Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 201 Rogue

Chapter 201 Rogue
Recently, Nancang City has been tense, and the sudden dispatch of several major forces naturally attracted the attention of others, and all kinds of spies and stalkers followed behind.

The road leading to Dou's house is full of chill and bleakness.

The door of the Dou family opened wide with a creak, and a group of people from the Dou family came out. The head of the Dou family was Dou Qian, the Patriarch of the Dou family.
"Haha, I didn't expect my Dou's family to welcome so many distinguished guests today, it's really flourishing." Dou Qian laughed and greeted everyone, as if he didn't care about everyone coming together.

"Patriarch Dou, I came here today to inquire about something!" Qiu Tianqi said.

Dou Qian paused, and arched his hands apologetically: "Everyone, can you take some time to deal with private matters! Come here, and press him out."

As soon as Dou Qian's words fell, everyone saw a man who was tied up and pushed out, and those who recognized him immediately fixed their eyes.

Dou Qiandao: "Everyone, my mismanagement has caused the Dou family to have a ruthless and insane person, which led to the case of the students of Nancang College being ambushed two days ago. It just so happened that someone from the City Lord's Mansion also came. Do it!"

Mr. Ming Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, he was really right by his master, the Dou family has already found a scapegoat so quickly.

"Patriarch Dou, people don't speak dark words. We can find out that the ambush case is related to your Dou family. Naturally, we can find out that the executor of the ambush case is the secret guard of your Dou family. It's just this person, a servant. Can you mobilize the hidden guards of your Dou family? Do you really think we are all blind?" Yun Zixuan stepped forward and said coldly.

"Patriarch Yun, you can't say that. Naturally, a servant can't mobilize the hidden guards, but since this person clashed with two students in public last time, he has been holding grudges because of a big loss and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. No, he You deliberately stole my token, so you can mobilize the hidden guards!" Dou Qian explained.

"Haha, Patriarch Dou, what you said is even more meaningless. The Patriarch's token is such a confidential and important thing that it can be easily stolen by a small servant. What city are you kidding?" Feng family asked.

"Isn't this knowing people, knowing face but not heart? This Dou Fei usually behaves very well and is very loyal. Who knew he would do such a thing." Dou Qian sighed, with a regretful and regretful expression on his face.

But who is not a good person present, who would believe such a clumsy reason, because the servants behaved well, let down their vigilance against them, no patriarch would make such a mistake.

And how important the patriarch's token is, even the brothers and the staff who know a lot of secrets have to guard against it, not to mention the servant in front of him who looks like a sneaky, cunning, villain.

"Hmph, Patriarch Dou has said so much that it's hard to convince us. Could it be that your Dou family did this thing, or even your Patriarch Dou's order, and now that the incident has happened and a trivial scapegoat is used, let's just think about it?"

"Don't spout blood. This was done by the servants on their own initiative. Dou's family didn't know about it. And after we found out that this dog slave did such a thing, we immediately took it under control and prepared to send it to the city lord's mansion. If we hadn't met you Come to the door, this person may have already arrived at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion!" A member of the Dou family said.

"Patriarch Dou, according to what you said, your servants only had one conflict with my students, and they became murderous, and it was the hidden guards of your Dou family who dispatched it. It was just a small conflict, and it is usually not a lesson. Why did it rise to the point of murder? Patriarch Dou, your slave doesn’t look like someone who has the courage to do such a thing? Doesn’t he know that he is a student of our Nancang Academy? Our Nancang Academy’s When has a student ever been bullied like this, and your servants are sure he can bear the anger of living in the academy?" Qiu Tianqi stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

"Ah...Qiu, Dean Qiu, to be honest, Dou Fei had conflicts with the two students because one of the male students was too beautiful. , as you all know, my son has a... er... special hobby! But Dou Fei didn't do this well, and made rumors, my son scolded him severely when he found out, and then every time he saw him, he didn't Good face. This Dou Fei must be afraid that my son will see this boy in the college, think of these things he did, and hate him even more, so he has the idea of ​​killing people. As long as the man is gone, my son will not be able to see him. Naturally, these things will be forgotten." Dou Qian hesitated and explained.

But everyone didn't buy it, and made them disappear in order not to be angered by Dou Yan.What a godly logic!
"If you don't believe me, you can ask Dou Fei directly, he has admitted all of this!" Dou Qian said, and made people release Dou Fei's mouth, "Dou Fei, tell them again!"

Dou Fei raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the crowd with disdain: "Huh, this is my Master Fei's doing, and it has nothing to do with other people. My Master Fei is responsible for everything!"


Dou Fei was shaved on the face.

Dou Qian's face was dark and gloomy: "Dou Fei, who are you pretending to be the master? I don't even look at who is present, you, a little servant, dare to talk about the master, the master!"

After Dou Qian finished training Dou Fei, he bowed his hands apologetically to everyone: "I'm sorry, Dou Fei has been a little broken since he confessed, and no one cares about him anymore!"

"Haha, Master Patriarch, my Master Fei has been careful all his life, and every master has taken it seriously, but do you masters treat me like a human being? You either call me around or look down on me. My Master Fei also has self-respect. I am now Awakened, I will never be angry with you guys again in the future!"

"Dou Fei..." Dou Qian hastily signaled the people next to him to cover his mouth.

Dou Fei didn't struggle, but just glanced at the people present with mocking eyes.

"You have all seen that Dou Fei doesn't even give me face as the Patriarch of the Dou family, he is already insane!" Dou Qian shook his head.

"Hmph, Patriarch Dou, I think what you said is just sophistry. A servant can do whatever you want him to say. If you ask him to plead guilty for you, he won't do it!" the Wei family said humanely.

"Well, what do you say, servants are also afraid of death!" Dou Qian frowned, "This was done by a servant of my Dou family, and our Dou family also recognized it. Why are you still being aggressive and insisting on Forcing my Dou family to admit that I participated! If you believe that Dou Fei is a scapegoat brought by the Dou family, please show evidence. My Dou family has stood in Nancang City for more than a hundred years, and I can’t frame anyone who can. of."

Dou Qian suddenly became strong, but in the eyes of others, he was playing a rogue.

They really have no direct evidence to prove that this matter was entrusted by the Dou family.

Facing the scoundrels of the Dou family, several major forces had no way to do it for a while.

"Principal Qiu, it's a student from your college that happened, what do you think?"

Qiu Tianqi stroked his beard: "Nancang Academy will definitely investigate this matter to the end!"

In other words, regardless of today's scapegoat, he will continue to search for evidence of the head of the Dou family.

"I think it's better to hand over the Dou family to the city lord, and let the city lord investigate, and the truth will be found out!"

(End of this chapter)

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