Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 156 Too Dark

Chapter 156 Too Dark

At Chen Shi, a hundred tables were set up in the original square, and a hundred teachers sat behind the tables.

Ji Lao did not appear, but a strange middle-aged teacher came out.

He waved to everyone: "Students, today is the time for registration. I am now in charge of your registration, dormitory and teaching arrangements! My surname is Zhang, and you can call me Teacher Zhang!"

"Before I sign up, I would like to say a few words. First, the college provides benefits for the students with the best ranking in this selection competition. First of all, the top eleven colleges provide free accommodation. The dormitory is the top double dormitory of the college, and tuition fees are waived for two years !"

Speaking of this, there was a commotion from below.

"Wow, the top double dormitory of Nancang College, I'm so envious!"

"Tuition fee is also waived, which is awesome!"

"Chengyun, you are so lucky. You must know that the top double dormitory of Nancang College is famous throughout Nancang City!" Jin Duoduo said enviously.

so famous?Isn't it just a place to live?

But seeing everyone's envious eyes, she couldn't help but have a little expectation for the future dormitory.

Teacher Zhang waved his hand, and the silence fell down: "Why do you say it is the eleventh?" Teacher Zhang glanced across the audience, saw that everyone had doubts following his words, and continued, "No. Mr. Yi gave up the dormitory and automatically gave up his spot to No.1!"

clap clap...

There was thunderous applause.

"Secondly, the first [-] people can choose a two-person dormitory, and the tuition fee will be waived for one year. The first [-] people can choose a four-person dormitory, and the tuition fee will be waived for half a year. The rest can only be a six-person dormitory. Of course, you can give up your benefits, You can also buy it with gold coins, but the amount you buy depends on the conditions of your choice of dormitory!"

"Wow, Youyue, we also mixed into the two-person dormitory! And there is no tuition fee for the first year!" Jin Duoduo said happily.

"Hehe...hehe..." Shangguan Youyue was also very happy.

"Don't be discouraged if you don't get the benefits. The college still has assessments, and the rewards are very rich. And it's okay even if you can't pay the tuition fees. The college allows you to postpone the payment, and it can also provide you with the opportunity to earn gold coins!" Mr. Zhang said The voice rang again, and the students who had no benefits at first became happy when they heard this.

"Okay, please concentrate your mental power on your forehead!" Teacher Zhang ordered.

Su Chengyun closed his eyes, and rushed towards his forehead with mental power, and suddenly felt a chill on his forehead, as if something flew out of his forehead.

Opening his eyes, he saw a jade tablet floating in front of him, and Su Chengyun grabbed it in his hand.

"Now you are free to choose roommates, and you can sign up with the jade card if you choose. If you don't choose one, the registration teacher will make arrangements in the end!"

As soon as Teacher Zhang finished speaking, Mo Mo said, "Mo Mo and Su Su are together!"

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded. Anyway, both of them are in the top ten, and they can take care of each other even if they live in the same dormitory. With Dou Yan's challenge, she doesn't want Mo Mo to be alone, so as not to lose the way.

"You Yue, how about we share a dormitory?" Jin Duoduo looked at Shangguan You Yue with hope in his eyes.

"Okay!" Shangguan Youyue readily agreed.

"You Yue, you are so kind, I thought you were going to live in a top-level double dormitory!" Jin Duoduo jumped up happily.

"Hehe, I would like to, but I'm afraid I can't afford that price!" Shangguan Youyue shrugged.

"Ah, is it expensive?" Jin Duoduo asked suspiciously.

"Of course, I heard that it seems to be one hundred thousand gold coins, one year!"

"One hundred thousand gold coins? And one year?" Jin Duoduo opened his mouth and said after a while, "Black, it's too dark!"

"Let's go, let's all sign up!" Jin Duoduo pulled Shangguan Youyue up and greeted Su Chengyun and Mo Mo.

"Hey, where is Fengjue?" Su Chengyun suddenly found that Fengjue was gone.

"Don't look for it, Wei Ang dragged it away!" Jin Duoduo curled his lips.

"Oh, then let's sign up!"

Several people walked towards the nearest registration office, and there was already a queue of more than a dozen people.

"We want to live in a top-level double dormitory!" The person who registered in front raised his head and said.

"Sure, one hundred thousand gold coins per person per year, the two of you have a total of 20 gold coins!" The registration teacher said with a smile.

"Can't you hand it in later?" The boy frowned.

"Sorry, other fees can be paid later, but not this one!"

"My young master didn't bring so many gold coins, you arrange it for me first!"

"Sorry!" The registration teacher shook his head.

"I said you can't be flexible!"


"You..." The young man had no choice but to shake his sleeves and leave, "Wait, my young master will fetch gold coins for you!"

The registered teacher smiled slightly: "Next!"

"It really is [-] gold coins!" Jin Duoduo clicked his tongue, "No wonder the college wants to exempt so many students from tuition fees, so it turns out that the top-level dormitories alone make it back!"

"Hehe, you only know about it!" Shangguan Youyue laughed.

"Ah, you guys have thought it through long ago?" It turned out that she, Jin Duoduo, was the last one to realize it.

"Teacher, I don't want to live with other people, I want to live in a top-level dormitory alone!"

"Yes, 30 gold coins per year!"

"Ah...why are there more than the two?" the boy asked in surprise.

"It's the rule!"

"Oh, let's talk about it later!"

The registered teacher smiled and nodded: "Next!"

Soon it was the turn of Su Chengyun and the others.

Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo pushed Su Chengyun forward first.

"Please show the jade card!" The registration teacher signaled Su Chengyun and Mo Mo who were standing at the front to show the jade card.

The two hurriedly handed in the jade token.

Only then did Su Chengyun realize that there was a small green screen on the table, and the registration teacher placed two jade plaques in the grooves on the upper left corner and upper right corner of the screen respectively.

I saw the jade tablet flickering with golden light, the screen of the small screen was divided into two, and words appeared on it.

Upon closer inspection, it was actually the information of the two of them.

"That's right, one No.2 and one No.7, you both live in the same top-level dormitory!"

"Yes!" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo nodded hurriedly.

The registration teacher entered some information on the small screen one after another. After a while, the jade plate lit up with golden light again, and there were some more characters on the small screen.

"No. 388, the top-level two-person dormitory, Class Nine, head teacher: Liang Yuling!" The registration teacher read, then took off the jade badge and handed it back to the two, "This jade badge is your identity certificate in Nancang College, and it is also your dormitory. Remember to keep the key to open the door, and report to Teacher Liang in the ninth classroom tomorrow morning! Do you remember?"

"Remember!" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo hurriedly responded.

Next came Shangguan Youyue and Qian Duoduo, they were unfortunately not assigned to the same class as Su Chengyun, but were assigned to the twelfth class.

"Let's go, let's go to the dormitory!" Jin Duoduo clamored to visit the new dormitory.

"Mo Mo and I are here to help you!" Su Chengyun stepped forward to help Shangguan Youyue carry a few packages, Mo Mo also helped Jin Duoduo to carry a few packages, and the remaining two can carry them by themselves.

The four followed the prompts and headed towards the dormitory.

"Duo Duo, what's in your package, why is it so heavy?" Mo Mo complained.

"Oh, those are all my jewelry, I wear them every day, Mo Mo, be careful, don't knock them!"


The three were speechless!

(End of this chapter)

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