Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 146 The Wonderful Examination

Chapter 146 The Wonderful Examination
"Ah, how could this be? I failed, I failed!"

Someone cried loudly, and this atmosphere immediately infected the people around, and many people's eyes were red.

This failure meant that they had no chance with Nancang Academy.

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

The roar, the sound of anger, the sound of unwillingness, and the stubborn figure who clenched his teeth tightly intertwined into a tragedy.

Su Chengyun's heart is astringent, but there are always those who are selected, and there are always those who are not selected.She has nothing to do but sympathize, and maybe letting them vent is the best way to go.

Those who successfully cleared the customs also put away their joy at this time, seeing the bewildered and worried eyes of the painful losers, they still have another round.

The college may also take care of the emotions of the losers, and after a full quarter of an hour, Ji Lao's figure finally appeared.

He waved for the silence present.

"The results of the first stage of the resurrection competition have come out. I express regret for the losers, but at the same time, I hope you understand that your failure does not mean that you are not good, but because there are too many good people. Please practice diligently and strive to climb to the peak of the strong as soon as possible! In other words, practice is on yourself!"

"The losers, please leave!" Ji Lao said again, and with a wave of his hand, he saw a flash of light on many people's foreheads, and small things that looked like jade plaques flew out of these people's foreheads and dissipated in the air.

"It's a jade token!" Shangguan Youyue said.

The losers left the venue unwillingly, some left sadly, and some stopped in the audience area to continue watching.

"Congratulations on passing the first level of the resurrection competition, and now proceed to the second level of assessment."

Those who were left looked at Elder Ji without blinking, with anticipation and apprehension in their eyes.

"Now announce the second assessment project..." Ji Lao looked at everyone with a smile, "The second assessment is actually based on the first assessment, it can be said to be a continuation of the first assessment. You can recall your How did you answer the first question in the first assessment."

"First question? Expertise?" Jin Duoduo opened his eyes wide, "Chengyun, Youyue, what do you mean by Mr. Ji?"

"Could it be related to the answer?" Shangguan Youyue guessed.

Su Chengyun nodded: "It's very possible! Maybe the test will be based on the answer!"

"Ah, isn't that nonsense..." Jin Duoduo took a deep breath and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Duo Duo, it's because they have bad intentions, and they can't blame anyone if they are brushed!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Jin Duoduo: "Uh..."

"Duo Duo, you see someone's face has changed!" Shangguan Youyue pointed at the human being who was waiting for the assessment.

" really have a wicked heart!"

Ji Lao looked at the faces of everyone with a smile on his lips, and when he saw that it was almost the same, he said: "You guessed it right, this assessment is based on your answers."

When Ji Lao finished speaking, several people in the crowd began to look pale and trembling.

"Hehe, many of you have more than one specialty, but only one specialty is allowed in this assessment, and those with multiple specialties will choose one for assessment at random."

There are many people who are pale, and their specialties are good or bad. If they choose something they are not good at right away, it will be over.I really regret that I overreported a few specialties, and I'm in a cocoon!
"Okay, the assessment will automatically arrange the ring according to the strengths you answered, please accept the message from the jade card!"

Everyone closed their eyes.

"Please go to the corresponding arena and wait for the assessment!"

After a lot of chaos, these people all arrived at their ring area, and all the people from the first assessment boarded the ring.

"Hey, why are there so many people in some arenas, and some pitifully few people!" Jin Duoduo asked suspiciously.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Of course, because they have different specialties."

"Look at the [-]th arena where medicine is refined, others have already done their work, why are there two idiots still standing still?" Shangguan Youyue pointed at the two of them.

"Hey, Youyue, do you think they made a fool of their specialties, and now they have exposed their secrets, and they are hard to get off?" Jin Duoduo asked sarcastically.

"Well, it's very possible that those who refine weapons in the 32 ring are also looking around."

"Not only that, look at the scrambling look in the 130 ring, it's so funny!" Jin Duoduo laughed and trembled.

"It smells bad, where's the smell?" Jin Duoduo suddenly covered his nose.

Shangguan Youyue also slapped her with a handkerchief.

Su Chengyun pointed to a girl with a black and gray face in the 320 ring and said, "No, the stir-fried vegetables are mushy!"

Jin Duoduo curled his lips: "Will she know how to cook? The smell of paste is coming here! Even if you make a nonsense specialty, at least you have to make a reliable one?"

"Hehe, maybe people think that the first level is just asking questions, and just giving an answer at random, don't care if it's unrealistic!" Shangguan Youyue said with a smile.

"Hey, don't you think that Nancang Academy is so easy to fool?" Jin Duoduo also laughed, and she didn't dare to make nonsense.


Suddenly, an unpleasant and piercing sound of the piano penetrated into the ear holes, and several people hurriedly blocked their ears.

"Oh my god..." Jin Duoduo frowned and called out.

Su Chengyun covered his ears and looked around, just in time to see all the people covering their ears, pointing at the girl playing the zither on the ring.

Seeing this, the girl blushed and stopped playing the piano, finally making people's ears clean.

"God, my ears!" Jin Duoduo touched his ears and took a deep breath, "That little girl is so fierce, even more fierce than howling ghosts and wolves. If she is placed on the battlefield, her piano sound can knock down a large area."

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Su Chengyun, Shangguan Youyue and Mo Mo all laughed.Jin Duoduo's metaphor is really the most appropriate.

"Hey, what is that boy doing?" Shangguan Youyue pointed to a boy who was splashing ink on the ring and asked.

Su Chengyun and the others were also busy looking over, but couldn't understand the young man's actions.

"Look, a referee has passed by!"

"It's a pity that we are too far away to hear what they are saying?" Jin Duoduo said regretfully.

Su Chengyun smiled: "The referee asked, what are you doing? The young man said, splashing ink! The referee asked, what is your specialty? The young man said, my specialty is splashing ink. The referee said, isn't it splashed ink painting? The young man shook his head and said , it’s not painting, it’s splashing ink!”

"Haha, haha!" Jin Duo laughed loudly, "That boy is so interesting!"

Shangguan Youyue looked at Su Chengyun, and said curiously: "Chengyun, do you know what they are talking about?"

Jin Duoduo also came back to his senses: "Chengyun, you didn't imagine it, did you?"

"Hey, I can read lips!" Su Chengyun said.

"Are you repeating their words just now?" Shangguan Youyue asked in surprise.

Su Chengyun nodded.

"Wow, Chengyun, I found out that you really know how to do it!" Jin Duoduo exclaimed, "Chengyun, take a quick look at what those two people are talking about in the 980 ring?"

Su Chengyun looked over, and his mouth began to move.

"My family is rich, and my rice bowls and pans are all made of gold!"

"What is that? The floor of my house is made of gold coins. My grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, and my two younger sisters all have a pair of gold boots!"

"Hmph, it's amazing. The entire wardrobe and tea table in my house are made of gold coins, and even the carriage is made of gold. Not only that, but the two horseshoes and saddles in my house are all made of gold. It's shining like gold."

"Hehe, my house is also all gold, resplendent and resplendent!"

"Susu, why can't Momo understand what they are talking about? Why are they all gold, gold coins? Does this have anything to do with specialties?"

"Mo Mo, their specialty is bragging!"


(End of this chapter)

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