Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 192 Mo Mo's Change

Chapter 192 Mo Mo's Change

"Miss Su, you're back!" Feng Jue asked Su Chengyun with loose hair.

"Well, I've been back a long time ago, is the dance over yet?" Su Chengyun asked.

"We could have left long ago, but who knows that it has been raining outside, which prolongs the time, so we are now leaving!"

"Ah, isn't it raining already?" Su Chengyun stretched his head and looked out.

"It's still raining, but now it's drizzling! By the way, where's Momo?" Feng Jue asked.

"Oh, Momo got caught in the rain today and has already fallen asleep!"

Feng Jue became anxious when he heard this, and looked at Su Chengyun anxiously: "Little sister Su, are you okay, are you not in the rain?"

Su Chengyun heard a trace of warmth in his heart, and said with a smile: "Hehe, Fengjue, I'm fine, isn't it just a little rain? I'm not as delicate as you think, don't worry, I'm fine!" Su Chengyun even turned a circle, indicating that he was doing well.

"That's good, that's good!" Feng Jue heaved a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Feng Jue, let's go, let Cheng Yun rest early!" Wei Ang hurriedly urged.

"Then, Su Xiaomei, go to bed early, Wei Ang and I will go back first!"

Su Chengyun nodded: "Okay, take a hot bath first when you go back, so as not to get sick!"

"Got it! Su Xiaomei, hurry back!"

"it is good!"

After watching the two leave, Su Chengyun closed the door and returned to Mo Mo's dormitory.

Checking that Mo Mo's forehead was still a little hot, he was afraid of getting worse at night, so he didn't dare to leave, and stayed by Mo Mo's side all the time.

And in the middle of the night, when Mo Mo woke up, he found that Su Chengyun was lying on the side and fell asleep.

The memory of last night came back quickly, he knew that Qiqi had appeared, and he also knew that he was drenched in the rain.

"Su Suding is so tired because of taking care of me!"

Thinking of this, Mo Mo's heart ached, and he gently tried to cover Su Chengyun with a quilt, but found that Su Chengyun woke up with his eyes blindfolded.

"Ah, Momo, you're alright!" Su Chengyun said happily when he saw Momo with grape-like black eyes open.She only remembered taking care of Mo Mo yesterday, and then she was very sleepy, and then she didn't know, it turned out that she fell asleep.

"Susu, Mo Mo is fine, but you are tired because of Mo Mo!" Mo Mo said distressedly.

Hearing this, Su Chengyun quickly gave Mo Mo a big smiling face: "Mo Mo, I'm not tired, I'm just sleepy, so I squinted for a while!" After Su Chengyun finished speaking, he began to help Mo Mo check, "Hehe, Don't burn it, that's great!"

"Susu, did Qiqi come over last night?"

"Ah, Momo, you know all about it?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

Mo Mo nodded: "Well, Mo Mo knows it all!"

"Momo, listen to me!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

"Hush!" Mo Mo made a silent gesture, "Susu, Mo Mo knows that Mo Mo and Qi Qi are one person, but for some reason, we cannot become one!"

Ah, Mo Mo knows everything!
Su Chengyun is not calm this time!

"Su Su, Mo Mo knows far more than Qi Qi guessed. Mo Mo didn't protect Su Su yesterday, but luckily Qi Qi came!" Mo Mo suddenly changed the subject, making Su Chengyun very uncomfortable.

"Mo Mo..."

"Susu, Mo Mo will work hard and practice hard! No matter whether he becomes one with Qi Qi or not, Mo Mo wants to become stronger and protect Su Su!" Mo Mo said firmly, his cultivation base is too poor today Only then did Mr. Mingyi rush to rescue Susu first.

"Hehe, Momo, don't put too much pressure on yourself!" Su Chengyun said.

"Susu, Mo Mo said to do it!"

"Okay, I believe in Mo Mo, but you are still a sick man, Mo Mo, you should recover from your illness first!" Su Chengyun persuaded.

"Well, Momo listens to Susu. Susu, it's getting late, you should go to bed early too!"

"Okay, I'm going back to my room, Momo, hurry up and sleep again!"


"Susu, good night!"

"Mo Mo, good night!"

Su Chengyun tucked the quilt for Mo Mo, walked out, gave Mo Mo a smile, and closed the door smoothly.

Back in his room, Su Chengyun belatedly realized that Mo Mo seemed to be different from usual today. Not only was he much smarter, but he was no longer as stupid as before.

How is this going?

Su Chengyun couldn't help being puzzled.

Could it be a side effect of Mo Qiling's possession?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, and Su Chengyun was also very sleepy, and fell asleep unknowingly after a while.

And in a top-level dormitory not far from them, bright lights were still on.The light illuminated several figures.

"Ruyun, who is that Mo Mo? Why is he so close to Su Chengyun?" Lu Yuanze asked with a frown.

"Brother, I don't know where he came from!" Lu Ruyun said, but his eyes flickered, that young man is so beautiful.

"Shouldn't be, how come no one has heard of such a distinctive person?" Lu Yuanze pondered, such a beautiful young man cannot be unknown.

"Brother, I'm sure that person has never appeared before. If he did, how could our good second uncle let him go?" Lu Ruyun said. Their second uncle is the most beautiful boy. If they meet Mo Mo, they will definitely do everything possible to get him. in hand.

"That's right, Wangyue is our Lu family's domain, so this person's origin is very mysterious!" Lu Yuanze said, "By the way, I heard that my second uncle is missing. What's going on?" Lu Yuanze turned his gaze to Lu Yuanrui.

Lu Yuanrui shook his head: "I only know that my father has never come out since he entered the foggy forest, and no one has seen him!"

"No, brother Yuanrui, I heard that the second uncle is not chasing Su Chengyun and Mo Mo. Now that these two are in Nancang Academy, will the second uncle..." Lu Ruyun didn't say the following, but everyone Know what she has to say.

"Impossible, with the cultivation of those two people, they can't hurt father at all!" Lu Yuanrui roared in a low voice.

"If it's the man from last night, I think he has the ability to hurt your father!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Ah..." Lu Yuanrui felt uncertain when he thought of the extremely powerful Mo Mo last night.

If his father is really related to them, can he still take revenge?As soon as the man stared, Chang Qing passed out. No one knew about it, but Lu Yuanze went to find out on purpose. Chang Qing had injured his brain. Even if he woke up, he would have to rest for a long time to recover to his previous state.

"Brother, if..."

"Yuan Rui, isn't there no evidence yet? Let the guards at home look for this clue first, and wait until we find out!" Lu Yuanze said.

"Brother, Su Chengyun treated us so well, are we going to let her go so easily?" Lu Ruyun was unwilling.

"It's not about letting her go, she's in the limelight now, we'd better wait and wait for the best time!" Lu Yuanze said, thinking of the different Su Chengyun he saw today, suddenly a lot of thoughts came to his mind.

"Brother, are you soft-hearted?" Lu Ruyun squinted over.

"Don't worry, anyone in the world can soften their hearts, but I, Lu Yuanze, won't!" Lu Yuanze closed his folding fan with a bang, looked at several people and warned, "You all be honest with me, don't cause anything to happen, otherwise when the time comes It’s not good if you can’t close the game!”

(End of this chapter)

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