Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 147 No. 2

Chapter 147 No.2

After a batch of assessments, another batch went up again, and the thousand-seat arena opened at the same time. Before Youshi, the assessments were all over.

Ji Lao's figure appeared in due course.

"The two assessments of the resurrection match are all over. There are more than 2 people who have passed the customs, but Nancang Academy only takes 1 people, which means that more than 1 people will be eliminated."

At this time, who had already cleared the customs, he also became uneasy.

"Now take the top [-] according to the points of the resurgence, please accept the assessment results!"

Everyone began to close their eyes with apprehension, and opened them after a while. Some were at a loss, some were in pain, and some were extremely excited.

"I succeeded! I succeeded! Huh..." Weeping with joy.

"The losers, please leave!" Ji Lao's voice sounded, and the losers left sadly.

And Ji Lao set his sights on the remaining 1 people and the 4 people on Su Chengyun's side.

Su Chengyun and the others were also winking, and without waiting for Ji Lao's urging, they walked towards the direction of the 1 people.

Elder Ji nodded in satisfaction.

When they all gathered together, Ji Lao said: "First of all, congratulations on becoming a member of Nancang Academy!" The applause rang out and lasted for a long time.

"Secondly, Nancang College provides very superior benefits for freshmen, and you can wait until the day when school starts three days later to inquire!"

"Now, please receive the points and rankings of the trials, these are related to the benefits you will receive! Please concentrate on your forehead!"

Everyone started closing their eyes.

"Su Chengyun, with 89767 points, No.2!"

Su Chengyun opened her eyes, and she couldn't believe her own results. She remembered that the points had just broken 8 before, but now they have more than [-] points, and the increase is too fast.

"I forgot to tell you that there are points for the rematch!" Ji Lao blinked, and this was mainly for the 4 people who had passed before.

Immediately, someone beat their feet and their chests, why did they give up this opportunity, let the opportunity slip away in vain, really regret it.

Some of the participants regretted it very much, why didn't they answer the questions seriously, maybe they could gain a lot of points.

"Treacherous, too treacherous!" Jin Duoduo muttered, fortunately she participated, otherwise Nancang Academy would have to be sued with blood and tears.

"Duoduo, which one are you in?" Hearing Jin Duoduo's murmur, Shangguan Youyue leaned forward and asked in a low voice.

"No. 880!" Jin Duoduo pouted, this ranking is too low, and she also participated in the operation to take down the hunter's base camp.

"You Yue, what's your name?" Jin Duoduo asked back.

"Oh, I'm number 690!" Shangguan Youyue said with a smile.

"Ah, You Yue, why do I miss you so much?" Jin Duoduo stared angrily.

"Hehe, maybe I killed more hunters!" Shangguan Youyue replied.

"No, I have killed no less hunters than you. Don't forget that we have always worked together in our operations." Jin Duoduo analyzed, and then he suddenly called out for some reason, "Wow, I got it. It’s because I didn’t agree to take away the hunter’s base camp at the beginning, so I didn’t add points.” Jin Duoduo scratched her head angrily, why was she timid and hesitant at that time.

"A lot, more than 800 people are not bad, 5 people are in the top thousand, not bad!" Shangguan Youyue comforted, her ranking was not very good, but she tried her best, so she didn't feel any regrets.

"That's right, Duoduo, it's already pretty good!" Su Chengyun also said with a smile.

Jin Duoduo nodded: "I can only think this way, by the way, Chengyun, haven't I asked about your ranking yet?"

Shangguan Youyue also looked over curiously.

"I, No.2!" Su Chengyun said calmly.

But Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youyue were taken aback.

"Ah... No.2? Chengyun, is it really No.2? You are really amazing!" Shangguan Youyue said happily, with a hint of envy in her eyes.

"Chengyun, come here and let me, Jin Duoduo, worship you! You are so awesome!"

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head: "You guys, why are you more excited than me?"

"Chengyun, this is No.2, No.2, only a little bit worse than Nan Mingyi, can we not be excited?" Jin Duoduo said, in her heart, in everyone's mind, No.1 except Mingyi The son has no other thoughts.

"Hehe, this ranking has no meaning other than representing the past. Could it be that you don't work hard because of a ranking, and stop because of a ranking!"

"Hey..." Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youyue shook their heads and sighed at the same time, how could someone not take rankings so seriously.

"Momo, what's your ranking?" Shangguan Youyue turned her eyes to Momo who was at the side.

"Yes, Mo Mo, how much is it?" Jin Duoduo also asked curiously.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded to Mo Mo, she had already asked Mo Mo secretly.

Mo Mo smiled and said, "Mo Mo is No.5!"


Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youyue were shocked again.

"Both of you are not human!" Jin Duoduo pointed at the two of them.

"Ah, Duoduo, how do you know that Mo Mo is not human?" Mo Mo asked curiously, tilting his head.

Jin Duoduo: "Uh..."

Su Chengyun's eyes were heavy, what did Mo Qiling say to Mo Mo?

"Momo, Duoduo is praising you and Chengyun for being tough and not human, but it doesn't mean that you are not human!" Shangguan Youyue explained with a smile.

Mo Mo: "Ke Mo Mo..."

It seemed that the two of them didn't understand the meaning of Mo Mo's words, Su Chengyun hurriedly shook his head at Mo Mo, and Mo Mo closed his mouth.

"It seems that everyone knows their points and rankings!" Ji Lao's loud voice sounded again.

"I'll give you three days to rest. After three days, the college will report that you will be treated as a dropout if you are overdue! Also, you must live in the college for the first year of school, and there will be two days off at the end of each month. Except for these two days, you are not allowed to go out. .”

Su Chengyun nodded. She knew from Yun Zixuan that the first year of entering Nancang Academy was a closed management, and there was no such restriction after one year.

There's nothing wrong with this, freshmen, there are more things to learn, and it's more convenient to be in the academy.

However, the tuition fee is still a troublesome thing, she and Momo don't have any gold coins on them.

Fortunately, Yun Zixuan said that Nancang College can enroll first, and the tuition fee can be saved slowly, as long as it is paid in full on the eve of graduation.

With her ability, she still doesn't believe that four years is not enough to earn the tuition fees for the two of them.

"Okay, let's go! See you in three days!" Ji Lao said with a smile.

Everyone bid farewell to Elder Ji one after another, and Su Chengyun and the others followed Daliu to leave, but they saw Shangguan Youlan walking over with a gloomy expression.

Her eyes swept over everyone one by one.

These people must have said bad things about her, so Mr. Ming Yi excluded her.


"Shangguan Youlan, what's the matter?" Jin Duoduo asked with his head held high.

"I'm looking for you!" Shangguan Youlan pointed to Shangguan Youyue.

"You look for me!" Shangguan Youyue looked at Shangguan Youlan in a daze.

"That's right, Daddy asked us to wait for him to go home together!"

Shangguan Youyue smiled helplessly, bid farewell to everyone, and left with Shangguan Youlan.

The corners of Shangguan Youlan's mouth curled up slightly.

Shangguan Youyue, don't think that after you enter Nancang Academy, your tail will go up to the sky. I, Shangguan Youlan, will deal with you sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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