Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 153 Jun Yu's Persistence

Chapter 153 Jun Yu's Persistence

"Brother, it's her, it's her!" A young man who had been looking at the door said excitedly.

"Jun Yu, your injury hasn't healed yet, don't get excited!" The young man stepped forward to persuade him.

The boy grabbed the young man's arm instead: "Brother, it's her, the girl who saved me in the foggy forest..."

"Jun Yu, speak slowly!"

"Brother, I thought that girl looked familiar a long time ago. Now that Ah Rong said it, I understood that she looks like me! Brother, do you think she is the descendant of the second uncle we are looking for?" the young man said. asked excitedly.

"Whatever you look at, whatever you look at, go back!" A man dressed as an old bustard came out of the building and scolded the girls who were poking around, and the girls all laughed and left.

The young man gave the bustard a bad look, and said to the young man, "Let's go back to the room!" Without any explanation, he pulled the young man towards a small courtyard.

The others quickly followed.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze, and you still don't come over!" the old bustard yelled at the bewildered Hong'er.

"Yes, mammy!" Hong'er hurriedly followed the old bustard's footsteps.

"Arong, can you see clearly, that girl really looks like Jun Yu?" the young man asked again.

"Young master, I can see clearly, otherwise I wouldn't be dazed and plotted against by a little girl!" Arong said, he still feels the burning pain in his wrist, this little girl is really cruel.

"Brother, it should be true, she should be the descendant of the second uncle! I traced Mochizuki back then, but I was hunted down as soon as I found some clues! Obviously someone has been preventing us from tracing!" Called Junyu The teenager hurriedly said.

"Jun Yu, I remember you said that when you woke up, you found yourself rescued by a girl, and you just saw the girl's side face, and now this girl appeared here by coincidence..." The young man frowned eyebrow.

"Brother, do you suspect that someone arranged all of this?" Jun Yu was stunned for a moment and said.

"It's possible, that girl is indeed suspicious!"

"No, brother, I have a hunch that the girl is definitely a descendant of my second uncle!" Jun Yu said firmly, "Brother, you have never seen that girl. If you have, you know that she must be the second uncle's descendant!" Uncle's daughter!"

"Jun Yu..."

beep... beep... beep...

There was a knock on the door, a man ran to open the door, and the bustard walked in.

"Master!" The old bustard saluted the young man respectfully.

"Chun Niang, do you know how that girl entered Baihualou?" the young man asked.

"Return to the master, I have already asked clearly! According to Hong'er, she opened the window at the time, and the two of them jumped in directly, as if they were hiding from someone. They also gave Hong'er 150 gold coins and told Hong'er to keep it secret and bring it with them. They left through the back door, and..." At this point, the bustard glanced at A Rong, and continued, "When we were about to reach the back door, this one suddenly jumped out and grabbed the boy's wrist, and the girl was so angry that she shot! Later, the master was alarmed, and the girl and boy ran away!"

The youth fluttered so much that he glanced at Arong, and Arong immediately felt like a light on his back.

"Arong, is that boy really beautiful?" Jun Yu asked curiously, tilting her head.

Ah Rong felt his own cold sweat dripping down, and said dryly: "That boy is indeed very beautiful!"

"He was right. Hong'er said that the young man was not as beautiful as an ordinary person. She was very moved when she saw it, but the girl's eyes were very cold. She just wanted to tease the young man, and the girl's eyes pierced like sharp knives."

"Do you know their identities?" the young man asked.

The bustard shook her head: "I don't know! I asked Hong'er, and the two of them didn't disclose any identity information!"

The young man waved his hand, and the bustard backed out, not forgetting to close the door.

"Arong, do you know your mistake!" The young man's eyes pierced Arong.

Arong knelt on the ground with a plop: "Eldest young master, I know I was wrong, I will never flirt with beautiful boys casually again!"

Jun Yu chuckled: "Ah Rong, you really should change your problem. Other men like beautiful women with swords and guns. How are you, you like beautiful boys, and now you are still doing things!"

"Master, I'm just purely admiring, I don't really like men, I like women, really!" Arong quickly distinguished, he really just likes to admire beautiful boys, not good men.

"It's better to be like this. If you are really masculine, grandpa will never tolerate you without my elder brother talking!" The old man paid attention to family style.

"Okay, just this once, don't make another example!" the young man said.

"Thank you Eldest Young Master, thank you Young Master!" Arong wiped the sweat off his brow and thanked hurriedly.Without the protection of the two young masters, would he still have status in the Su family?His problem really needs to be changed!
"Brother, what should we do now? How about we go to Mochizuki again?" Jun Yu suggested.

The young man waved his hand: "Not right, not right! There has already been a panic over there, and the precautions must be even stronger. We probably won't gain much if we go there."

"Then check the identity of that girl just now?" Jun Yu thought for a moment.

"I've thought about this method too, but it's not easy. Not to mention how many people there are in Nancang City, there are more than a million people who have come here for the selection of Nancang Academy in the past few days. Find a needle in a haystack!" The young man shook his head. .

"Brother, do you think that girl is here to participate in the selection of Nancang Academy?" Jun Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the elder brother mentioned Nancang Academy.

The young man's eyes also lit up: "That's right, we just need to check the people who came to Nancang Academy to find out?"

"What if the girl is not from Mochizuki, but from Nancheng?" Arong raised a possibility.

Jun Yu nodded: "It's possible, but since she appeared in the misty forest, it must be more likely that she came from Mochizuki!"

The young man said: "That's right, let's do this first! Ah Hao, you can handle this matter, and after you find out, take Ah Rong to identify the person!"

"Yes!" Another man hurriedly responded.

beep... beep... beep...

The front door sounded again, and it was the bustard who came in this time.

"Master, there is a flying pigeon passing the letter!" The old bustard hurriedly handed over a note.

The young man took it and looked at it carefully, with a serious expression on his face: "Jun Yu, we are going back, can your body take it?"

"Brother, what happened?" Jun Yu asked hurriedly.

The young man handed over the note, and Jun Yu's face became ugly after reading it.

"Brother, don't worry, my body can still take it!" Jun Yu said, "But just got the news of the second uncle's descendants, should we just give up like this?"

The young man patted Jun Yu on the shoulder: "There is no other way!"

Jun Yu's mood sank.

Seeing this, the young man beckoned: "Chun Niang, I have a task for you!"

The young man ordered Chunniang to inquire about the situation of the people who participated in the selection in Wangyue, mainly to find the little girl and find out about the little girl's situation.

Chun Niang promised to complete the task.

Jun Yu then loosened his brows.

"Is that okay?" The young man asked with a smile.

Jun Yu nodded hurriedly: "Brother, let's pack up and leave quickly!"

"Chun Niang, don't forget to pass on the good news after inquiring about it!" Jun Yu did not forget to remind the old bustard.

The bustard nodded quickly, saying that she would never forget.

A quarter of an hour later, several horses galloped towards the gate of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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