Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 187 Still So Hypocritical

Chapter 187 Still So Hypocritical
"Brother, don't tell me, someone really bullied us!" Lu Ruyun smiled and said.

Lu Yuanze's face darkened when he heard the words: "Ruyun, are you talking about Su Chengyun?"

"Ah, brother, how do you know?" Lu Ruyun was surprised.

"I received a letter from my family on the way!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Well, I think the grievances we have suffered must be known to the elder brother. Brother, you want to avenge us!" Lu Ruyun begged.

Lu Yuanze nodded: "Ruyun, don't worry, I won't let anyone bully you for nothing, I will find a chance to avenge this revenge for you!"

"Thank you, brother!" Lu Ruyun replied with a smile.

Lu Yuanze obviously enjoyed Lu Ruyun's thanks, and glanced at Lu Yuanrui: "Yuan Rui, why can't you even deal with a girl now, and let Ruyun be wronged, come to me some other day, and I will give you special training!"

Lu Yuanrui bit his lip and lowered his head slightly: "Thank you, brother!"

"Brother Yuanze, call me at that time too! I also want special training, and I want to defeat Su Chengyun myself!" Yang Shanshan also hurriedly said.

"Why, did Su Chengyun bully you too?" Lu Yuanze asked strangely. The news he received was all from Mochizuki. Could it be that it happened during this period of time.

"Hmph, it's more than just bullying me, even my mother has been killed!" Yang Shanshan said angrily, thinking of the big battle at home because of Su Chengyun's frame, although she didn't see it in the college, she could see her on her mother's body. It went on for several days and one can imagine how intense it was, it was Su Chengyun's fault.

"It's crazy!" Lu Yuanze snapped his fan shut with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the cowardly and cheap girl would fight back. He wants to see how capable she is.

"Brother, you haven't seen the current Su Chengyun, right? No, that's it!" Lu Ruyun pointed in Su Chengyun's direction.

The corner of Lu Yuanze's mouth curled up into a beautiful arc: "I'll meet Su Chengyun!"

"Look, the jade-faced scholar is coming towards us!" A little girl beside Su Chengyun exclaimed.

"Wow, it's true, it's really coming to us!" Jin Duoduo also said happily.

"Duo Duo, why do you not have such enthusiasm for Mr. Ming Yi, Mr. Ming Yi should have a higher reputation than the jade-faced scholar?" Not only Su Chengyun, but even Shangguan Youyue felt strange.

"Ahem! Two different things, two different things!" Jin Duoduo laughed.

And Lu Yuanze walked straight over and stopped in front of Su Chengyun.

"Chengyun, long time no see!" Lu Yuanze said with a smile while fanning his folding fan.

"Lu Yuanze, Young Master Lu, it's been a long time!" Su Chengyun said with the corners of his lips curled up.

"Chengyun, you've changed a lot? I almost couldn't recognize you!" Lu Yuanze still smiled.

"It's not as good as Young Master Lu, he's still so hypocritical!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

The people around were all stunned, and Lu Yuanze's folding fan also froze in the air.

"Su Chengyun, my elder brother came to say hello with good intentions, what's your attitude?" Lu Ruyun screamed.

"Hehe, I'm just telling the truth, can't you listen to the truth?" Su Chengyun replied with a smile still.

"You..." Lu Ruyun wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lu Yuanze, "Chengyun, no matter what, I am very happy to see you here. I remember that grandpa and the others have always liked you very much, and they still want you to marry me !"

People around started discussing and pointing at Su Chengyun.

What is this, trying to ruin her reputation?

Su Chengyun sneered in his heart, but on the surface he said with a smile: "Hehe, young master Lu is just joking. I never heard my parents mention this matter. I just remember that someone came into my room in the middle of the night and beat me with a stick. Warn me to stay away from the Lu family, don't want to marry the young master of the Lu family, and tell me not to be a toad and want to eat swan meat! That person is you, right?"

" is it possible?" Lu Yuanze said with a dry smile.

"Hehe, no matter who it is from your Lu family, I will stick to his words and stay away from your Lu family. Please also, young master Lu, stay away from me. I don't want to have anything to do with your Lu family again. A little relationship. Your Lu family...hehe..." Su Chengyun shook his head and laughed.

"Su Xiaomei, the Lu family is here to bully you again!" At this moment, Feng Jue's loud voice came in through the crowd, and then Su Chengyun saw the three Feng Jue who broke through the crowd and walked in.

Momo worriedly stepped forward and grabbed Su Chengyun's hand: "Susu, are you okay!"

Su Chengyun smiled at Mo Mo: "I'm fine!"

Hearing that Su Chengyun was fine, Mo Mo raised his eyes and stared at Lu Yuanze and his party, with a rare look of anger on his face: "Why do you always trouble Su Su, you are welcome to Mo Mo again!"

"Yes, if you come again, I will never be polite to you! Do your Lu family think that Su Xiaomei is easy to bully, and come here again and again to make trouble, one after another!"

"We're just reminiscing about the old days!" Lu Yuanze frowned displeased when he saw someone standing up for Su Chengyun.

"Reminiscing about the past? Who would believe it! Miss Su and your Lu family have nothing to reminisce about!" Feng Jue looked at Lu Yuanze with critical eyes after speaking, "Lu Yuanze, a jade-faced scholar, looks like a human being, what you do is not human affairs at all It’s really thanks to the title of Jade Face Scholar.”

"You lunatic, why do you say that about my elder brother? Are you jealous of my elder brother?" Lu Ruyun couldn't listen anymore, and said loudly.

"Hey, am I jealous of him? What are you jealous of him? Hypocritical and cunning, with a human face and animal heart?" Feng Jue snorted mercilessly.

"You are talking nonsense, my elder brother is not that kind of person?" Lu Ruyun said angrily.

"Is it because you have the final say? Lu Yuanze, do you want to leave immediately, or do you want me to tell you everything you did so that everyone can have fun?" Feng Jue looked at Lu Yuanze with a ruffian smile.When he checked Su Xiaomei, he checked other members of the Lu family by the way. Naturally, he knew that there was a young master in the Lu family who was in Nancang Academy, and he specifically checked this person, so he was very clear about some of Lu Yuanze's secret transactions.

Lu Yuanze kept beating drums in his heart, who is this person?It doesn't look like he's lying because he swears, does he really know what he did?

Several members of the Lu family were silent, even Lu Ruyun kept their mouths shut. They didn't need to think about it to know that Lu Yuanze must have done a lot of things secretly, and these things must not be brought up on the table.

"Haha, haha, I, Lu Yuanze, am open and frank. I never do anything wrong, and I always have a clear conscience. Since you don't welcome me here, I don't want to do that annoying thing. Chengyun, we will meet again when we have a chance! "After Lu Yuanze finished speaking, he turned and fanned his folding fan and left gracefully.

Seeing this, Lu Ruyun and the others hurriedly followed.

"You really know how to find steps for yourself, hypocrite!" Feng Jue sneered.

Lu Yuanze asked, "Who was that person just now?"

"Brother, his name is Feng Jue, he is known as a lunatic, he is very powerful, and he is closer to Su Chengyun." Lu Ruyun said briefly.

"Fengjue? Crazy?"

It was him!

He had really heard of this person.

(End of this chapter)

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