Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 143 Anxiety

Chapter 143 Anxiety
"Miss Shangguan, it's not just Fengjue and them, the powerful ones we discussed last time seem to be gone!" Huang Yiyi said.

Shangguan Youlan nodded, she did a rough search just now, but she did not see those familiar figures.

"Do you think they were all killed by hunters?" Shangguan Youlan asked with a frown.

"How is this possible?" Huang Yiyi immediately retorted when she heard the words, "I'm here all right, they are much stronger than me, how could they be wiped out, besides, it's impossible to kill so many strong people, then Nan Cang What else does the academy recruit?"

"That's right! But why hasn't Mr. Ming Yi come yet!" Shangguan Youlan looked at Shi Chen, her face was full of anxiety.

"Miss Shangguan, there are still two quarters of an hour before you time, it's still early! Maybe Mr. Ming Yi is caught up in something!" Huang Yiyi comforted.

"Yes, yes, it's still early, maybe Mr. Mingyi will show up at the last moment!" Shangguan Youlan murmured.

Not only Shangguan Youlan and others, but others have also discovered this problem one after another.

"Hey, Master Mingyi hasn't come yet!"

"That lunatic isn't here either!"

"And Tang Yu!"

"Nangong Rui!"


"Did you say that something major happened that made it impossible for them to escape?"

"What big event can happen, at most it will be rounded up by hunters!"

"It shouldn't be, just a few hunters can stop them?"

As time went by, the atmosphere in the safe zone changed from discussions in twos and threes to strange winks.

"There is only a quarter of an hour left! Can Mr. Ming Yi come here!" Shangguan Youlan was anxious.

"Miss Shangguan, it doesn't matter if Mr. Mingyi doesn't come here. With Mr. Mingyi's name, Nancang Academy can't be shut out!" Huang Yiyi said.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Youlan was furious, and scolded Huang Yiyi: "What do you know? If Mr. Mingyi fails in the selection, it will be his biggest failure so far, and Mr. Mingyi must not leave such a failure. !"

"Miss Shangguan, don't be angry, I know I was wrong!" Huang Yiyi knew she was wrong, and apologized quickly.

"Hmph, if Mr. Ming Yi misses the time, you will be the one who cursed the crow, see how I will deal with you then!" Shangguan Youlan was still angry, but it was mainly because she was anxious, Huang Yiyi happened to hit the muzzle of the gun , became the object of her venting.

Huang Yiyi groaned secretly, it really came out of her mouth.

Mr. Ming Yi, you must arrive in time!
Huang Yiyi prayed in her heart.

Time passed bit by bit, everyone looked into the distance from time to time, and by this time everyone knew that Mr. Ming Yi and others hadn't arrived.

"The time is coming!" someone said while looking at the time.

"If they don't show up again, I'm afraid I'll miss the time!"

Some people began to shake their heads in regret, while others began to secretly rejoice.

As strong as Mr. Mingyi's failure in the selection, it is enough to prove that the people in the safe zone are slightly better. There is nothing more proud and proud than Mr. Mingyi, a genius cultivator.

Shangguan Youlan gritted her teeth and stared at the distance, the low air pressure lingered around her, and the people around her didn't dare to move.

"Someone has appeared!" The girl with good eyesight suddenly yelled.

Shangguan Youlan was taken aback, she didn't care about reprimanding, she hurriedly stood on tiptoe to look.

The others also looked at the words in unison.

I saw dense figures in the distance running towards here at high speed, and in the blink of an eye, they have caught everyone's eyes, and the leader is Mr. Ming Yi with a bright smile.

"Master Mingyi!" Shangguan Youlan grinned and jumped up and shouted loudly.

"It's Mr. Ming Yi?" The others also looked at in surprise, but they didn't expect Mr. Ming Yi to rush over at the last moment.

"Ah, there is also Feng Jue, Nangong Rui, Tang Yu..." Someone reported their names one by one.

"Ah, they are all strong! Why did they come back together?" Someone wondered.

"Look at them!"

"Wow, how did they do it? Their bodies are in tatters, as if they have gone through a big battle!"

"How did they come here?"


The discussion here is heated, but Mr. Mingyi's side is full of enthusiasm.

"Hurry up, everyone, we'll be in the safe zone soon!" Young Master Ming Yi shouted.

"Haha, those hunters thought they could stop us, so they were all killed by us!"

"The man's arm stops the car, it's beyond your own power!"

"Hey, today is really fun! Our prey vs. hunter, we win!"

"Master Ming Yi, next time there is such a good thing, you must call me Li Shan."

"And me! Xu Qian!"

"And I……"

"And I……"


"Chengyun, fortunately I didn't stop you at that time, otherwise such a good thing would not have happened!" Jin Duoduo said with a smile.

"Duo Duo, are you ashamed? You stopped him at the time, but it's a pity you didn't!" Mo Mo revealed the truth.

"Uh... Mo Mo!"

"Hey, good boy can't lie!" Mo Mo said with a smile.


"Hehe, Duoduo, why didn't I know you stopped me at that time?" Shangguan Youyue stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"You Yue, why don't you..."

"Okay...ok...I'll stop it, but didn't I agree in the end!" Jin Duoduo pouted.

"En, Duoduo, you are wise if you agree, and Chengyun has the foresight. When you disagree with Chengyun in the future, you should listen to Chengyun!" Shangguan Youyue said with a smile.

Mo Mo nodded again and again: "Well, You Yue is right, Mo Mo just listens to Susu, Mo Mo is a good obedient boy! Duo Duo, you should listen to Su Su more!"

Uh, Momo obeys Chengyun's words, and she, Jin Duoduo, will not be as hopeless as Momo.

Mo Mo didn't know that he was regarded as worthless by Jin Duoduo, but now he was claiming credit for Su Chengyun because he was very obedient.

"Ah, it's getting closer, it's getting closer, have you counted them, how many people are there?"

"Ah, don't make trouble, just about to count, see where I forgot to count!"

"Don't count, there are 49 people in total!" A teenager blurted out.

"Wow, Wang Yu, you already counted it!"

"Just counted!"

"My God, there are nearly 50 people, what are they doing!"

"Master Mingyi!"

"Master Mingyi!"

The safe zone cheered, because Mr. Ming Yi was already close in sight.

"Young Master Mingyi, hurry up! Enter the safe zone!"

"Ah, come in! Come in!"

"Everyone, come in!" Mr. Ming Yi greeted the team behind him.

The team rushed to the safety zone like a sprint.

When the last person came in, looking at the time, there was still some time before the end.

"Wow, we're in the safe zone!" The team began to cheer.

"Thank you Supreme Spirit God, finally caught up!" Pious thanks.

"I'm exhausted!" Many people slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

"Can you not be tired? Either fighting or marching in a hurry, who is worse than us?"

"What's wrong with us? We have worked hard, but the rewards are great!"

"That's right, that's right, it's not in vain, it's worth it!"

"Wei Ang, what have you been doing? Why are you so tired?" A person came up to Wei Ang and asked curiously.

"Go, go, whoever is tired is like a dog, instead you take the hunter's base camp, and then fight with their reinforcements for hundreds of rounds, then march in a hurry, break through the obstacles of the hunter, and come here again, you will not be tired I will kneel down for you!"

"Hiss..." Inhalation sounded one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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