Chapter 191
After the song, Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling left the party, and they walked side by side in the quiet campus.

"Why did you come?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

"I've been here all the time!" Although Mo Qiling kept his face cold, Su Chengyun could clearly feel that Mo Qiling's eyes were much gentler than when he saw him last time.

"I can't appear in this body for a long time, now is not a good time for the soul to return!" Mo Qiling said lightly.

"The primordial spirit returns?"

"Once the primordial spirit returns to its place, there will be only Mo Qilin in the world, and there will be no more Momo!"

"Why can't you return your primordial spirit all at once?" Although she knew that Mo Mo would disappear, she still felt a pain in her heart when she heard it.

"Only in this way, my enemies can't lock my location. I haven't recovered yet, so I can't let them find it!"

"Oh!" His enemy must be very powerful!He was so strong that even Mo Qiling couldn't face it head-on, no wonder he was so cautious.

"Are you reluctant to part with Mo Mo?" Mo Qiling stopped and asked.

"En!" Su Chengyun nodded honestly, she was really reluctant to part with the innocent Mo Mo.

Mo Qiling took a deep look at Su Chengyun, and continued to walk forward, Su Chengyun quickly followed.

By the South Lake, the reflections of the two were reflected in the lake, and the microwaves were rippling, so they couldn't see clearly.

Mo Qiling raised his hand and gently brushed Su Chengyun's hair: "Su Chengyun, you have the Phoenix Divine Orb, your fate is already destined to be with me, don't try to escape! You will be my woman, my Wife, only one!"

Su Chengyun was stunned when he heard the words.

Is this Mo Qiling's oath?
His only woman, his only wife!

If these words were uttered by Mr. Ming Yi, Su Chengyun would definitely discount them in his heart, but these words were uttered by Mo Qiling, as if they were heavier than a mountain, and they fell on the ground with a sound, leaving her without a trace of doubt and embarrassment. doubt.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling's icy blue eyes, the streamer in the eyes flickered, so dazzling, Su Chengyun seemed to be attracted in for a moment, wanting to explore the secret of the icy blue eyes.

Those eyes are so beautiful, the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen, and also the most attractive eyes.

"Su Chengyun, you just need to remember my words!"

Su Chengyun nodded, but thought in his heart, time is very long, but life has too many accidents.She doesn't know how everything will change, nor what the future will hold, but she will go on step by step.As for Mo Mo, or Mo Qiling, let's take one step at a time.

Both of them fell silent, and the picture was peaceful.

Not far away, a crimson figure stared at the two people standing side by side by the lake from a distance, they were so well matched, there was a gloomy look in his eyes, he turned and left in a hurry.

Mo Qiling turned his head and glanced lightly at the fleeting figure, the corners of his eyes slightly raised.

"Mo Qiling, does Mo Mo know about your visit?" Su Chengyun asked, actually he wanted to ask if Mo Qiling's sudden appearance would affect Mo Mo.

Mo Qiling gently brushed up her docile long hair, and said: "Momo doesn't have my memory, I have all of Momo's memories! I am more complete than Momo, but I am still incomplete, only me and Momo When the two become one, it is truly complete!"

Su Chengyun raised his head suddenly, this is too weird!

It seems that one soul is divided into two, but the same soul has two completely different natures.

In Su Chengyun's astonishment, a thunder in the sky rang in his ears.

"Ah, it's going to rain!" Su Chengyun said.

"I'm going back!" Mo Qiling said.

"Ah, you want to go back to the Divine Phoenix Orb?" Su Chengyun asked.

Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun and said in a low voice: "When you reach the level of Lingzun, you can enter and exit the Phoenix Divine Orb at will!"

Lingzun?It's been a long time!

Seeing this, the corners of Mo Qiling's mouth curled up slightly, and his body swayed. Su Chengyun only felt a pain in his back, and seeing Mo Mo go to the ground, she quickly stopped him.

"Mo Mo!" Seeing Mo Mo, whose eyes were closed and unconscious, Su Chengyun cursed, could this be the sequelae of Mo Qiling's possession?

Originally, I wanted to go to the party to ask Feng Jue and Wei Ang to help me, but thinking that it was going to rain soon, running back and forth wasted time, and she was also worried about leaving Mo Mo here alone, so Su Chengyun stopped and helped Confused, she walked towards the dormitory, of course she chose the hidden path.

The rain fell and hit the two of them. Thinking that other people were still dancing at the party, but she was outside in the rain, a wry smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and after a while, both of them were completely soaked. Su Chengyun had no choice but to speed up his pace. There was not even a place to shelter from the rain on this path.

When Su Chengyun brought Mo Mo back to the dormitory, the two of them were completely ruined.

This damn rain!
Su Chengyun checked Mo Mo, who was still unconscious, and found that Mo Mo had a fever.

Momo was originally in a weak period, but now when it rains, the disease enters his body.

Su Chengyun hurriedly boiled the water, then frantically stripped Mo Mo and threw it into the hot water. She didn't care about cleaning herself, and helped Mo Mo prepare the medicine non-stop.

After Mo Mo took a good bath, changed into dry clothes, and drank the potion, Su Chengyun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then had time to clean up his mess.

The party scene.

"Hey, why haven't Su Xiaomei and Mo Mo come back?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

"Did they go back to the dormitory?" Wei Ang asked.

"Let's go back and have a look!"

"it is good!"

The two walked out of the auditorium, but saw the pouring rain outside.

"It's raining heavily, Chengyun and Momo might have gone back long ago when it was about to rain!" Wei Ang said.

"Then let's wait for the rain to subside and go back and have a look!"

"That's all it takes!"

The two returned to the party scene.

"Wei Ang, have you seen Young Master Ming Yi?" Feng Jue asked.

"Young Master Mingyi suffered a lot today, so he left long ago!" Wei Ang said with a smile.

"Okay, who told him to get Su Xiaomei's idea!" Feng Jue said with a gloating smile.

Wei Ang shook his head, at least Mr. Ming Yi is stronger than you, he dares to chase after him, but you, Feng Jue, obviously like him but dare not even take a step.

"Feng Jue, can I ask you to dance?" Jin Duoduo's voice sounded.

Feng Jue looked at Jin Duoduo who was smiling at him, and shook his head: "Sorry, I'm not in the mood to dance today!"

Jin Duoduo, who was still looking forward to it, immediately darkened, and a trace of grievance flashed in his eyes.

"Excuse me!" She bit her lip and turned to leave.

"Feng Jue, you really have a heart of stone, you hurt a little girl's heart like this!" Wei Ang tutted.

"You are afraid that she will be sad, so you can chase her to comfort her! I didn't stop you!"

Wei Ang twitched the corner of his mouth, stepped forward and patted Feng Jue on the shoulder: "Feng Jue, that little girl ran out!"

"Run out, just run out, what does it matter to me?" Feng said indifferently.

"It's raining heavily outside!" Wei Ang reminded.

"She's not a fool!"

Wei Ang was completely speechless this time, he flicked his sleeves and turned his head.

But Shangguan Youyue saw Jin Duoduo running into the rain, and immediately chased after him. The heavy rain quickly drenched the two of them.

"Duo Duo, Duo Duo, what are you doing?" Shangguan Youyue asked anxiously.

Jin Duoduo: "You Yue, Feng Jue rejected me!" Jin Duoduo immediately burst into tears when he saw Shangguan You Yue.

"Don't cry! You still have me!" Shangguan Youyue said loudly, her voice mixed with thunder and filled with an unspeakable sense of tragedy.

"You Yue..."

(End of this chapter)

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