Chapter 170
Before the boy could cry out, a pill flew into his mouth.

"Woo... woo... woo..." The man covered his throat with his hands, but he couldn't speak.

"What did you feed him?" Wei Ang asked.

"Oh, it's just a medicine for temporarily silencing the throat, and it will recover naturally in two hours!" Su Chengyun smiled, turned around and found a small bottle from the package, and poured it all into the boy's mouth.

"What is this?"

"Hehe, I think he is very energetic, save some energy for him!"

It turned out to be some medicine like Ruanjinsan, Wei Ang shook his head and laughed.However, seeing the limp and unsteady look of the boy, I also felt that Su Chengyun would have a better effect if he used the potion.

Two cat meows came from outside, Wei Ang said: "I'll go and have a look!"

Su Chengyun nodded.

After a while Wei Ang came back, and whispered: "Dou Yan is waiting in front of his dormitory door. His servant is lying in ambush at the intersection ahead."

Su Chengyun thought for a while, stuffed Wei Ang with a vial, and whispered something in Wei Ang's ear.

Wei Ang nodded with a smile.

On the small road, two supporting figures walked forward slowly, but two boys suddenly jumped out from both sides of the road.

"Li Tian, ​​why are you so slow?"

Li Tian raised his head and smiled: "Then Su Chengyun is not easy to deceive, it took me a lot of effort to deceive her away."

"Isn't he the one Young Master Dou is looking for? Why is he like this?" The two asked strangely looking at the beautiful man hanging limply on Li Tian's arm.

"Hey, don't talk about it, this man is a stubborn donkey. He insisted on looking for Su Chengyun. I worked so hard to take him down. I was afraid of attracting others' attention, so I gave him so little food! "Li Tian smiled and gestured with his fingers.

"Ha, Li Tian really has you, I want to get it all!"

"Isn't this something you can't help!" Li Tian pretended to shake his head helplessly.

"Hey, where are his clothes?"

"No, he can struggle too much, and his clothes were scratched by the flowers. I was afraid that someone would bump into him on the road and it would be difficult to explain, so I threw it away!"

"Hehe, that's how it is!" said one person.

"Hey, Li Tian, ​​look, you've been tossing people, and you've been staring at you!" Another person said, "But this young man is beautiful enough, no wonder Master Dou has been thinking about it, trying every means to get it!"

"If I treat him like this, can he not stare at me! Don't talk about it, Master Dou is in a hurry, let's send him there!" Li Tian urged.

"Ah, that's right, send it over quickly, Master Dou has asked twice!"

"Yes, hurry up, hurry up, let Master Dou wait, there is no good fruit for us!"

"Li Tian, ​​you've been tired for a long time, let me help him up!" A person stepped forward to hold the handsome boy's arm.

The other person patted his forehead. This is a good opportunity to claim credit in front of Young Master Dou. He smiled and stepped forward: "Li Tian, ​​take a rest, I'll help you here!"

Li Tian frowned, then smiled and said, "No need, I'm not tired yet!"

This person was not very happy when he saw that Li Tian was so dishonest.

Li Tian seemed to expect that this person would be unhappy, and said, "Master Dou, if he knows that we have brought him there, he will be very happy!"

The person smiled when he heard this: "Yes, I will inform Young Master Dou first, so that Young Master Dou can be happy first, come quickly!"

Su Chengyun pulled Mo Mo to follow behind them, beside was Feng Jue with an excited face.

"Miss Su, you can see, that guy Wei Ang is good at acting, and he has had this advantage since he was a child!"

Su Chengyun wanted to look down on Feng Jue, but this guy never forgot to hurt Wei Ang at such a small chance.

"Huh, Dou Yan also lives in a top-level dormitory?" Su Chengyun looked at the top-level dormitory in front of him and asked suspiciously.

"Su Xiaomei, your intelligence is too low! Then Dou Yan thinks that he is worth enough to dominate a top-level dormitory!" Feng Jue said.

"Ah, isn't that 20 gold coins a year?" Mo Mo opened his mouth wide.

"That's right, 20 gold coins is an astronomical figure for us, but for the Dou family, maybe it's too low!" Feng Jue mocked.

"Hehe, rich and powerful!"

"Hee hee, in fact, no one wants to share a dormitory with Dou Yan, whoever shares a dormitory with him might be marked as a young lady!" Feng Jue smiled strangely.

That's it!
Su Chengyun suddenly realized!
With Dou Yan's reputation, no one would want to share a dorm with him, even if they wanted to, they wouldn't dare to blatantly share a dormitory with him under so many eyes from the academy.

"Look, Dou Yan is at the door, let's be careful, don't let them find out!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun hurriedly pulled Mo Mo to hide it, and looked at the figures over there.

"Miss Su, what did you ask Wei Ang to spill on Li Tian?"

"Hehe, a little hallucinogenic powder is just added to add to the fun. I'm afraid that Dou Yan will find something abnormal, so I just let him have some hallucinations!"

Looking at Su Chengyun's innocent tone, Feng Jue was speechless.

"Su Xiaomei, you are awesome!" This Dou Yan must be punished by Su Xiaomei.

Feng Jue looks at Mo Mo with jealous eyes, this Mo Mo is really lucky to meet Su Xiaomei.

"Someone is coming!" Su Chengyun reminded, and several people hurriedly covered themselves.

Dou Yan and the others over there also noticed someone passing by, so Dou Yan urged them to leave quickly, while he personally supported the beautiful boy and walked towards the dormitory.

"Let's go! Let's not disturb Master Dou's good business!" One person said with a smile.

"Hehe, I still have something to do, you guys go first!" Li Tian said.

"Li Tian, ​​you have made such a great achievement today, Young Master Dou will definitely look at you with admiration in the future, don't forget our brother!"

"Don't worry, don't dare to forget!"

"Okay, let's go first!"

"Walk slowly!"

The two left unsteadily, Li Tian looked at their backs and smiled coldly.

"Wei Ang, here!" Feng Jue greeted Wei Ang.

Wei Ang came over and hid with everyone.

"Wei Ang, Dou Yan isn't suspicious?"

"No! When he saw Mo Mo's face, he lost his soul a long time ago, so why would he be suspicious!" Wei Ang said with a smile.

"Wei Ang, I really don't like your face, change it back quickly!" Feng Jue looked at Wei Ang's face for a long time and said.

"Hehe, I'm also very uncomfortable with other people's faces, especially the face of a scumbag, Chengyun, how can I get rid of it!" Wei Ang looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Just wash it, and you will come back with a little more sweat!"

"Sweat a little more?"

Feng Jue and Wei Ang looked at each other, they thought sinisterly that when Dou Yan's dormitory was full of heat, his face suddenly changed, wondering if Dou Yan would be frightened, and his glory would no longer be there.

"Haha, haha!" Both of them laughed evilly.

"Susu, what are they laughing at?" Mo Mo asked strangely.

Su Chengyun: "Um, they just thought of some fun things, so I'm having fun! Leave them alone!"

"Wei Ang, do you want to do some bad things with this face, anyway, there is a righteous master to support you!" Feng Jue suggested.

"Fuck you, when did I, Wei Ang, do something bad!" Wei Ang raised his head, "I'm going to change my face now!"

Wei Ang left aggressively, leaving only a few people here.

(End of this chapter)

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