Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 150 The Poor and the Rich

Chapter 150 The Poor and the Rich

Su Chengyun directly took Mo Mo to the clothing store, but she still hesitated.

The rags that Mo Mo wears now attract peach blossoms, although they are rotten peach blossoms, but they are peach blossoms anyway, if she dresses up again, the peach blossoms will not be enough.

Thinking of this scene, Su Chengyun felt a little unhappy for some reason.

The ready-to-wear store is very large, divided into two fronts, one for men's clothing and the other for women's clothing, Su Chengyun took Mo Mo to the men's clothing shop first.

First they entered was a rich middle-aged man, wearing silk and satin, and soon a young man stepped forward to greet the man, but before saying hello, an older man came over and pushed the young man aside, Lead the man to go inside.

The little boy frowned insignificantly, and then relaxed again. Seeing Su Chengyun and Mo Mo coming in, he greeted them with smiles.

The big guy who cut off the beard earlier glanced at Su Chengyun and the two, and turned his eyes away with disdain, and the other big guys just glanced at the two of them and stopped paying attention.

"Two guests, do you want to buy ready-made clothes?" the young man asked with a smile, with enthusiasm and sincerity in his eyes.

A big guy curled his lips in disdain, he entertained such poor people, and he didn't see if they looked like they were buying clothes.

Su Chengyun nodded, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw two young men. One was just arranging the neat cloth in a bored way, and the other had eyes wandering around doing nothing. When they heard the young man's question, they snorted disdainfully.

The voice was so loud that Su Chengyun could hear it clearly, but she didn't care too much about it. What can such a high-minded, low-handed person can do, it's not as real as the little guy in front of her.

"We want to buy men's clothing, can you recommend it?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" The little guy smiled happily, "Is this young man going to wear it?" The target customer must first figure out, this is the most basic salesman he summed up.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded.

"Two guests, this way please!" The guides Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked towards the rows of ready-made clothes hanging inside.

"All the ready-to-wear samples in our store are here. If you don't find a suitable one, you can also make it to order! I don't know if the customer has any requirements for the clothes?" The young man asked politely.

Knowing what customers want is the best way to recommend.

"Momo, what do you want?" Su Chengyun looked at Momo.

Mo Mo scratched his head: "Su Su helped Mo Mo choose, Su Su chose Mo Mo likes all!"

The boy's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun touched the nearest row of ready-made clothes: "Is this cotton?"

"Yes, this row is all made of cotton, but our shop only chooses the best cotton!" The boy explained.

"Not bad!" Su Chengyun checked the two pieces of clothing and nodded, the boy was not lying, these cotton cloths are really good.

Su Chengyun continued to walk forward.

"Guest, this one is made of Yunyanluo, and this one is Xueyue Satin..."

The little guy introduced them one by one, and he didn't forget to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of various silks and satins. He was impatient at all. Su Chengyun smiled and listened, and really felt that this guy was really good, with solid basic skills, and was very warm to others.

"Hmph, just look but not buy, Lin Cheng, do you entertain this kind of person?" The big man who cut off the beard just now sent the middle-aged man away, seeing the young man's attentive appearance, and mocked with disdain.

The little guy frowned and bit his lips: "Wang Shan, you are a customer when you enter the door, don't forget how the shopkeeper explained it!"

"Lin Cheng, are you pressing me with the shopkeeper's?" Wang Shan said in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

"Wang Shan, if you are disrespectful to my customers, even if you go to the shopkeeper, I will take it for granted!" Dare to be disrespectful to his guests, this really crossed his bottom line.

"Stinky boy, your wings are stiff, believe it or not, I won't let you continue working here?" Wang Shan said viciously.

"Wang Shan, you don't need to scare me. If the shopkeeper thinks I've done something wrong, I'll leave without saying a word! You don't have the qualifications to want me to leave!"


"Wang Shan, don't say a few words!" The other big guys hurried over to appease Wang Shan.

Only now did Su Chengyun suddenly realize that it was no wonder Wang Shan was so arrogant. It turned out that there were only her and Mo Mo left in the shop besides the clerk.

"Lin Cheng, Wang Shan taught you a lesson, so you just listen, why are you still talking back? The big guy in the shop taught the little guy, the guy is not going to accept it, but you are precious, so you can't be trained!" A big guy said bluntly.

The little guy gritted his teeth: "If I was wrong, you guys scold me, and I will listen, but I am right about this!" The little guy insisted.

"Hey..." The big guy wanted to say something, but at this time another customer came to the door, and the big guy immediately changed his words, "Lin Cheng, don't greet the guests yet!" Then he said to Wang Shan, "It's business hours now, later Say it again!"

Wang Shan also knew that now is not the time to train others, so he nodded.

"Sorry, I surprised the guests!" The boy said to Su Chengyun and Mo Mo apologetically.

Su Chengyun waved his hands indifferently, curiously: "The big guys in your store are so arrogant, why don't you see your shopkeeper in charge?"

The boy lowered his voice and said: "Although they are a bit arrogant, they have a good performance. Our shopkeeper manages several shops and rarely comes here!"

Su Chengyun nodded clearly, because the performance is good, so the shopkeeper doesn't care if they are arrogant or not.

"You offended them, will they wear shoes for you?" Su Chengyun asked again.

"No, at most, I will rob my customers, so that I will have no performance!" The boy shook his head.

Isn't this wearing small shoes?Su Chengyun is speechless, has no performance, the store will keep people?Which shop will feed for nothing?
"Customer, you don't have to worry about me. The cashier of the store is the shopkeeper's nephew. No one else knows, and he will speak for me!"

Oh, it turns out that the shopkeeper has placed manpower in the shop.

So Su Chengyun didn't worry anymore, based on the boy's performance, I believe the shopkeeper will like it very much.

"What kind of fabric is this?" Su Chengyun asked, feeling the touch of his hands.

"This is a new Suyun brocade that came out this year, and it was very popular as soon as it came out!" the boy explained.

Su Chengyun nodded: "The material is good, here are three pieces!" She pointed to three different styles.The little guy is busy writing it down.

"Okay! Guest, please follow me into the inner room to measure, so I can prepare clothes!"

"Wait!" Su Chengyun pointed to a few more clothes, "Write these down! Also, please help prepare six sets of underwear and small clothes!"

"Hey, ten sets of clothes, and all of them are made of good materials. I don't know if I can afford gold coins!" Wang Shan said mockingly.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Since I can afford it, I will certainly afford it!"

Wang Shan didn't speak anymore, and watched helplessly as the little boy took the ink to measure the size and packed the clothes.

Su Chengyun took out the copper card, and the boy's eyes lit up. He was a little worried about coming, but he still chose to believe it. In the end, these two guests really did not disappoint him.

Wang Shan hated secretly in his heart, and his eyes were dumb!I thought it was poor, but I didn't expect it to be rich.

Why do you pretend to be poor when you say you are rich?

(End of this chapter)

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