Chapter 155

The day of admission is coming soon.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo got up early and packed their things, ready to say goodbye to the Yun family brothers and leave.

Unexpectedly, when the two went, Yun Zixuan and Yun Ziluo had already been waiting for a long time.

"Miss Su, let this set of silver needles work in your hands!" Yun Zixuan handed over a copper box, which was covered with a bright red cloth, and each silver needle was inserted into the red cloth.

"Then I'm not polite!" Su Chengyun still liked this set of silver needles very much, so he accepted it unceremoniously.

"Sister Su, remember to visit Ziluo when you have time!" Yun Ziluo said reluctantly.

"I will, Ziluo, you must take your medicine on time and strive for a speedy recovery!" Su Chengyun confessed.

Yun Ziluo nodded fiercely.

"Miss Su, I'll let Cheng An see you off!" Yun Zixuan directly ordered Cheng An who was waiting at the door.

"Thank you so much!"

Cheng An went all the way to the gate of the college, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo jumped off the carriage, Cheng An helped them unload their things, and then left.

"Mo Mo, let's go, let's report for duty!"

Su Chengyun took Mo Mo and walked towards the college with the crowd in twos and threes, while the parents were left outside.

"Susu, why didn't you see You Yue and Duoduo?" Mo Mo asked strangely.

"Hehe, we came early today, they may not have come yet!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.


When he reached the reporting office, Su Chengyun realized that there were quite a few people coming, and he could see Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo waving and greeting from a distance.

Su Chengyun stroked his forehead, just now he thought she and Mo Mo were earlier, but they didn't expect them to be earlier.

"Wow, Chengyun, Mo Mo, you are wearing new clothes today, Youyue and I dare not recognize each other! Especially Mo Mo, it looks like a different person!" Jin Duoduo boasted.

Today, Mo Mo wore a new purple dress, his whole person became noble and elegant, and his peerless appearance was even more dazzling.

"That's right, look, many little girls are secretly looking this way!" Shangguan Youyue also laughed narrowly.

Su Chengyun knew without looking that Momo's face was absolutely lethal to girls, so she didn't know how she looked at her from time to time along the way.

"Why are you so early?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hee hee, I thought I would report today, and I couldn't sleep last night, so I came early!" Jin Duoduo grinned.

"You Yue, what about you?"

"Hehe, I don't know what's going on, I woke up early, so I just came here earlier!"

Only then did Su Chengyun suddenly realize that these two people were overly excited.

"Chengyun, you only have two packages?" Jin Duoduo asked in surprise when he saw the packages on Su Chengyun.

"Hey, so is Momo!" Shangguan Youyue also said.

"What's the matter?" She brought all the usual things with her.

"Hey, how many do you think we have brought?" Jin Duoduo pointed to the two piles of packages on the ground, seven or eight in each pile.

"Hey, there are so many!" Su Chengyun looked around again and saw that many people had two or three packages, so he said with a smile, "Are you going to move your house here!"

"I wanted to bring some more, but it's a pity that I can't fit it in the carriage, and the package is full of what I often use!" Jin Duoduo said.

"You Yue, is yours too?" Su Chengyun asked curiously.

"No, I originally brought four or five packages, but Shangguan Youlan would have brought more than a dozen. Her mother added a few more to me after seeing this. Hehe, I made money today!"

Both Su Chengyun and Jin Duoduo laughed, presumably Shangguan Youlan's mother was afraid that the city lord would have an opinion, so she rushed to make amends.

"You just keep it if she gives it to you. Anyway, it belongs to your Shangguan family, so don't take it for nothing!" Jin Duoduo said.

Shangguan Youyue nodded: "Hey, I made two trips to bring it in! Hehe, Chengyun, the dormitory will be divided in a while, you have to help me move it!" Shangguan Youyue hastily booked labor.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun responded immediately.

"There is also Mo Mo, Mo Mo will help too!" Seeing that Su Chengyun answered, Mo Mo hurriedly said.

"You Yue, you are too quick to act, Chengyun, you also have to help me!" Jin Duoduo said dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, I can't let you down! You said that none of you have a flower protector, and you need me as a weak woman to make up for it!"

Shangguan Youyue stepped forward and took Su Chengyun's arm: "Chengyun, don't worry, I will definitely find a great hero to be my flower protector!"

"Okay, I'll check it out for you then!"

"I can't ask for it!"

The two smiled at each other.

"Su Xiaomei, what are you talking about, so lively?" Feng Jue walked over with a package tied around his neck and a big knife behind his head.

"Feng Jue, you are here!" Su Chengyun greeted.

"Miss Su, I have something to tell you!"

Seeing Feng Jue's serious face, Su Chengyun and Shangguan Youyue nodded and followed Feng Jue to a deserted place, and Mo Mo also followed, Feng Jue just curled his lips when he saw Mo Mo coming. Did not drive people away.

"Feng Jue, what do you want to say?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Su Xiaomei, how did you offend the Dou family?" Feng Jue asked straight to the point.

Dou family?

Su Chengyun stared directly at Feng Jue.

Feng Jue said: "The Dou family is inquiring about you and Mo Mo everywhere. A fool even came to me! Listen to what he said, saying that you and Mo Mo offended the Dou family, the young master of the Dou family will never I will let you off, especially Mo Mo!" After Feng Jue finished speaking, he did not forget to glance at Mo Mo, and sighed in his heart, this appearance is too attractive.

"Feng Jue, thank you!" The young master of the Dou family, if he dared to hurt Mo Mo, she would definitely destroy him.

"Miss Su, that is the young master of the Dou family, Dou Yan!" Feng Jue pointed his eyes at a young man who was floating in the distance.

Su Chengyun looked, and saw that this person was thin and looked very weak, and his face was soft, with abnormal paleness, and his lower body was a little unstable, as if his entire body had been hollowed out.

How could such a person pass the selection of Nancang Academy.

Is it...

Su Chengyun's eyes flashed.

"Miss Su, you have to be careful with him, he is cruel, especially, especially..." Feng Jue glanced at Mo Mo.

"I know, he's so masculine!"

"Ah, Miss Su knows!" Feng Jue asked in surprise.

Su Chengyun nodded.

The young master of the Dou family seemed to have seen Su Chengyun and the others, and walked over with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

His eyes swept over several people, and finally settled on Mo Mo's face.

Such a handsome young man, Dou Yan's eyes lit up, thinking that Dou Fei really didn't lie to him.

"What are you looking at? I've dug out your eyes!" Mo Mo said viciously as if he hated Dou Yan's gaze.

"Heh...heh..." Dou Yan was not angry when he heard the words, but heheed twice, and turned his eyes to Su Chengyun.

"Su Chengyun, I heard that you are very strong, but I, Dou Yan, don't care!"

Su Chengyun's eyes froze, this Dou Yan is making a battle card, does it show that Mo Mo is determined to win?

Su Chengyun said: "Dou Yan, if the claws are too long, they will be chopped off."

"Ha...ha...have personality!" After speaking, Dou Yan glanced at Mo Mo and left.

"Su Xiaomei, what does he mean?" Feng Jue couldn't understand.

"It's nothing!" Su Chengyun said, "You Yue and the others are waiting impatiently, let's go there quickly!"

"Chengyun, how did Dou Yan pass?" Shangguan Youyue asked anxiously.

"You Yue, it's okay!"

"Is it all right?"

"Well, it's all right!"


(End of this chapter)

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