Chapter 165
"Oh my God, I thought Teacher Liang Yuling would pack up Li Hang and send him home. Unexpectedly, he was only fined [-] laps!"

Several people walked back while discussing what happened just now.

"Feng Jue, you are a guy who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, you are afraid that things will not be big, are you? It is a shameful thing for our class to take the exam, and you want to help expand the influence?" Wei Ang is blunt the way.

"Hey, hey! Didn't I think that Teacher Liang Yuling's mouth is tofu!" Feng Jue said, rubbing his head.

"Feng Jue, you are right. Teacher Liang Yuling, don't look fierce, but he is still a good person!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, she was really moved by Liang Yuling's words today, although what Teacher Liang Yuling said She was fierce at times, but she had a heart for students, and that was enough.

"Well, Teacher Liang is very kind!" Mo Mo also nodded in agreement.

Feng Jue was speechless, and looked at Mo Mo: "Mo Mo, do you think everyone is kind?"

"No, Feng Jue, you are not kind!" Mo Mo replied as a matter of course.

"Ah, Momo, how did you know that I'm not kind?" Feng Jue asked, curling his lips. Although he wasn't pure kindness, he was still a kind person overall.

"Mo Mo doesn't need to look, Mo Mo just needs to feel with his heart! Susu said that the eyes can deceive, but the heart can't!" Mo Mo said seriously, but his depression broke Feng Jue.

Su Xiaomei, what have you taught Mo Mo?In Mo Mo's eyes, no, he actually became an unkind person in his heart.

Su Chengyun smiled indifferently: "Feng Jue, don't look at Mo Mo's simplicity, but his senses are more accurate than ordinary people!"

"Ah, Miss Su, am I also an unkind person in your eyes?"

"What do you think..." Su Chengyun said with a chuckle.

Feng Jue didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Miss Su..."

"Hehe, Feng Jue, you should calm down a bit!" Wei Ang smiled and pulled Feng Jue.

"Wei Ang, don't forget who your roommate is!"

"Hehe, I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, Teacher Liang Yuling asked us to supervise each other, Feng Jue, you should take it easy in the future, don't get into trouble and I'll be tired!" Wei Ang said with a smile.

Feng Jue started to grit his teeth when he heard the words: "Wei Ang, you still say me, I don't know who caused more troubles since childhood, you are the one who should pay special attention!"

"Hey, hey..." Wei Ang laughed dryly.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo looked at this and then at that.

These two don't seem to be familiar with each other at all!
Feng Jue said angrily: "Miss Su, don't think that Wei Ang is honest on the surface, but he is actually very bad. He likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger the most, inciting others to cause trouble, and he laughs behind the scenes! Xiaomei Su, when you get along with him in the future, you must Don't be fooled by that guy!"

"Feng Jue, you villain, you actually slandered me in front of Miss Su. Miss Su, don't believe Feng Jue's words, this kid was a thorn in the past, he wanted to be top-notch in everything, and he had to go ahead when he got into trouble. What's more, this kid got into trouble, and there is always a way to blame it on others. I have been tricked by him more than once or twice." Wei Ang was also filled with righteous indignation to expose Fengjue's shortcomings.

Su Chengyun covered his mouth and laughed.

These two are still bad friends!

"Chengyun, I heard someone in your class was punished for running laps again?"

In the restaurant, Shangguan Youyue asked curiously.

"En!" Su Chengyun swallowed a mouthful of porridge and nodded.

"Hey, you teacher Liang is really cruel, and you have punished several people in just a few days! Chengyun, you don't even know that your class is famous this time, very famous! The freshmen in other classes are all glad they didn't get you Class!" Jin Duoduo also sighed and said in disapproval.

Su Chengyun was startled when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Teacher Liang Yuling was already notorious, but Teacher Liang Yuling had already shown mercy.

"You Yue, Duo Duo, Teacher Liang is right!" Su Chengyun said.

Mo Mo also nodded: "Teacher Liang is very nice!"

Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo obviously didn't believe it.

"Chengyun, no matter what you say, you'd better be careful!"

"Well, I got it!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Also, Chengyun, I heard that some little girls gave Nan Mingyi gifts yesterday..." Jin Duoduo asked.

"Yes, there is such a thing!" I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly that even Jin Duoduo heard about it.

"Your class is probably going to be lively today, and many little girls have gone to prepare gifts after hearing about this!" Shangguan Youyue said amusedly.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun didn't expect things to turn out like this, and he didn't know if Mr. Mingyi would get dizzy when he found out.

"Miss Su, let's go!" Feng Jue and Wei Ang urged after they had finished eating.

"Feng Jue, we still have something to say with Chengyun, if you want to go, go!" Jin Duoduo said bluntly.

"Jin Duoduo, Su Xiaomei wants to go to the classroom with us, you don't want Su Xiaomei to be fined for running a circle for being late, right?" Feng Jue pointed at Jin Duoduo and said rudely.

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't think so, and it's still early before class!" Jin Duoduo was very angry at Fengjue for wronging her, and his cheeks puffed up.

"A lot!" Shangguan Youyue pulled Lajin Duoduo's arm.

Su Chengyun quickly wiped the corners of his mouth: "Okay, I'm full too! Youyue, Duoduo, let's go first!"

"Chengyun, let's go together!" Hearing this, Jin Duoduo also stood up, holding Shangguan Youyue's arm and Su Chengyun's arm at the same time, smiled provocatively at Feng Jue, and walked forward.

Su Chengyun gave Feng Jue a helpless look.

"Feng Jue, what do you think you're fussing about with a girl? You're so unmannered!" Wei Ang said angrily.


"Feng Jue, give me back Susu!" Mo Mo pouted.

"Ah..." Feng Jue looked at this, looked at that, and finally said, "I won't tell you, I'll go after Su Xiaomei!"

"Chengyun, did you find the girls on the road weird?" Shangguan Youyue asked strangely after looking around.

"It's very strange, it feels mysterious!" Su Chengyun also said strangely.

She also found that the little girls on the road became chattery and liked to make eye contact, and the eyes showed shyness, expectation and firmness from time to time.

Jin Duoduo laughed strangely: "Hey, what's so strange, I didn't say it before, there are many girls who are jealous of those girls who gave Nan Mingyi gifts yesterday, and they are going to follow suit!"

That's it!
Su Chengyun and Shangguan Youyue looked at each other.

"Hey, I really don't know what those little girls were thinking yesterday. Did they think that being in the same class as Nan Mingyi would give them a chance to win? I don't even think about whether their behavior will cause dissatisfaction among other girls. Maybe they will hit the door directly." Jin Duoduo sighed.

Shangguan Youyue also sighed: "Duo Duo is right, I also feel that those little girls have been carried away. Just Shangguan Youlan, I don't think she can swallow this breath."

By the way, there is also a domineering Shangguan Youlan, presumably Shangguan Youlan has also got the news, I don't know what her attitude will be.

Only then did Su Chengyun realize that his thinking was too simple. This is not the era of free pursuit of love.

"Chengyun, our classroom is here, let's go first!" The two bid farewell to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun waved away.

(End of this chapter)

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