Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 154 There Are Unknown Persons Inquiring

Chapter 154 There Are Unknown Persons Inquiring

"Miss Su, Mr. Mo, how are you doing today?"

For dinner, Yun Zixuan dined with Su Chengyun for an unprecedented time, as if casually asking about the day's situation.

Su Chengyun smiled and did not speak.

Seeing Yun Zixuan staring at him, Mo Mo reluctantly put down the chicken leg in his hand, and narrated the day's situation in a full-fledged manner like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

When Mo Mo talked about the clothing store, he still didn't forget to praise Lin Cheng, that little guy.

"Mr. Mo is talking about Xiangyun Yifang?" Yun Zixuan asked suddenly.

The second monk Mo Mozhang shook his head in confusion, he didn't pay attention to the name of the clothing store, so he couldn't help looking at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun nodded: "That's right, it's indeed Xiangyun Clothes Shop!" She didn't pay attention when she entered, but the situation in the store prompted her to look at the sign when she came out, which said Xiangyun Clothes Shop.


Yun Xiang!

"Master Yun, could it be that Xiangyun Clothes Shop is your Yun family's shop?" Su Chengyun couldn't help but widen his eyes when he thought of a possibility. home shop.

"80.00% of the shops with the word Yun on the signboards in Nancang City are my Yun family's shops!" Yun Zixuan admitted with a smile.

80.00%, what kind of concept is this?
There are so many shops in Nancang City, there are so many shops with cloud characters, there are too many shops in this Yunfu!

And as the helm of so many shops, Yun Zixuan is too capable!

Su Chengyun was full of admiration.

"It was also my negligence!" Yun Zixuan sighed, and took out a jade pendant from his bosom after speaking, "Miss Su, with this jade pendant, you can enjoy a [-]% discount in Yun's shop!"

"Master Yun, why did you give me something again?"

"Miss Su, this jade pendant is a guest of my Yun's shop, so you can accept it. Since you saved Ziluo, you have long been a nobleman of my Yunfu!" Yun Zixuan said sincerely.

"Master Yun, stop! I'll take this jade pendant! But..." Su Chengyun looked at Yun Zixuan and said, "Master Yun, can you not mention that I saved Brother Ling in the future? Brother, but you also gave away a lot of things, which can be evened out."

Yun Zixuan looked at Su Chengyun's face for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, I won't mention it again!" Since Miss Su didn't like it, he just kept it in mind.

Hearing Momo mentioning the purchase of alchemy furnace, Yun Zixuan couldn't help but frowned.

"Master Yun, this Dou family..." Seeing Yun Zixuan's solemn expression, Su Chengyun also began to feel uneasy.

"The medicine of the Dou family is very powerful, you have to be careful in the future. I remember that the people of the Dou family are the ones who will take revenge. If you offended the Dou family today, they will not let it go." Yun Zixuan reminded.

Su Chengyun frowned: "We are going to Nancang Academy in two days, the Dou family can't reach out to Nancang Academy, right?"

Yun Zixuan seemed to have just remembered, and said: "I forgot to tell you, the young master of the Dou family has also passed the selection!"

"The young master of the Dou family..." Could it be the one that Master Fei mentioned.

"You guessed right, it's the manly one, so you shouldn't take it lightly in the academy, especially Mr. Mo..." Yun Zixuan's eyes lingered on Mo Mo's face for a moment, although he didn't say the following words, But Su Chengyun can also think that Mo Mo's beautiful appearance will definitely attract the young master of the Dou family, so he must be careful in the future.

"This young master of the Dou family is good at using medicine, be careful!"

Su Chengyun sincerely thanked Yun Zixuan for his reminder.

In my heart, the level of danger to the young master of the Dou family has increased several times, thinking that there will be such a wolf hiding by my side in the future, I always feel like a light on my back.

However, if the young master of the Dou family really has bad intentions and dares to play Mo Mo's idea, she will never let him go.

"Su Su, it's okay, Mo Mo will be careful!" Mo Mo saw that Su Chengyun's face was very serious, so he didn't understand but still expressed comfort.

Su Chengyun smiled at Mo Mo, expressing that he was fine.

Momo continued to talk about the day's events.

When Mo Mo talked about the two people following Yun Ziyang, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking about the conversation between the man in black and the two of them.

Of course, Momo knows everything, and he describes it very carefully.

Yun Zixuan kept smiling and listened carefully, making it difficult to see what was going on in his heart from his face.

When Mo Mo said that the two of them hid in the brothel to avoid the man in black, Yun Zixuan glanced at Su Chengyun strangely.Although the two of them had no intention of doing so, it was always strange for a girl to enter a brothel.

Yun Zixuan was very satisfied when Mo Mo finally finished talking about the whole day.

Su Chengyun said quietly: "Master Yun, why are you so interested in the whereabouts of me and Mo Mo Bairi?"

Yun Zixuan was startled when he heard the words, then smiled and said: "Miss Su, don't blame me for inquiring about you, it is true that someone has been inquiring about you!"

Su Chengyun looked over suspiciously, and frowned slightly: "Do you know who it is?" Yun Zixuan could come to inquire in person, it seems that the matter is not small.

Yun Zixuan shook his head: "It's not sure yet, but it's definitely not a wave."

"Has there been such a situation before?" Su Chengyun continued to ask.

"No, it started this afternoon, so I presume that you have attracted some people's attention today, so I came to ask about your whereabouts for a day."

Su Chengyun nodded clearly, expressing that he didn't care about Yun Zixuan's prying.

"Master Yun, who do you think it is?" Su Chengyun asked.

"The Dou family, the man in black robe and that brothel are all possible!" Yun Zixuan thought for a moment.

"The people in the black robe probably didn't see the faces of me and Momo clearly, but it's hard to guarantee that they won't guess at us. The Dou family is possible. It should be easy to check our identities with the ability of the Dou family. However, that Brothels..." Su Chengyun frowned slightly.

"I hurt a man in the brothel. That man and his accomplices are in the brothel. Could it be them. But it's just a small conflict, it shouldn't be!" Su Chengyun said uncertainly, she remembered that the man saw her The whole person was stunned when he saw his face, which made people puzzled.She's not so pretty that a man's eyeballs will pop out, she still has some self-knowledge.

"Miss Su, it's good to know. After all, you and Mr. Mo have too little foundation in Nancang City, so it's better to be careful in everything! I will help you as much as I can!"

"Mo Mo and I thank Young Master Yun here!" She only saved his younger brother, but Yun Zixuan helped her all the time, and she remembered this feeling.

"What are Miss Su's plans for the next two days? Do you want to go shopping?" Yun Zixuan asked.

Su Chengyun hurriedly shook her head: "Stop shopping!" She caused trouble today, so she should keep a low profile, and when her cultivation level improves, she can do whatever she wants.

Yun Zixuan nodded: "It's fine to rest for two days, it's very safe in Yun Mansion, don't worry!"

Su Chengyun originally wanted to move to Yunxiang Inn, but after thinking about it, there are only two days left, so it's not a bother.

(End of this chapter)

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