Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 151 Domineering

Chapter 151 Domineering
After leaving the men's clothing store, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo went to the women's clothing store next door.

Su Chengyun quickly chose ten sets of clothes.

Seeing the two large bags of clothes that Mo Mo was carrying, Su Chengyun smiled unscrupulously, and spent two more gold coins to ask the people in the shop to help deliver them to Yunfu.

She and Mo Mo went shopping lightly.

Mo Mo is like a child who has never been out of the house and is interested in everything, bluffing happily.

Su Chengyun followed closely, and Mo Mo shuttled in front of the bustling vendors.

The street vendors in Nancang City are still very good at doing business. Knowing that people from all over the country flock to Nancang Academy for selection, they all seize this opportunity and shout hard.

Su Chengyun didn't take Mo Mo to those big shops, after all, it was a place that paid attention to ostentation and looking at the clothes. She and Mo Mo were still wearing the original clothes, so it would be a pity not to go there.

Going to a small stall is different, it is very free and leisurely, seeing Mo Mo's happy face, you can tell that Mo Mo still likes to go outside.

"Huh!" Su Chengyun suddenly stopped in front of a small vendor, and Mo Mo also stopped.

"Susu, so many herbs!" Mo Mo exclaimed.

Su Chengyun didn't care about those medicinal herbs, but set his eyes on a purple-blue alchemy furnace in the corner.

"Can I have a look?" Su Chengyun pointed to the alchemy furnace and asked.

The stall owner was a young man in his twenties. Seeing Su Chengyun open his mouth, he hurriedly said, "Yes, but you have to be careful!" After speaking, he picked up the pill furnace carefully and handed it over.

Su Chengyun also took it carefully, looked it over, and didn't forget to take off the stove cover and smell it carefully.

"How many gold coins?" Su Chengyun asked directly.

The young man thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Girl, three thousand gold coins!"

Three thousand gold coins?

The people next to them all gasped, how precious is this alchemy furnace, and they want so many gold coins to open their mouths.

Su Chengyun stared at the alchemy furnace without saying a word. In fact, the price is not high. This alchemy furnace is of high quality. Although it is obvious that it has not been used for so many years, there is still a faint medicinal fragrance in the furnace, which is very pure. , Three thousand gold coins are not much.

Seeing that Su Chengyun was silent, the young man thought that the price was too high, so he hurriedly explained: "Girl, this alchemy furnace was passed down from my ancestors. If my mother hadn't been seriously ill, I would never have sold it!"

"I'd like to see, what kind of junk is worth three thousand gold coins?" A servant dressed as a servant broke through the crowd and walked in, and said carelessly, followed by two servants.

"Yo, isn't it just a broken alchemy furnace? The asking price is so high, is it inlaid with gold or worn with silver? Haha! Haha! Bring it to me and see if it's worth three thousand gold coins!" Chengyun hurriedly dodges.

"I want this alchemy stove!" Su Chengyun said coldly to several people.

"Yo, little girl, where did you come from, dare to fight with your Master Fei?"

"That's right, don't Master Fei of the Dou family know each other?" His follower said disdainfully.

"Ah... it's from the Dou family!"

"Is that the Dou family that is famous for its potions?"

"Of course, who else is there besides the Dou family?"


Hearing other people's comments, Su Chengyun also knew the identity of this person. The Dou family in Nancang City made a living by opening medical clinics and pharmacies, and his family's medicines were well-known far and wide.

"Hey, little girl, be scared! Don't bring it yet!" The servant called Master Fei stretched out his hand.

Momo stood in front of them, staring at them coldly.

"No one wants to steal Susu's things!"

"Yo, where is the handsome boy!" Seeing Mo Mo's eyes lit up, Master Fei said, "Boy, let's go back home with Master Fei, Master Fei will guarantee you a delicious meal!"

"Master Fei, if you bring this person back, the young master will definitely reward you, but don't forget the little ones!"

"Hey, of course I can't forget you!"

"Sin, that young master of the Dou family is a manly man!"

"That's right, this boy looks better than the one last time, so he definitely won't have any good fruit!"


Su Chengyun's face turned blue when he heard the discussions around him, and his eyes stared at the people as if he was about to ignite a fire.

So masculine!
These people want to take Momo back to dedicate to their young master!

What audacity!

"Momo, hit!" Su Chengyun ordered coldly.

Mo Mo was also polite when he heard the words, he punched him, and Brother Fei was sent flying.

"Oh, it hurts to death!" Brother Fei groaned, seeing his follower still standing there in a daze, he couldn't help scolding angrily, "What are you doing standing there, catch that kid for me! Dare to beat Master Fei, My Master Fei must teach him a lesson!"

The attendants rushed forward, and Mo Mo was even more rude, punching and kicking, and after a while, several of them fell to the ground screaming.

Su Chengyun stepped forward, walked in front of Master Fei, and stepped on it.

Master Fei only felt his stomach being crushed, and his internal organs seemed to be throbbing with pain.

"Smelly girl, I, Master Fei, will not let you go!"

Su Chengyun exerted a little force on the soles of his feet: "If you don't let me go, I won't let you go? Who allowed you to rob good people in Nancang City? Your Dou family is so courageous!"

Su Chengyun also learned from Yun Zixuan that the good people are protected by the City Lord's Mansion.

"Ah..." Only then did Master Fei realize that he had made a big mistake, robbing people is fine, stealthily robbing people is fine, robbing people in public is still a good citizen, isn't this causing trouble for the Dou family?The Dou family knew, how could they let him go?
Thinking of the cruelty of the young master, big drops of sweat dripped from Master Fei's face.

"Who said I'm going to snatch someone, I just want the alchemy stove in your arms!" Master Fei said with a straight neck, grabbing the alchemy stove is better than snatching people!The City Lord's Mansion will never have trouble with their Dou's family because of a Dan furnace.Thinking of this, Master Fei admired his quick wit.

"You open your eyes and talk nonsense, you are not afraid of being blind!" Mo Mo said unconvinced.

"Hey, you can ask the people around, whoever heard that Master Fei is trying to rob someone, and what I want to rob is the pill furnace!" Master Fei quibbled.

Mo Mo looked around, and couldn't help frowning as he watched the avoiding eyes of the people around him.

Su Chengyun had expected this result a long time ago, who would offend the Dou family for two irrelevant people?

But she was unwilling to let this Master Fei go like this, Su Chengyun exerted force on the soles of his feet, and a spirit energy entered Master Fei's body.

"Ah..." Master Fei rolled in pain.

"soy Mujer……"

"I don't care if you rob other people's things, but if you rob me, that's the end!" Su Chengyun said coldly and pulled Mo Mo back to the booth.

"I want this pill furnace!"

"Girl, the Dou family..." the stall owner said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of the Dou family!"


"But I don't have ready-made gold coins, I only have a copper card, why don't you wait, I'll exchange it and come back!" Su Chengyun said.

Hearing this, the young man glanced at the family member of the Dou family who fled in embarrassment, and began to pack his things: "Girl, I'll go with you!"

Su Chengyun gave a thumbs up secretly, this young man was very smart, he was afraid that the Dou family would not find Su Chengyun and the two would trouble him as a seller, so he resolutely gave up the business.

Su Chengyun exchanged the gold coins and did not treat the young man badly, and spent some gold coins to buy all the herbs in the young man's hand.

The young man was extremely grateful and thanked again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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