to rush forward, rushing in a crushing posture.The previous few battles made these people high-spirited, and their momentum was like a rainbow for a while.

"Here they come!" said a hunter.

"Huh, the momentum is quite strong, but if you think about it, you have to ask us if we agree! Everyone is ready to fight!"

The hunter strikes a pose.

"Come on!"

"Rush over!"

War is imminent!
Safe place!
Shangguan Youlan paced anxiously, her eyes kept looking into the distance, and the people around her didn't dare to breathe.

It was a joy to enter the safe zone, but no one dared to show joy on their faces, lest they offend this Miss Shangguan.

"Miss Shangguan, someone is here!" A woman in yellow suddenly looked into the distance and said.

"Where, where?" Shangguan Youlan hurried over and looked.

"Over there!" The woman in yellow pointed in one direction.

"Quickly see if it's Mr. Mingyi?" Shangguan Youlan also saw a few figures, but they were too far away to see their faces clearly.

The woman in yellow stretched her neck to look carefully, and shook her head after watching for a moment: "Miss Shangguan, it's not Mr. Mingyi!"

"Did you see clearly?" Shangguan Youlan stared unwillingly.

"I see clearly, it is indeed not Mr. Mingyi!" The woman in yellow said firmly, she could see clearly that none of those people was Mr. Mingyi.

Shangguan Youlan showed disappointment on her face, she glared at the woman in yellow, "I'll talk about it next time when I see clearly, don't be so blah!"

The woman in yellow lowered her head, feeling a little wronged in her heart, it was obviously Miss Shangguan who told her to report any trouble she had.

"What are you doing with your head down? Could it be that Mr. Ming Yi is underground?" Shangguan Youlan scolded.

The woman in yellow gritted her teeth, raised her head and continued to look into the distance.

Shangguan Youlan finally nodded in satisfaction.

"Miss Shangguan, I found a strange phenomenon!" Lu Rushuang stepped forward and said.

"Oh, let's hear it!" Shangguan Youlan looked at Lu Rushuang and said.

"Miss Shangguan, have you noticed that there are many people missing in the safe area, and many of those who should have arrived have not arrived?" Lu Rushuang said.

Shangguan Youlan swept towards the safe zone after hearing the words. She was only worried about Mr. Ming Yi before, and really didn't pay attention to the situation in the safe zone.

"Miss Shangguan, Lu Ruyun is right, there are indeed a lot of people missing!" Huang Yiyi also stepped forward and said.

There are too many people in the safe zone, and Shangguan Youlan couldn't tell who was missing for a while, so she asked: "You guys say, who is missing?"

"Miss Shangguan, although I have only been here to watch the moon for a short time, I still know of several famous people, such as Feng Jue, Nangong Rui, Tang Yu..."

"Lu Ruyun, have you forgotten that Su Chengyun, who came to look at the moon, is also a strong man!" Huang Yiyi said with a smile.

Lu Rushuang's face froze when she heard this, and her fingers tightly pinched into the flesh.

Su Chengyun, Momo!

She had hidden her strength for many years, but she suffered a big loss from the two of them.

I wanted to show my edge in Nancang City, but I didn't expect these two people to hide more deeply, forcibly restraining all their edge.

Her majestic Miss Lu family can't compare to two weeds.

Damn these two!

They took away her original halo, and she will never let them go.

Seeing Lu Rushuang's face change, Huang Yiyi's heart burst into laughter.

Even if you come from the barbaric land of Wangyue, you dare to invite favors in front of Miss Shangguan, you are beyond your control.

(End of this chapter)

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