Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 190 Domineering appearance

Chapter 190 Domineering appearance
Su Chengyun looked over and saw that the person who spoke just now was a very handsome young man, but his face was abnormally pale.

"His name is Chang Qing, and he is getting closer to Dou Yan secretly!" Feng Jue whispered in Su Chengyun's ear.

Hehe, it would be nice to just say that it is Dou Yan's little boy!

Could it be that Chang Qing targeted Mo Mo so much because of Dou Yan's relationship.

Is he dissatisfied with Dou Yan's obsession with Mo Mo and jealousy, so he provokes Mo Mo and Mr. Ming Yi, and wants to use Mr. Ming Yi's hand to clean up Mo Mo?

I have to tell the truth about Su Chengyun. What Chang Qing thinks at this moment is that it is the sudden appearance of this beautiful boy that makes Dou Yan feel attached to him.

"Shut up!" Mr. Ming Yi scolded Chang Qing displeased.

That Chang Qing shrank his neck, and then said unconvinced: "I'm not wrong, Mr. Ming Yi, you are a thousand times stronger than that little face, if he didn't play tricks on it, student Su would reject you?"

"I think you are the one who looks like a boy here the most?" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"You... Who are you calling a bad boy?" Chang Qing was startled and furious.

"Heh, of course whoever should do it!"

"You're talking nonsense, I'm not!" Chang Qing said loudly.

"Hmph, I don't care if you are a jerk or not, but if you say anything about Momo, I, Su Chengyun, will be the first to say no!"

As soon as Su Chengyun finished speaking, everyone saw a flash of light, followed by two crisp slaps in everyone's ears.

"This is a lesson for you not to talk nonsense in the future!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

Well... so arrogant!

This is what everyone thinks!
"Su Xiaomei, good job, beat him! Let him spit out ivory!" Feng Jue applauded.

" dare to do something to me!" Chang Qing said in disbelief, covering his face.

"I don't dare, you are the one who insulted others first!" Su Chengyun sneered, "If I hear something I don't want to hear next time, it won't be as simple as two slaps!"

After Su Chengyun finished speaking, he turned around and left!
Chang Qing pulled out a dagger from nowhere and stabbed at Su Chengyun, shouting: "Su Chengyun, I will fight you!"

"Susu!" Mo Mo exclaimed.

"Su Chengyun, be careful!" Young Master Ming Yi called.

"Little sister Su..."


Su Chengyun was about to turn around and fight back, but saw a crimson figure flying past quickly, pulled him away from the original position, and kicked Chang Qing away.

"Ming... Mr. Ming Yi?" Su Chengyun stared at Mr. Ming Yi in surprise. She did not expect Mr. Ming Yi to rescue her at the critical moment, although she thought that she could subdue Chang without the help of others. Green, but still very grateful.

And Mo Mo originally wanted to save Su Chengyun, but his movements were a step slower than Mr. Ming Yi's. Seeing the two people so close, Mo Mo's face gradually sank, and his originally bright and pure eyes gradually deepened, clean and refreshing. His aura also changed, becoming thick and majestic, a thick breath seemed to spread from the soles of his feet and gradually enveloped Momo's whole body.

Su Chengyun only felt a pain in his back, as if feeling something, he looked at Mo Mo.

With the cold orchid eyes and the eyes that looked at everything, Su Chengyun's heart was suffocated. She pushed Mr. Ming Yi away and walked towards that person.

"Mo... Mo Qiling!" Hoarse, this Mo Qiling's aura was so strong every time he appeared on the stage, especially those eyes, which made her dare not look directly at him.

"Ah... I'm going to kill you!" Chang Qing unexpectedly ran out again at some time, stabbing at Mo Qiling ferociously with a dagger.

Su Chengyun couldn't bear to look directly at the following plot, how much courage would it take to assassinate Mo Qiling.

I saw that Mo Qiling only looked at Su Chengyun, and didn't put Chang Qing in his eyes, until Chang Qing was close in front of him, Mo Qiling raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Chang Qing with his eyes.

It was just this light glance, Chang Qing seemed to have seen something terrible, opened his mouth wide and paused in place, his eyes turned white after a moment, and he fell backwards.

Mr. Ming Yi stepped forward to feel Chang Qing's pulse, then looked at Mo Qiling with frowned eyebrows.

As if feeling Young Master Ming Yi's gaze, Mo Qiling raised his eyes slightly to look.

Mr. Mingyi's eyes widened suddenly.God, what kind of eyes are those, one look as if he is high above, and he is lowered into the dust, and another look seems to be in the middle of a storm, which can strangle him in minutes.

He is not Momo, not Momo!

Mr. Ming Yi was sure at a glance that this person was not that silly and innocent Mo Mo.

Thinking of this, he moved to stand in front of Su Chengyun, and stared at Mo Qiling: "What are you going to do?"

Mo Qiling ignored Mr. Ming Yi, but slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and stretched out his hand towards Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled apologetically at Young Master Ming Yi, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Young Master Ming Yi: "Su Chengyun, you see clearly, he is not Mo Mo, he will hurt you!"

Su Chengyun was a little speechless, and shook his head softly: "No, he is Mo Mo, he will not hurt me!" After speaking, he took a step forward and handed Mo Qiling his hand.

Su Chengyun only felt that her hand was being held tightly, and with a force, she was already pulled to Mo Qiling's side.

"You look beautiful today!" Mo Qiling whispered.

"Oh...thank you!" Su Chengyun smiled back at Mo Qiling.Although she knew that Mo Qiling was Mo Mo, but the auras of the two were different, she couldn't let go in front of Mo Qiling at all.

"Want to dance?"

Su Chengyun nodded!

Mo Qiling led Su Chengyun towards the dance floor in the middle, and the handsome men and women blinded so many people!

"Is that man really Mo Mo?" Feng Jue opened his mouth wide.

"Chengyun said yes!" Wei Ang said, holding his chin.

"But why is it different from the previous Momo?" This Momo was simply too scary, he dared to pat the previous Momo on the shoulder, but this Momo couldn't summon up the courage to do so.

"Fengjue, believe in Chengyun!"

"Well, of course I believe in Su Xiaomei! Mo Mo must have a big secret!" Feng Jue said.

"I agree, if they don't tell you, we don't want to ask!" Wei Ang nodded.

And Mr. Mingyi looked at the backs of the two of them, and the loneliness on his face was clearly visible.

He used to think that Mo Mo was too naive and not suitable for Su Chengyun, but when he saw Mo Mo today, his aura was hard to match even his master, and he felt hesitant.

"Music!" Mo Qiling greeted, and the music player seemed to have received some kind of order, and started to play involuntarily.

"Please!" Mo Qiling made a standard noble invitation, and Su Chengyun smiled back.The movements of the two were impeccable, and even had a sense of beauty, which made everyone's hearts thump.


Under the light, the two are like two people. The man is free and easy, and the woman is graceful and elegant. The two seem to have a tacit understanding. They have a tacit understanding in their eyes and raised eyebrows.

"I knew that Mo Mo had secrets! Hehe!" Qiu Tianqi smiled and looked at the two dancing below in a room on the second floor of the auditorium.

Qiu Tianqi then turned his gaze to Young Master Ming Yi.

Hey, silly apprentice!Compete with such a person, you are far behind!

Whether it's the pure Momo or the strong Momo, you have no chance!
(End of this chapter)

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