Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 188 Intentional

Chapter 188 Intentional

"Momo, try this, it's delicious!" Su Chengyun smiled and handed over a glass of yellow juice.

"It's so sweet!" Mo Mo squinted his eyes and smiled, and inserted a piece of dessert, "Susu, this dessert is very good, try it!"

Su Chengyun ate with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei, this cool food is very famous in Nancang City, you can try it!" Feng Jue handed over a small plate, the crystal cake in the plate was crystal clear, and looked very appetizing.

Su Chengyun cut half of it with a knife, and gave the rest to Mo Mo.

"Susu, Feng Jue is right, it really is delicious!" Mo Mo said with his eyes bent.

"Hehe, the one I Feng Jue recommended to Su Xiaomei is of course the best!" Feng Jue said with a smile, "Su Xiaomei, this is not bad for you, try it!" Feng Jue turned around and brought another small plate over.

Su Chengyun took it with a smile.

"Wow, Master Mingyi is here!"

"Ah, it's Young Master Mingyi!"

"Master Mingyi is so handsome!"

"Master Mingyi is the most handsome!"


The arrival of Young Master Ming Yi made the scene even more exciting, and many people ran towards Young Master Ming Yi.

But Su Chengyun and the others were eating on their own, Feng Jue continued to say: "Eat more now, the party is very tiring!"

Mr. Mingyi greeted the people around with a smile, and glanced around. When she saw Su Chengyun and the others hiding in the corner eating and drinking, the corners of her eyes immediately raised, and a little smile overflowed.

Shangguan Youlan has been watching Mr. Mingyi in the crowd, and naturally knows the subtle changes of Mr. Mingyi. When she followed Mr. Mingyi's gaze and saw Su Chengyun, she couldn't help biting her lips, and then listened to the ear of the person next to her. Whispered for a moment.

When Su Chengyun was about to get the pastry next to him, he was bumped by someone suddenly, and the pastry touched his clothes, causing oil stains to appear on the clothes.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I stained your clothes!" A girl stepped forward to help Su Chengyun wipe it off, but accidentally spilled the juice in her hand on Su Chengyun's dress.

"Ah, I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't do it on purpose!" The girl was at a loss and felt very cramped.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, because she sensitively caught a trace of pride in the corner of the girl's eyes.

She did it on purpose!
who is it?Who the hell made her do this?
"Su Xiaomei, what's the matter?" Feng Jue and the others came over and asked.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just that the clothes got dirty accidentally!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"It's all my fault, if it wasn't for my classmate Su's clothes, it wouldn't be dirty!" The girl lowered her head and her voice was hoarse.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang glared at the girl.

"I'll go back and change!" Su Chengyun said.

"Mo Mo goes back with Su Su!" Mo Mo stepped forward to hold Su Chengyun's hand, and said firmly.

"We will accompany you back too!" Feng Jue and Wei Ang also said.

Su Chengyun quickly waved his hands: "No need, you play here, Mo Mo and I will be back soon!"

Seeing that the two were still talking, Su Chengyun passed by them and whispered, "Help me keep an eye on that girl!"

Feng Jue and Wei Ang looked terrified, and nodded in a subtle way.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked side by side on the way back to the dormitory.

"Susu, she did it on purpose!"

"Ah, Momo, you can see it!"

"Well, her eyes are twinkling, and there is a ghost at a glance!"

"Hehe, Mo Mo is really amazing, he knows how to judge people!"

Mo Mo touched her head in embarrassment.

In front of it was a small forest, and from a distance, two figures got into it.

"Susu, someone has entered the woods, let's go and have a look!" Mo Mo said curiously.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile, which was rare for Mo Mo to be curious.

But Su Chengyun soon regretted it, because it was a man and a woman who entered the woods.

"Mo Mo, don't look at it!" Su Chengyun can't wait to go up and cover Mo Mo's eyes.

Mo Mo's eyes were straightened, and he swallowed his saliva from time to time.

"Momo, let's go!" Su Chengyun tugged at Momo's sleeve.

Mo Mo took another look, and obediently followed Su Chengyun out of the woods.

"Susu, they..." Mo Mo asked curiously.

"Mo Mo, don't worry about them!" Su Chengyun hurriedly warned, seeing that Mo Moyou was about to speak, he hurriedly stared over, so scared that Mo Mo didn't dare to ask again.

The two quickly returned to the dormitory, but Su Chengyun looked at the clothes on display but didn't know which one to wear.

"Susu, just wear this!" Mo Mo took out the suit that Yun Zixuan just gave him.

"But that one?" Su Chengyun really didn't want to wear that one, it was too ostentatious, and she wanted to keep a low profile. If she was too ostentatious at a gala, she would be grudged. It was not worth it.

"But, Susu, it seems that only this set is suitable, and the others are not suitable!" Momo also became worried.

Su Chengyun looked at this and that, his mind turned quickly, and finally his eyes lit up.

"Susu, you have an idea!" Momo kept staring at Su Chengyun, and seeing her eyes lit up, he knew that Su Chengyun must have an idea, so he hurriedly asked.

"Hehe, if I change this suit a little, it won't be so gorgeous!" Su Chengyun said while going to get the needle and thread.

"Ah, is it easy to change?" Mo Mo was more worried about this.

"It's not difficult to change, but it's a pity that Mr. Yun's kindness!" This suit was given by Yun Zixuan, and she changed it without authorization. I don't know if it will make Yun Zixuan unhappy.

"I don't think Young Master Yun would care about such a small matter!" Mo Mo said with a smile.

Su Chengyun also smiled and nodded: "I think so too!" Yun Zixuan gave her and Momo clothes just to make them have fun at the gala, she changed the clothes to something more suitable for her, presumably Yunzi Xuan wouldn't say much, at worst she would apologize to Yun Zixuan next time.

This is also a stopgap measure.

"Then Susu, change it quickly!" Momo urged.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun didn't hesitate, and started to revise with all his strength, threading needles and threads, extremely fast, and within a quarter of an hour, the clothes were changed.

The modified clothes are still beautiful, but not as gorgeous as before.

"Susu, your hands are so skillful!" Mo Mo praised.

Su Chengyun asked Mo Mo to go out, and she changed into this suit.

Standing in front of the mirror and looking at it, it fits perfectly.

Su Chengyun became more confident in his skills, but he didn't expect to lose them.

After checking it again, Su Chengyun walked out of the dormitory after it was correct.

Momo's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Susu, so beautiful!" Mo Mo stretched out her thumb and praised.

Su Chengyun was amused: "Momo, do you praise the clothes for being beautiful, or me for being beautiful?"

"Hey, um, the clothes are beautiful, Susu is also beautiful, they are all beautiful!" Momo scratched his head and said.

"Haha, haha!" Su Chengyun smiled vigorously, stepped forward and went downstairs, "Momo, hurry up, let's go there quickly!"

"Okay!" Mo Mo responded, and then followed.

The night was like water, and the two walked side by side in the quiet academy, occasionally seeing senior students walking around.

"Susu, it seems a bit cold!" Mo Mo said.

"Well, it looks like it's going to rain tonight!" Su Chengyun looked at the sky, felt the air, and said.

The two quickened their pace and headed towards the auditorium.

(End of this chapter)

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