Chapter 202
"Haha, I think you just want to take this opportunity to destroy our Dou family, so as to re-divide the pharmaceutical market. We really think our Dou family can't see your sinister intentions!"

"Dou Qian, don't spout blood!" Immediately there was opposition.

"Hmph, is it bloody spouting? You know in your own mind that you have sent so many forces to my Dou family to seek justice for the two barbarians. I really think you are more chivalrous!" Dou Qian sarcastically.

"Heh, Patriarch Dou, don't forget that the person who was ambushed was also my Nan family's Ming Yi. Why can't my Nan family seek justice for the family's grandson?" An elder of the Nan family stood up and said.

"Hmph, is it for Young Master Mingyi or for something else, only you know!"

Mr. Mingyi was upset at first, but now he is even more upset when he hears this, and he said: "Patriarch Dou, I, Nan Mingyi, was innocently injured by the hidden guards of your Dou family. Patriarch, please forgive Nan Mingyi for not agreeing."

"Young Master Ming Yi, it's not easy for you to gain a good reputation at such a young age. Please also see the family members clearly and don't be dragged down by them!" Dou Qian said.

"Hehe, Patriarch Dou, please take good care of your family members, so as not to be implicated by unworthy descendants or treacherous servants, and ruin a century-old foundation!" Young Master Ming Yi retorted unceremoniously.

Dou Qian still wanted to speak, but was preempted by the elders of the Nan family. He sneered and said, "Patriarch Dou, you don't need to provoke the relationship between Ming Yi and our Nan family. Treat each other with sincerity, it's not something you can provoke with just a few words!"

Mr. Mingyi smiled at the elder, and got a kind smile from the elder.

Dou Qian was very angry. Although Mr. Ming Yi had a great reputation, he was a real person of the younger generation. Of course he was annoyed that he didn't give him face.

"Hmph, you don't need to say any more. It's the same sentence. If you insist that my Dou family ordered this ambush, please provide enough evidence. If you want to take the opportunity to frame up and splash dirty water, I will The Dou family is not vegetarian either, let you decide!"

Then there was another round of wrangling, but the Dou family insisted that the matter was done by Dou Fei, and they didn't know about it.

Although the others were angry, they couldn't produce substantial evidence.

Someone proposed to let the hidden guards appear on the stage, but they got stares from both sides. Naturally, the Dou family could not call out those hidden guards, and other forces believed that the dark guards were more loyal than servants. What else could they do except repeat what the Dou family said?
Until it got dark, there was no result.

But Dou Fei was finally taken to the City Lord's Mansion with the acquiescence of both parties.

After Su Chengyun heard about the whole process, he couldn't help thinking deeply.

At night, she and Mo Mo quietly touched the place where Dou Yan was punished.

Seeing the two of them, Dou Yan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed mockingly.

"Su Chengyun, do you think you poisoned me without anyone noticing that I don't know?"

What Dou Yan said made Su Chengyun's pupils shrink, and he didn't expect Dou Yan to know so soon.

"How do you know?" Su Chengyun asked with a sullen face.

"Haha, Su Chengyun, your plan is perfect, and your poison is also perfect. If you were an ordinary person, you might never know that you were poisoned at that moment in your whole life, but you can count on one omission." Speaking of this, Dou Yan deliberately paused before continuing, "Su Chengyun, you forgot that I am from the Dou family. The Dou family is famous for their medicines. I was raised by medicines since I was a child. Your medicines can only confuse you." I can't confuse me for a long time. When I have the slightest doubt, your potion will have no effect!"

Su Chengyun suddenly realized that it was indeed her negligence.

"Su Chengyun, I originally thought that women were cowardly or domineering, but I didn't expect to meet such a cruel woman like you! I found that I admire you a little bit! Maybe it's a good thing to try to like women. Su Chengyun, are you willing to be my first woman?" Dou Yan stared at Su Chengyun and said.

Su Chengyun didn't expect the matter to turn to this, and frowned slightly.

But Mo Mo stood in front of Su Chengyun with a dark face when he heard the words: "If you dare to be disrespectful to Su Su, I will not be polite to you!"

"It's such a perfect face, I liked it the first time I saw it, and I still love it when I see you now." Dou Yan was obsessed with Mo Mo's eyes.

"Su Chengyun, you can make such a plan for him, you like him very much. Little beauty, you can stand in front of her, you also like her! Since you like each other, I don't have the heart to separate you , you all followed me, and I will let you be together every day in the future!"

Following Dou Yan's words, Su Chengyun's face also darkened, what does Dou Yan mean, men and women take it all?

It's so shameless and disgusting!
Su Chengyun now regrets coming this trip.

And Mo Mo couldn't stand it anymore, and was about to step forward to beat Dou Yan.

Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped him, and said to Dou Yan: "Dou Yan, we didn't come here today to listen to your nonsense! Let me ask you, did you instigate the Dou family to kill me and Mo Mo!"

Dou Yan was dazed for a moment, then jumped up: "How is it possible, how could I let someone ruin this perfect face at will!" He pointed to Mo Mo's face.

"Haha, I just let them kill you. If you don't stop me, the pretty boy is definitely my Dou Yan's!"

"How dare you let someone kill Susu?" Mo Mo roared angrily.

"Hey, I regret it now. Such a cruel woman really has a temper with me, so I am reluctant to kill her! Don't worry, if you agree to Dou Yan, the resources of our Dou family will be at your disposal!"

"Momo, beat him up!" Su Chengyun finally couldn't help but teach this scumbag a lesson.

Mo Mo ordered to attack Dou Yan, and Dou Yan's hollowed-out body was Mo Mo's opponent, and soon lay on the ground and howled.

"You guys... this is Nancang Academy, won't you be afraid that I will report you when you beat me up?" Dou Yan said loudly.

"Hmph, you go and report, we are not afraid!" Qiu Tianqi is having a headache for the scoundrels of the Dou family, if you want to hit the gun, go ahead.

Someone outside heard the wailing inside, and someone wanted to come in to have a look, but was stopped by a crimson figure.

Mo Mo beat him very hard, and he won the true biography of Su Chengyun. He only hit the painful places, and he didn't leave any traces after the beating.

"It hurts, it hurts to death, you are so cruel!" Dou Yan screamed in pain.

Su Chengyun stopped Mo Mo, squatted down, and grabbed Dou Yan's neck.

"Dou Yan, don't challenge my psychological limit, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

Dou Yan's neck was pinched, he was almost out of breath, and his face was flushed red.

When Dou Yan was almost struggling, Su Chengyun let go, and stared at Dou Yan with cold eyes: "If you dare to play with Mo Mo and me again, you, and your Dou family, just wait until the game is over!"

"Momo, let's go!"

After the two left, Mr. Mingyi came out from the dark place, looked at Dou Yan who was lying on the ground, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The wailing sounded again, worse than before.

(End of this chapter)

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