Chapter 186

As soon as the sun set on the second day, Feng Jue and Wei Ang knocked on the door of Su Chengyun's dormitory.

"Ah, Feng Jue, Wei Ang, so early?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

Wei Ang said: "It's getting late, this kind of gala usually has to go early!"

And Feng Jue stared straight at Su Chengyun, until Wei Ang bumped into him, then came back to his senses and praised: "Su Xiaomei, you are so beautiful today!"

"Aren't I usually pretty?" Su Chengyun giggled.

"Ah..." Feng Jue was dumbfounded.

Wei Ang took the words with a smile: "Of course Chengyun is usually beautiful, but today is especially beautiful!"

"Hehe, you guys are especially handsome today!" Su Chengyun also praised the two without hesitation, and then said, "Wait a minute, I'll call Momo!" After speaking, he hurriedly went to the second floor.

Wei Ang twitched the corner of his mouth at Feng Jue: "Feng Jue, with your EQ, hey..."

"Wei Ang, what do you mean, don't you understand girls' minds better than me? Don't you just like girls more than me? Sweet talk, eloquent tongue, a playboy!" Feng Jue choked back.

"This wind is absolutely..." Wei Ang shook his head speechlessly.

"Mo Mo?" Su Chengyun entered Mo Mo's dormitory, and saw Mo Mo with his hair loose in a daze in a daze, so he couldn't help calling out.

"Susu, I don't know how to use these!" Momo pointed to the purple gold crown and other accessories on the table, frowning in distress.

Su Chengyun smiled, stepped forward, and gently helped Mo Mo start to tie his hair, Mo Mo's brows and eyes were slightly raised in joy.

"Susu, your hands are so skillful!"

Su Chengyun just smiled, and the movements of his hands were more gentle.

After a while, Mo Mo's hair was tied up, and Su Chengyun helped Mo Mo put on other accessories, and helped Mo Mo organize his clothes.

I saw Mo Mo wearing a purple robe of black brocade with black patterns, a purple gold crown on his head, a jade belt with precious stones, and purple pattern cloud boots on his feet.

And Mo Mo smiled at Su Chengyun, which was even more beautiful.

Even Su Chengyun, who was used to seeing Mo Mo's face, was still dumbfounded at this moment.

Beautiful, so beautiful!
What a monster!

"Susu didn't wear the clothes Mr. Yun sent?" Mo Mo asked strangely.

"Oh, that one is too gorgeous and ostentatious!" Su Chengyun said with a smile. When he came back yesterday, he saw the gift from Yun Zixuan, which was exactly two sets of clothes.It seems that Yun Zixuan knew about their Freshmen Gala and sent it specially.

"Then Momo doesn't wear this suit anymore!" Momo tugged at the clothes on his body, which was one of yesterday's gifts.

Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped: "It's okay, just this body! Mo Mo is so handsome!"

Hearing Su Chengyun praise him for being handsome, the corners of Mo Mo's mouth curled up slightly.

"Feng Jue and Wei Ang are waiting below, let's go down together!"

"it is good!"

So Feng Jue and Wei Ang saw two figures walking down the stairs together, smiling and whispering, handsome men and beautiful women, harmonious like a beautiful painting.

What a couple!Wei Ang sighed.

But Feng Jue's eyes darkened.

"Let's go, I think there are quite a few people now!" Wei Ang said to several people.

The venue of the gala is a large auditorium of the college, which can accommodate 10,000+ people.

When Su Chengyun and the others arrived, there were indeed many people inside.

The girls are all well-dressed, and the boys are all well-dressed.

It is very lively and exciting.

"Chengyun, here!" Su Chengyun heard Jin Duoduo's voice, looked up, and saw her and Shangguan Youyue smiling at this place.

"Chengyun, Fengjue and I took Momo to meet some friends!" Wei Ang said.

Feng Jue also said: "Don't worry, Su Xiaomei, I will never leave Mo Mo, and I will definitely look after him!"

Su Chengyun nodded, and said to Mo Mo: "Mo Mo, you go! See you later!"

Mo Mo reluctantly left, while Su Chengyun headed towards Shangguan Youyue.

"A lot, Youyue!" Su Chengyun greeted the two of them.

"Chengyun, come, we will bring you to meet some friends!" Shangguan Youyue pulled Su Chengyun forward.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun also followed suit.

Soon Su Chengyun got to know several girls, but when they heard that she was Su Chengyun, they laughed unnaturally, with complex lights shining in their eyes.

Although Su Chengyun was aware of the attitudes of several people, it was not easy to ask them face to face. After all, they had just met each other, so they could only suppress their doubts.

"Ah, is that person Lu Yuanze from the senior year!"

"Lu Yuanze, who is that?"

"Have you ever heard of the name Jade Face Scholar? He is the famous Jade Face Scholar?"

"Really? Isn't he a senior student, why did he come to our freshman party?"

"Hehe, maybe it's a little girl I fell in love with!"


Su Chengyun also heard other people's comments, and was guessing who this person was, when he suddenly saw several figures approaching him, namely Lu Ruyun, Lu Yuanrui, Lu Rushuang and Yang Shanshan.

Lu Yuanze?
Lu Yuanze!
Su Chengyun's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly remembered who this person was.

It turned out that he was Lu Yuanze, the young master of Mochizuki's Lu family.

Lu Yuanze entered Nancang College through selection at the age of 13, and seldom went back to Lu's house after that, so Su Chengyun didn't think about it for a while.

"Brother, when did you come back?" Lu Ruyun asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I also just came back not long ago, and I heard about your Freshman Gala. I knew you were here, so I came to join in the fun!" Lu Yuanze smiled and opened the folding fan with a snap, and fanned it lightly.

"It's good to come back. I thought I could see my elder brother when I came to Nancang City. I didn't expect you to go out to practice, so let me rush!" Lu Ru pouted.

"Hehe, isn't big brother back now? I brought you all presents, and I'll send them to you later!"

"Brother, I know you are the best!" Lu Ruyun acted like a baby.

"Big brother!"

"Brother Yuanze!"

Lu Rushuang, Lu Yuanrui, Yang Shanshan and the other two siblings came forward to say hello after they had exchanged pleasantries.

"Ah, it's Rushuang! And Yuan Rui, you are... sister Shanshan, right?" Lu Yuanze greeted each of them.

"Haha, I didn't expect brother Yuanze to remember me!" Yang Shanshan said with a smile.

"Hehe, why did brother Yuanze forget sister Shanshan? I'm so happy that you can enter Nancang Academy!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Brother, we didn't expect to pass the selection!" Lu Ruyun said with a smile, "However, we didn't expect that you have such a great reputation in Nancang College, and you have attracted the attention of so many students as soon as you appeared. The name of a jade-faced scholar!"

"Hehe, it's nothing. It's thanks to the good fortune I have accumulated in my daily life that I have such a good reputation! If someone bullies you in the future, you can report me as a jade-faced scholar!" She pursed her lips in a coquettish smile.

Accumulate blessings?

Hehe, Lu Rushuang curled her lips inwardly!

Outsiders may believe it, but none of them in the Lu family will believe it. The Lu family have similar temperaments, who doesn't know who?
Her big brother is just better at disguising.

Also, is the title of Jade Face Scholar really useful?
Lu Rushuang expressed doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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