Chapter 203
Today was the first day of class after Muxiu. When Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked into the classroom, many people looked over.

It seemed that the news spread quickly, and the news that the two were ambushed had already spread.

Although many people were amazed that so many forces had confronted the Dou family for the two of them, Class Nine still showed a unique cohesion when something happened to their classmates. Su Chengyun and Mo Mo should not be discouraged, the real culprit will be caught one day, which makes Su Chengyun very moved.

The arrival of Mr. Ming Yi was also greeted cordially by everyone. While expressing concern, everyone also expressed great sympathy, because it was rumored that Mr. Ming Yi was among them and was also a victim.

Everyone thinks that Mr. Mingyi chased him by himself, and suffered an unreasonable disaster. After all, Su Chengyun has rejected Mr. Mingyi several times, so it is impossible to join Mr. Mingyi again. Even if he wants to, she is inseparable. Classmate Mo would not agree either. The strong Mo Mo at the party is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Who would not see his possessive desire for Su Chengyun? How could he allow the woman he likes to show favor to other men? It's the same with Mr. Mingyi.

This is also the reason why everyone knew that Young Master Ming Yi was present and didn't anger Su Chengyun. The classmate Mo that night couldn't be offended. If you vented your anger today, maybe you will be angered by classmate Mo back tomorrow.

Mr. Ming Yi still sat behind Su Chengyun, as if it had become an exclusive seat.

Su Chengyun asked with a smile about Mr. Mingyi's injury, and expressed his good wishes for Mr. Mingyi's early recovery.And Student Mo sat there majestically, as if he didn't see it.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized that Mr. Ming Yi was trying to save Su Chengyun from being injured. Su Chengyun was very grateful, and classmate Mo was also grateful in his heart, so he didn't say a word.

Hearing Mr. Mingyi call "Chengyun" kindly, everyone is looking forward to the follow-up development. I don't know if the smart Mr. Mingyi will take this opportunity of being a hero to save the beauty.

Teacher Liang Yuling came a little late today, but no one dared to complain. Who knows if this hot and beautiful teacher will take the opportunity to punish everyone for running around.

"Students, from now on, you will enter a busy class time. Here is a class schedule for this semester. You can go to the corresponding classroom on time for whatever class you want to take in the future. The faculty of the college is very strong, and you are not needed Finish all the courses, you can choose to take them, but you must pass seven exams before the end of the semester! Otherwise, you will not only have to retake the exam, but also accept my punishment, do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"Okay, I'll send out the class schedule first, and everyone will have a copy!"

Soon the schedule was placed on each student's desk.

Seeing the dense course schedule above, Su Chengyun felt for the first time that he still had a lot to learn.

"From now on, the 11st of every month, NO.21, and the [-]st will be the class meeting time. Everyone come to the class to gather by yourself! I will summarize your study and life, and you can ask me if you have any questions on that day! A class meeting needs to be held, I will notify you in advance! Well, today's class meeting is over!"

"Master Ming Yi, Su Chengyun, Mo Mo, Feng Jue, Wei Ang, come to my office later! Everyone else should leave!" Teacher Liang Yuling walked out first.

And everyone turned their attention to the people who were named.

"Miss Su, let's go!" Wei Ang stood up and walked out.

Su Chengyun, Wei Ang, and Mo Mo also got up and walked out, and Mr. Mingyi naturally followed behind them.

"Wei Ang, what do you think Mr. Liang wants from us?" Feng Jue asked.

"I don't know!" Wei Ang replied.

"Miss Su, do you know?"

Su Chengyun had a faint guess in her heart, but she didn't say it out and shook her head.

"Hey, don't care what it is, go and have a look!" Wei Ang said.

"Hey, yes!" Feng Jue said.

Mr. Mingyi followed behind them without saying a word.

They soon arrived at Teacher Liang Yuling's office, and after knocking on the door, they heard Teacher Liang Yuling's voice "Please come in".

But after a few people went in, they found that there was another person inside.

"Brother Yun!" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo stepped forward to greet Yun Zixuan.

"Chengyun, Momo!" Yun Zixuan said hello, his eyes swept over the two of them, "Are your injuries healed?"

"Brother Yun, I made you worry, Momo and I are almost healed!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"This way I can rest assured!" Yun Zixuan pulled the corner of his mouth lightly.

"Who is this?" Wei Ang asked.

"This is the current head of the Yun family, Yun Zixuan!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun heard the words of the two, and hurriedly introduced them.

And when Feng Jue was introduced, Yun Zixuan smiled and said, "Feng Jue, don't come here without any problems!"

It was strange to change Su Chengyun this time: "Ah, do you know each other?"

Feng Jue pursed his lips and remained silent, Yun Zixuan just smiled deeply, it seemed that the meeting between the two must be unusual, but neither of them seemed to want to talk about it.

"By the way, Teacher Liang, why did you ask us to come?" Feng Jue asked carelessly.

Teacher Liang Yuling didn't answer, but looked at Yun Zixuan.

Yun Zixuan said: "That's right, Dou Fei died last night!"

Su Chengyun and the others opened their mouths wide in surprise!
"Isn't Dou Fei in the dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion? How could he die?" Feng Jue frowned.

"The cause of death can't be found out. I have been tortured for the past two days, but I didn't wake up after passing out last night!" Yun Zixuan said.

"Did the executioner move his hands and feet?" Mr. Ming Yi asked.

"No, I have already experienced that Xing's injury is not a fatal injury, and the city lord attaches great importance to this incident, and sent all his own people!" Yun Zixuan explained.

"Then Dou Fei's death is very strange!" Wei Ang thought deeply.

"Dou Fei insisted that he alone initiated the ambush incident, and it had nothing to do with the Dou family, and the torture has not changed, and now there is no proof!" Yun Zixuan shook his head helplessly.

"This Dou Fei, how could he die at this time, at least he should confess to the Dou family before he dies!" Feng Jue yelled, as if Dou Fei's capital crime was a heinous one.

"If this is the case, the Dou family has even more reason to shirk. They can use torture as a tactic, disregarding human life, and the testimony is not credible and cannot be proved!"

"Can't we just let the Dou family go like this?" Anger welled up in Feng Jue's eyes, he clearly knew who the enemy was, but he let him get away with it because of insufficient evidence.

Several people lowered their heads helplessly.

Su Chengyun pondered for a moment and said: "Listen to me, since you already know that it is related to the Dou family, you should be careful of the Dou family in the future. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years! There must be many forces staring at the Dou family now. There will be another moth, let's hold back and leave it alone."

Wei Ang: "What Chengyun said makes sense! The Dou family is very guarded now, and it will not be easy to find another reason, so let's take it easy!"

Feng Jue: "Miss Su, isn't there still a wave of men in black?"

Su Chengyun nodded.

"The men in black are very mysterious, and they couldn't find any clues, not only our Yun family, but also other forces!" Yun Zixuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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