Chapter 148
"Congratulations Miss Su, congratulations Mr. Mo!"

Back at Yun's house, Yun Zixuan congratulated the two of them.

"Master Yun, you're being polite! It's also thanks to the dagger you gave me, otherwise Momo and I wouldn't have achieved such good results!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"That's what you deserve!" Yun Zixuan laughed, "I've asked Cheng An to prepare dinner, Miss Su and Mr. Mo must be hungry!"

After finishing talking, Yun Zixuan asked Cheng An to take the two of them to dinner, and Cheng An also had a smile on his face because they both entered Nancang Academy, and he was extremely attentive.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo went to see Yun Ziluo after dinner, Yun Ziluo was leaning on the pillow and chatting with Yun Zixuan.

Su Chengyun took Yun Ziluo's pulse, and asked about his condition. He confirmed that Yun Ziluo was recovering well, and smiled and asked him to continue.

"Miss Su, the one over there lost the election, you have to be careful when you meet him in Yunfu!" Cheng An whispered when sending Su Chengyun back.

there?Su Chengyun immediately understood that the person he was talking about was Yun Ziyang!

Then he smiled and said: "He lost the election because he was incompetent, so could it be that he still troubled me?"

"Miss Su, I don't know. They think you and Mr. Mo are living in the Yun Mansion, and you stole Feng Shui, which led to..." Cheng An lowered his voice as he spoke, and he felt ashamed because of that. He could think of such a reason. Shameless.

Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes: "Hehe, your master will let them think like this?"

"Miss Su, it's not like you don't know our master, so he is reluctant to reprimand the mother and son."

Su Chengyun thanked Cheng An, turned around and entered the house.

On the second day, Yun Zixuan hosted a banquet to celebrate Su Chengyun and Mo Mo, and Su Chengyun did not refuse.

Even Yun Ziluo also participated with the support of Yun Zixuan.

But when everyone was halfway through the meal, there was a sudden quarrel outside.

"What's going on?" Yun Zixuan frowned.

"Young Master, Cheng An will go and see right away!" Cheng An ran out in a hurry, and came back after a while, "Young Master, it is Yun Ziyang who is making trouble."

"What's the matter with him?" Yun Zixuan smashed his chopsticks in displeasure.

"Yun Ziyang said..." Cheng An took a careful look at Yun Zixuan's face, then glanced at Su Chengyun before saying carefully, "It is said that the young master deliberately let outsiders steal the feng shui of Yun's family, and that the young master can't tolerate it." Concubine brother, cooperate with outsiders to cut off the future of concubine brother!"

Yun Zixuan's face turned pale with anger.

"He really said that?" Yun Ziluo asked.

Cheng An nodded.

"How dare he? He thinks Yun Ziyang is something!" Yun Ziluo said angrily. The poison on his body was definitely related to the mother and child. If he was asked to find evidence, he would never let them go.

"Nonsense!" Yun Zixuan patted the table, and said with a cold face, "Cheng An, tie him up and throw him into the basement!"

"Decree!" Cheng An ran out again, and after a while, there was no more noise outside.

"Miss Su, Mr. Mo, I made you laugh!" Yun Zixuan said calmly to the two of them.

Su Chengyun repeatedly said that it's okay, and it's really nothing wrong with the Yun family.

Yun Ziyang was just a clown, no one took it seriously, everyone continued to eat.

Unexpectedly, when everyone had just finished their meal, Su Chengyun was about to tell Yun Zixuan to move out of Yunfu, when Yun Penghai pushed the door angrily and came in, but the two people behind him couldn't stop him.

Yun Zixuan waved his hand to signal the two to back down, and calmly looked at Yun Penghai.

"Yun Zixuan, do you still have me as a father in your heart? You started to abuse your brother when I was still here?" Yun Penghai asked directly.

Yun Zixuan hooked the corner of his mouth: "It's too late for me to hurt Ziluo, how can I abuse him?"

"Bastard! Don't say you don't know I'm talking about Ziyang?" Yun Penghai stared at Yun Zixuan and said angrily.

Yun Zixuan's expression remained the same, with the corners of his eyes slightly raised: "Could it be that you ordered Ziyang to come here to yell?"

"You... What nonsense are you talking about? I... When did I order Zi Yang to come here to scold?" Yun Penghai's eyes flickered. He did not order it, but he also stopped him. He thought that Zi Yang was depressed and wanted to vent his frustration. It's okay to vent.

There was a sneer in Yun Zixuan's eyes: "If you didn't instigate, why did you come to question in such a hurry?"

"Nonsense, he is my son, can I just ask?" Yun Penghai straightened up and said confidently. His son has been thrown into the basement, so his father will naturally come to ask for an explanation.

"But Ziluo and I are also your sons? Why don't you ask what your good son has done first?"

"Did... what did you do?" Yun Penghai opened his eyes wide, feeling uneasy in his heart. Could it be that Yun Ziyang did other things besides yelling.

Yun Zixuan's eyes narrowed: "Ziluo is not fully recovered yet, I have every reason to doubt Yun Ziyang's target, Ziluo!"

"No...impossible?" Yun Penghai quickly denied.

"Hehe, what's impossible?"

"Yun Zixuan, don't spitting blood, isn't Ziyang that kind of person?"

"Oh, then tell me, what kind of person is he? He ran to the door of the elder brother and the younger brother and scolded, and disrespected the guests of the elder brother and the younger brother. I don't think even a small family can teach him Such an embarrassing and naughty boy."

"Zixuan, your younger brother is just in a bad mood because he lost the election!" Yun Penghai explained, and glanced at Su Chengyun and Mo Mo. He didn't expect that this poor man from Mochizuki could be selected, but his Ziyang failed. No wonder Zi Yang was not convinced.

"Hehe, can you just ignore everything if you're in a bad mood? Are the Yun family's house rules a thing of the past?"

"This... Zixuan, you have to be considerate of your brother!"

"Be considerate, how can you be considerate? I'm in a bad mood, can I kill and set fire? I'm in a bad mood, can I take the money and run away?"

" can this be compared?"

"Hmph, he can block me today and yell at me, and tomorrow he can attack the City Lord's Mansion."

"No... Ziyang will never do it! Zixuan, don't scare me!"

Yun Zixuan rubbed his forehead: "Recently, the mansion is full of smog, and those who poisoned Ziluo have not been found out. For the safety of Yun Mansion, I think it is better for those irrelevant people to move out of the mansion as soon as possible!"

Yun Penghai froze in place when he heard this, and it took him a long time to realize: "Ah... Zixuan, what do you mean?"

"Nothing interesting. I received a letter from the elders of the family yesterday. The elders of the family were very angry about Ziluo's poisoning, so they decided to let me take over the matter of the Patriarch in advance. After all, I am in charge of the business of the Yun Family, so it's okay to take over the Patriarch in advance!"

Yun Penghai's face was terribly gloomy, the family was annoyed that he doted on his concubine, and took the opportunity to force him to abdicate early.

"Zixuan, do you mean that too?" Yun Penghai stared into Yun Zixuan's eyes.

Yun Zixuan smiled slightly: "Father, you are old and can be raised! The courtyard in the south of the city has been tidied up, and you can move there with your concubine and beloved son at any time. Of course, you can also stay in Yunfu. But those two mothers and sons must move away!"

"Zixuan, why can't you tolerate Hongling's mother and son?" Yun Penghai asked sadly.

"Yes!" Yun Zixuan replied without hesitation.

"Ziluo, do you mean that too?" Yun Penghai looked at Yun Ziluo who was still pale.

Yun Ziluo nodded, "I'll listen to Big Brother!"

"" Yun Penghai pointed at the two of them and didn't know what to say.

"Let Ziyang go!"

Yun Zixuan smiled coldly when he heard the words: "Hehe, I threw him into the basement with my front foot, and you let me release him with your back foot. Father, are you hitting your son in the face?"

(End of this chapter)

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