Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 204 Farewell

Chapter 204 Farewell
The ambush incident followed Dou Fei's death on the surface, but the dark tide surged inside.

Su Chengyun also gave up on tracking the traces of another wave of men in black. Since they made a move once, they will definitely make another move in the future. One day they will show their fox tails, so Su Chengyun is not in a hurry. This is a game. Whoever loses patience first loses.

Su Chengyun knew that there was a lot of attention around her. Everyone was waiting to catch the tail of the man in black, so that no trace could be found. These men in black were obviously smarter, and they would never be in sight. Act again under the cover.

Therefore, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo are safe for a short time. The two of them made themselves real students in a very low-key way. The courses are full, and they roam around the dormitory, classrooms and library every day, living a life of time and space. With a busy life, even the lights in the practice room are often on until midnight.

Although it is hard work, the rewards are huge.

Both of them got A's in all subjects in the exams at the end of school, and I don't know how many people they envied.

"Late-stage spiritual master! Su Xiaomei, you practice so fast!" Feng Jue said with a slap in the face.

"Hehe, it's so-so!" She was also very happy to be able to reach the late stage of Healer in just half a year.

"Su Xiaomei, you should be humble! By the way, healers practice some powerful spiritual skills in the later stage, but have you found a suitable one?" Feng Jue asked. He knew Su Xiaomei's situation, and he only had a few thousand gold coins on him. , and there is no entry.

Although someone also found out that it was Su Chengyun who helped Yun Ziluo detoxify and wanted to invite her to go, but Su Chengyun was busy with classes and practice during this time and refused all of them.Even if someone invited someone forcibly, they were stopped by Qiu Tianqi and Liang Yuling.

No one in Nancang City dared to offend Qiu Tianqi, and Qiu Tianqi also said that the students were under the management of the college in the first year, and if they wanted to invite them, they could wait for the second year.

Therefore, although many people were not angry, they did not dare to challenge Qiu Tianqi's authority and had to give up.

Su Chengyun nodded: "I already have a suitable spiritual skill, thank you, Fengjue!"

Feng Jue shook his hair handsomely: "Miss Su, your business is my business, just say what you need to say, although I, Feng Jue, don't control the Feng family now, but no one in the family dares to disobey me if I say a word! "As long as Su Xiaomei is in need, he will help with the strength of the family.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Feng Jue, don't worry, I will never be polite when I need you!" Feng Jue is like this, he has already expressed his help, if you refuse, he will be very unhappy and even turn his face .

"Is that right!" Feng Jue grinned.

And Wei Ang asked: "Chengyun, the academy has a one-month vacation, what are your plans with Momo?"

"Uh...we haven't figured it out yet!" Su Chengyun said realistically.

"Miss Su, if you have nowhere to go, you can go to Feng's house, I, Feng Jue, absolutely welcome!" Feng Jue interrupted.

"Hehe, how come there is no place to go, and the dormitory holiday will not be closed!" Su Chengyun just laughed.

"Miss Su, it's been half a year, and you haven't had enough time in the academy?"

"I think it's very quiet here, which is great!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Feng Jue: "Hey, I'm convinced! If you want to go out for a walk, come to Feng's house! But it will take half a month to come. In the first half month, my father arranged for me to meet a few people. I'm afraid I'm not in Nancang City!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied.

Wei Ang also said: "Chengyun, I want to learn how to take care of family affairs, I'm afraid I don't have much time, you and Momo take care!"

"En! You just go to your own affairs, Momo and I will take care of ourselves, so you don't have to worry about us!"

"Miss Su, I will come back as soon as possible!"

Su Chengyun nodded, and sent the two away with a smile.

Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo also came to say goodbye. They have a home in Nancang City, and it would be unreasonable not to go back.

"Chengyun, I really envy you for being so free. I really don't want to go back. Thinking about facing Youlan and her mother every day for the next month makes me tremble!" Shangguan Youyue said worriedly, frowning. .

"Why, can't your family force you to go back?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"It's my father. He said that we have been away from home for half a year, and we are not used to not being able to see him. I hope that I can see us every day for a month!" Shangguan Youyue sighed, "Shangguan Youlan must be acting like a baby. Father would say that because of his longing for his daughter! I originally wanted to say that I stayed in the academy, but now I can't even say it."

"You Yue, don't be angry, if they dare to bully you, I, Jin Duoduo, will not let them go." Jin Duoduo waved his arms and said loyally, "From now on, I will go to play with you every two days, I will see them Do mother and daughter dare to bully you again! If you are caught by me, you must make a fuss and let the city lord see the true colors of the two of you!"

"Will this be bad?" Shangguan Youyue was still hesitant.

Su Chengyun smiled: "You Yue, you're thinking too much, Duoduo is just taking precautions, if they don't care about it, then naturally nothing will happen, if they think something they shouldn't have, why should you swallow your anger, you just She is the dignified concubine of the city lord's mansion, how could she be suppressed by the concubine and an aunt."

"Haha, it's still Chengyun's temper towards me! You Yue, you and I have lived with such a violent temper for half a year, why haven't you been infected by my temper, and you are still a coward!" Jin Duoduo was also surprised that in the past six months she Sometimes it's a deliberate appearance of a tough side, just to impress Youyue, but the effect doesn't seem to be very good.

"You Yue, you really should be stronger!" Su Chengyun lifted Shangguan You Yue's head curtain, "Look, how beautiful, such a beautiful face should be bathed in the sun, but you have kept it hidden for so many years. "

"Hey, Youyue, I have long wanted to face a beautiful face every day. I heard that my face will gradually become prettier after looking at a beautiful face. Youyue, you can't make me wait in vain!" Jin Duoduo pretended to complain, but made Su Chengyun and Shangguan Youyue laugh.

"Hehe, you two..." Shangguan Youyue pointed at the two of them and didn't know how to laugh.

"That's it, I will visit you every two days!" Jin Duoduo made a decision.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Duo Duo, those two mothers and daughters are not easy-going lamps, and you have a bad temper. Be careful of their tricks and be tricked!" This reminder is necessary, there are too many secrets in the back house Well, Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youyue are young after all, can they beat those two mothers and daughters?
"Chengyun, do you have any good suggestions?" Jin Duoduo, who was not a big fan, asked immediately with a smile on his face.

Su Chengyun pondered for a moment, and whispered to the two of them for a while.

"Wonderful! Chengyun, I didn't expect you to have such quick wit!" Jin Duoduo boasted.

Su Chengyun shook her head and said nothing, she just had a lot of experience in her previous life, and she just had a little more insight.

Jin Duoduo took Shangguan Youyue away happily, leaving only Su Chengyun and Mo Mo in the dormitory.

"Susu, what shall we do?"

"Of course I'm practicing. I can't wait to see the power of the heaven-level spiritual skills."

(End of this chapter)

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