Chapter 171
"Let's go!"

"Miss Su, are we not here to watch?"

Su Chengyun: "Let's go out for a while and then come back. We must find something wrong. Let someone give us an alibi!"

"Hehe, Miss Su, you are really treacherous!"

On the road, the three met Wei Ang who had gone back and forth, and Wei Ang had already recovered his original appearance.

Su Chengyun told Wei Ang about his plan.

Wei Ang dragged his chin and thought for a moment: "The incident should be bigger, and it can't be too far away from here. By the way, I have a suitable place!"

"Ah, where?" Several people asked.

"South Lake!"

"Nanhu? Nanhu seems far away from here, right?" Nanhu is a big lake in Nancang College, very beautiful.

"Wei Ang, you mean..." Feng Jue's eyes lit up.

"What charades are you two playing?" Su Chengyun looked at the two of them.

"Su Xiaomei, you feel that Nanhu is far away because there is a detour to get there, but Wei Ang and I once found a hidden path, without detours, we can go directly to Nanhu."

"Really?" Su Chengyun's eyes lit up.

"That's right, it takes less than a quarter of an hour to walk across the small path. If the speed is fast, the time will be even shorter!" Wei Ang also said with a smile.

"That's great!" It's really a good place to beat the time difference, and Nanhu, as the most beautiful place in Nancang Academy, attracts more students at night, and it is easier to cause troubles.

"Miss Su, let's go to that path now!"

"Well, be careful, don't be seen!"

"Don't worry, it's very hidden over there, no one will be there!"

The Nanhu Lake at night is very beautiful, especially the crescent moon reflected in the lake, which adds a charming atmosphere to the rippling Nanhu Lake.

Some students in twos and threes took a walk, some talked and laughed in front of the flowers, and some men and women they liked whispered in the darkness.

Su Chengyun and the others walked leisurely along the way, following the example of others, but kept their eyes on those who could be used.

"Miss Su, who shall we choose?"

"I haven't seen a suitable one yet!" Su Chengyun shook his head.

"Chengyun, do you think that one is suitable?" Wei Ang pointed to a few figures that suddenly appeared on the side road.

Su Chengyun and the others watched quietly, and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's her!"

Now that the candidate has been selected, several people immediately entered the state and began to perform.Of course not including Mo Mo, Mo Mo is still in a daze.

"Miss Shangguan, I heard that the scenery of Nanhu Lake is very good, especially on a moonlit night!"

"I've also heard that many people said that this place is very beautiful after coming here!"

Shangguan Youlan seemed very unhappy, with a stuffy breath all over her body.

"You all shut up and let me be quiet for a while!"

Several people closed their mouths tacitly after hearing the words.

As Shangguan Youlan was walking, she suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be looking at him all the time.

Which apprentice?
Shangguan Youlan was furious, she raised her eyes and saw four men and women talking with each other with smiles, and their eyes glanced over from time to time, and upon closer inspection, they were all acquaintances.

These people were speaking ill of her, Shangguan Youlan's first thought was this thought.She was in a bad mood at first, but now her suppressed anger was completely detonated, and she walked towards several people angrily.

"You guys, how dare you speak ill of me behind your back, you are really villains!" Shangguan Youlan shouted angrily.

The four people who were still chatting enthusiastically changed their colors immediately.

"Shangguan Youlan, what do you mean, we are talking here, but you come here to scold others, are you sick?" Feng Jue said unceremoniously.

"That's right, Shangguan Youlan, do you still hold grudges against us in Class Nine, and want to come up and take a bite when you see people in Class Nine?" Wei Ang was even more ruthless.

"You guys, stop slandering me, you are the ones talking bad about me!" Shangguan Youlan frowned and looked at them.

"Hehe, Miss Shangguan, if we speak ill of you, we will speak behind your back. How could you hear it? Besides, did you really hear us speak ill of you? If you don't mind, you can repeat it so that everyone present Listen!" Su Chengyun smiled and pointed to the people who gathered around to watch the excitement.

Shangguan Youlan originally wanted to open her mouth to come, but when she opened her mouth, she realized that she hadn't heard a few people's words at all, and just felt that they were talking bad things about her.

"Hmph, everyone has seen it, she didn't hear anything at all, so she came up to slander us and say bad things about her." Feng said to everyone, and then looked at Shangguan Youlan sarcastically, "Shangguan Youlan, you don't care about the disappearance. It really blows my mind to be able to bring it out to make trouble!"

" are just talking bad things about me and pointing fingers at me! If you don't believe me, you can ask them!" Shangguan Youlan pointed to the beauties behind her.

"Hehe, Miss Shangguan, who doesn't know that they are your followers, and you are the only ones who follow, and they will say whatever you say!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Chengyun, although we follow Miss Shangguan, we haven't reached the point where we can't distinguish between right and wrong!" Huang Yiyi was the first to stand up.

"In that case, tell me, did we speak ill of Shangguan Youlan?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Of course you said it, even if you didn't say it with your mouth, you said it in your heart!" Huang Yiyi said.

"Hehe, Feng Jue, did you hear that, even if we curse in our hearts, Miss Shangguan's attendants will help to scold us back!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hmph, there's nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime. I think they're here to make trouble. Last time they came to our class to scold people at will. If it weren't for our class's unity, they would have been bullied. Now they must see us I am weak and want to get back to the field!" Feng Jue said disdainfully.

"Well, Feng Jue, what you said is so right. I actually hate this kind of person the most. If you want to take revenge, go for it with real swords and guns, then I still admire you. What is it now? You have to find someone who is born out of nothing." It's really contemptuous to ask for trouble!" Wei Ang also raised his head and said righteously.

"Hehe, you big men don't understand women's minds. If you go straight to it, it seems so uneducated. They want to stand on the moral high ground. Trouble you. No one has said anything wrong with them!"

"Ah, so that's the case! Su Xiaomei, I've been taught by Fengjue!"

"A needle in the bottom of a woman's heart!" Wei Ang said shaking his head.

"You guys, how can you think of Miss Shangguan like this?" Seeing the livid Shangguan Youlan, Huang Yiyi bit her lips and shouted.

"Ha, you are all here to cause trouble, and we are not allowed to talk about it, what kind of reason is this, should we accept it obediently?" Feng Jue's eyes slightly raised.

"But, but, no matter what you do, you can't say that about Miss Shangguan, she is, she is..."

"Do you want to move out of the identity of the city lord's daughter again? Why, you can't make trouble, but use your identity to suppress people?" Wei Ang raised his face.

"This is Nancang Academy, not the city lord's mansion. If you want to play the prestige of the city lord's daughter, you can go back to the mansion. Do you want to discredit our respectable city lord by pretending to be the city lord's daughter in Nancang Academy? Hey, a concubine is a concubine, Xiaojiazi is very angry!" Su Chengyun shook his head and sighed.Now that the matter has risen to the status of the city lord's daughter, it would be good for her to take the opportunity to ask for some interest for her friend Shangguan Youyue at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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