Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 189 Can I Ask You to Dance

Chapter 189 Can I Ask You to Dance
When Su Chengyun and Mo Mo returned to the party scene, soothing and soft music had already sounded.

"Is this about to start dancing?"

"Yeah, the dance is about to start, but I don't know who will do the opening dance!" Feng Jue said.

"I think it's probably Mr. Mingyi. Among the freshmen, Mr. Mingyi is the most famous, so it's most suitable for him to perform the opening dance!" Wei Ang said.

Su Chengyun nodded with a smile and said: "Well, she is indeed a good candidate. I don't know which girl is lucky to dance with Mr. Mingyi!"

Feng Jue and Wei Ang looked at each other after hearing the words, and a bad premonition flashed in their eyes at the same time.

"By the way, where did I tell you to stare at that girl?" Su Chengyun suddenly remembered and asked.

"The girl went to see Shangguan Youlan!" Wei Ang said coldly.

Shangguan Youlan, it turned out to be her!
After a while, Nancang Academy, the host of the party, finally announced the candidate for the opening dance, and it was Mr. Ming Yi.

"Master Mingyi, please choose a dance partner!"

Many girls looked at Mr. Mingyi shyly and timidly, hoping to be selected.

But Mr. Mingyi swept across the audience with a smile on his face, and finally walked in one direction.

"Wow, Master Mingyi is coming this way!"

"Wow, Mr. Mingyi is not going to choose me!"

"Master Ming Yi obviously wants to choose me!"


But Shangguan Youlan, who had been watching Young Master Ming Yi's movement, just bit her lip, because she saw that the direction that Young Master Ming Yi was going was in the direction of Su Chengyun.

Shangguan Youlan looked at Su Chengyun, who was dressed more gorgeously and elegantly, with more beautiful makeup, and couldn't help but regret that someone ruined her previous clothes.

I thought that Su Chengyun came from the barbarian land of Wangyue, and the only thing he could show was that dress, but he didn't expect that he had more beautiful clothes.

She really shot herself in the foot with a stone. Previously, Su Chengyun was mostly handsome, but now that she changed her clothes, she immediately went up several levels.

Many other people also noticed the existence of Su Chengyun. Thinking of Mr. Mingyi's rejection twice, they couldn't help shaking their spirits and watching the good show.

Mr. Mingyi smiled and passed the expecting girls, and finally came to the front of Su Chengyun.

Feng Jue looked at Mr. Ming Yi displeasedly, and was about to step forward to say a few words, but was stopped by Wei Ang.

Mr. Mingyi looked at Su Chengyun with a smile, and made a very gentlemanly invitation: "Su Chengyun, may I ask you to dance?"

Su Chengyun never expected that Mr. Mingyi would come to ask her to dance, so he stayed where he was for a while, not knowing how to respond.

And Mo Mo took a step forward, blocked in front of Su Chengyun, and said solemnly: "No!"

And the others didn't know what to feel when they saw Mo Mo's appearance.

The girls were originally jealous that Su Chengyun was favored by Mr. Mingyi, but after Mo Mo came out and refused, they were worthless for Mr. Mingyi.

And Mr. Mingyi has always been the focus of attention, with his own brilliance. Where he is, other men are eclipsed. It is false to say that he is not jealous. Now seeing Mr. Mingyi, who has always been prosperous, being rejected, these boys feel happy At the same time, there is also some hatred.

"Mo Mo!" Young Master Ming Yi frowned slightly.

"Susu promised to be Mo Mo's dance partner!" Mo Mo said firmly.

Mr. Ming Yi looked at the firm Mo Mo for a moment, then turned his gaze to Su Chengyun.

If Su Chengyun still doesn't understand that Mr. Ming Yi has a crush on her, then she is really stupid.

When Shangguan Youlan explained that Mr. Yi liked her, she only thought that Shangguan Youlan was sensitive.

When Feng Jue and Wei Ang explained that Mr. Yi liked her, she also thought they were joking.

However, all the incidents during this period of time showed Mr. Mingyi's thoughts.

Su Chengyun sighed deeply. From the first time she saw Young Master Ming Yi, she saw the boundless darkness in his eyes. He is not as bright as he appears on the outside. If he can become Young Master Ming Yi, his backside will never be bright .She was too deep in her previous life, so she doesn't want to deal with such a complicated person in this life, so she has always avoided Mr. Mingyi.

But now...

Su Chengyun sighed again, and said apologetically to Young Master Ming Yi: "Young Master Ming Yi, I appreciate your kindness, but I have promised to be Mo Mo's dance partner, so I'm sorry!"

Mr. Mingyi's eyes were obviously darkened, but he recovered immediately, so quickly that it was hard to find.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry, I was the one who was abrupt!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

Su Chengyun lowered his head and didn't answer, she saw Mr. Mingyi's footsteps turning.

"I'm sorry, because my chosen dance partner has another appointment, so I, Nan Mingyi, will not dance tonight!" Mr. Mingyi's bright voice resounded throughout the audience.

And Su Chengyun suddenly raised his head and looked at Mr. Ming Yi in disbelief.

Because she didn't dance with him for the first time, Mr. Mingyi banned the dance tonight, and no longer asked any girls to dance, nor accepted any girls' invitations.

What's the point of this?
Su Chengyun's voice was bitter, but he saw Mr. Ming Yi smiling gently at her: "I decided to dance only with you today!"

Jealousy towards Su Chengyun was ignited on the court, how could this man have allowed Mr. Ming Yi to seal Wu at such an important moment tonight.

It doesn't matter if you reject Young Master Ming Yi, but you can't block their chance to dance with Young Master Ming Yi, right?

Everyone knew clearly that it was Young Master Ming Yi's decision, but they still shifted their dissatisfaction to Su Chengyun.

Shangguan Youlan looked at Su Chengyun as if she wanted to eat people, and the handkerchief in her hand was twisted and crumpled.Although she knew in her heart that Su Chengyun had been rejecting Young Master Ming Yi, she still couldn't help venting her anger.

It was her, Su Chengyun, if she didn't show up, how could Mr. Ming Yi lose his mind!
Shangguan Youlan whispered a few words into Huang Yiyi's ear, and Huang Yiyi stood up and said loudly: "Mr. Ming Yi, Feng Wu, who will dance our opening dance?"

Yeah, who will do the opening dance?
Everyone turned their attention to the opening dance.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang glanced at Shangguan Youlan beside Huang Yiyi, and narrowed their eyes slightly at the same time.

Shangguan Youlan stood up and said loudly: "Although Mr. Ming Yi banned the dance, but he has chosen a partner, why not let the partner selected by Mr. Ming Yi do the opening dance!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Su Chengyun, but there were also voices of opposition.

"No, it's not appropriate to find someone who is not well-known to dance the opening dance!"

"That's right, a little person with no real name, who came from the barbarian land of Mochizuki, can't make it to the stage, don't ruin our opening dance!"

Shangguan Youlan smiled and said, "If Su Chengyun didn't reject Young Master Ming Yi's invitation, wouldn't she be dancing the opening dance? Don't you believe in Young Master Ming Yi's vision?"

"Of course we believe in Mr. Mingyi's vision, but that is the situation where Mr. Mingyi is leading the dance. For the others, forget it!" The man glanced at Momo, with contempt in his eyes.

"That's right, the little boy who doesn't know where he came from dares to compete with Mr. Ming Yi for a woman, he doesn't know how to live or die!"

As soon as this person finished speaking, not only Su Chengyun, but also Mr. Mingyi and Shangguan Youlan frowned, very displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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