Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 166 Penalty

Chapter 166 Penalty
The atmosphere in the classroom today is even weirder than yesterday. Many people glanced at each other randomly. If they accidentally bumped into each other, they would look at each other and smile tacitly, as if everything was said in silence.

However, Su Chengyun noticed that the girls who gave gifts to Mr. Mingyi yesterday lowered their heads and didn't know what they were thinking. They couldn't be as bright as they were yesterday.

But as time passed, the temperature in the classroom rose a bit, and many people showed impetuosity on their faces.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"That's right, why haven't you come yet? I've been waiting so anxiously!"

"My God, it's almost time!"

There were muffled discussions in the classroom.

"Can you explain that Mr. Yi has already guessed today's situation, so he came late on purpose?" Feng Jue also lowered his voice and asked a few people.

Wei Ang nodded with deep sympathy: "It's very possible!"

"Hey, it's not good to be too popular, Mr. Ming Yi doesn't dare to come, it's really hard to see the peach blossoms blooming everywhere!" Feng Jue sighed shaking his head.

Several people laughed when they heard this.

In the anticipation of everyone, Mr. Mingyi finally walked into the classroom at the last moment. Before the excitement on the faces of the little girls faded, they saw that it was their teacher Liang Yuling who was walking with Mr. Mingyi.

Naturally, Liang Yuling couldn't hide what happened in the class, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she walked to the front.

"The results of yesterday's assessment came out, and sending out the report card now is equivalent to roll call!"

"No.1, Nan Mingyi, full marks!"

"No.2, Su Chengyun, 99 points!"

"No.3, Mo Mo, 98 points!"


"Li Hang, 43 points, failed!"

"Hu Luo, 32 points, failed!"


Liang Yuling handed out the grades very quickly, and before there was time for a cup of tea, the papers had already been handed out.

"Very good, no one is late! This time, 380 people passed the assessment, and 110 and [-] people failed. I will not talk about those who passed, and those who failed, go out and run ten laps now. I have a complete copy of the college's inheritance culture and rules and regulations. After the run, come back and copy ten times each!"

110 The eight people didn't dare to bargain and ran out. Naturally, Liang Yuling's Xiaofeng didn't fall. Isn't it a shepherd dog, specially watching a group of running sweaty people.

Liang Yuling swept across the rest of the teachers: "Although you all passed the pass, except for Nan Mingyi who got full marks, everyone else is not enough, which means that you still need to study." Liang Yuling waved the paper on his hand, "Now I It is announced that anyone with a score of [-] or above should be copied once, anyone with a score of [-] or above should be copied twice, anyone with a score of [-] or above should be copied three times, and anyone with a score of [-] or above should be copied four times! Let's discuss!"

Teacher Liang Yuling put down the paper in her hand, smiled and walked out.

The eyes of the people in the classroom met with small eyes, and no one moved.

Long Jiu Fengjue said carelessly: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and copy. After copying one sheet, hurry up and pass it on to the next one!"

Someone heard the words and rushed forward.

"Hey, give me one!"

"Give me one!"

A dozen sheets of paper were divided up in the blink of an eye.

"Zhang Wei, let's make a copy together!"


The sound of brushing kept ringing.

"I'm done copying!"

"give me!"

"give me!"

"I only need to copy it once, who will use this!"

"I use!"

"Wait a minute, you sign it first, so as not to get confused in the end."

"good idea!"

As more and more people copied, more and more papers were circulated in the classroom. With Feng Jue and Wei Ang around, Su Chengyun didn't have to stare at them deliberately, as the two would use them for them after grabbing them.

But even so, it took a lot of time to finish copying.

"It's finally over! Fortunately, that Wan Daji is reliable, and later helped us find out the rules of many other departments, otherwise today would not be able to stop today!" Feng Jue said.

"Hey, don't even think about it. How could Wan Daji miss such a simple matter of earning gold coins? He's just playing with the relationship, and it doesn't take much effort!" Wei Ang said.

"But our final benefit is real!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, Su Su is right!" Mo Mo absolutely supports Su Chengyun.

"They seem to be back!" Wei Ang listened carefully and said.

Su Chengyun heard that there were indeed a lot of messy footsteps!
A group of embarrassed people walked into the classroom, but when they saw the scene of writing in the classroom, they were all stunned.

"Zhang Wei, what's going on with you?" A young man asked strangely.

Zhang Wei glanced at the young man angrily: "What could be the matter, isn't it what you saw!"

"Ah, are you also being punished?" The young man asked in disbelief.

"That's right, except Mr. Ming Yi, no one has escaped! But, I'm done here!" Zhang Wei signed his name on the paper, threw the pen away, and smiled at the boy and the others.

"Ah, so fast! Zhang Wei, let me copy it!" The young man looked at the papers that were constantly being passed around, and reached out to Zhang Wei.

"No, take it! It has my name on it, no matter who it is, return it to me in the end!" Zhang Wei said.

"Got it!" The young man didn't care about resting, grabbed the paper and started copying it. He had to copy it ten times, but it was a big project.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly looked for the copied paper everywhere.

As time passed, the papers copied by Su Chengyun came back one after another.

I don't know if Teacher Liang Yuling has clairvoyance. After the last student finished copying, she also entered the classroom.

"You are very good. I hope you are not just copying, but memorizing with your heart. You are allowed to take back what you copied. I will check it from time to time. If there is another failure, the punishment is not so simple. Copy it!" Liang Yuling's sharp eyes swept across the audience.

Many of the students below were tense. Many of them just copied for the sake of copying, and didn't pay attention to it at all. I didn't expect Teacher Liang Yuling to come up with this trick again.

"Okay, let's assign homework now!"

All the people held their heads high and listened seriously.

"The homework is Lanling Continent! I will give you ten days, and you will be assessed after ten days! Also, don't forget to practice!" Liang Yuling arranged the homework with a smile.

However, this coursework is confusing.

In Lanling Continent, there are only these four words, and there is no scope. No one knows what to assess.

"Mr. Liang, can you remind me again?" A boy stood up and asked.

Liang Yuling shook her head at the young man upon hearing this.

"You are very brave, I appreciate it very much, but it is still a word, you should study it yourself! Didn't I not make it clear in your assessment last time, didn't many of you pass it?"

The people below were very speechless. The last time the reminder was almost enough, but this time there was no hint at all.

Lanling Continent is so big, who knows what to assess.

Just when everyone was depressed, another boy stood up: "Teacher Liang, I have to interrupt, I came to Nancang Academy just to improve my cultivation and become a strong person. I don't think these assessments can improve my cultivation." promote!"

As soon as the boy's voice fell, needles could be heard in the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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