Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 205 Spiritual Skills

Chapter 205 Spiritual Skills
Heaven-level spiritual power skills have matching mental techniques, and only those who have mastered the mental skills can practice spiritual power skills.

Two days passed, and Su Chengyun was still wandering in his mind, unable to get in.

Hey, failed again!

After another failure, he opened his eyes and suddenly saw a figure sitting quietly in front of him, quietly flipping through the book of heaven-level spiritual power skills, his blue eyes were deep and far away.

"Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun grinned and shouted.

The man turned his face, a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth: "You're awake!"

"Mo Qiling, why are you here?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, let's take a look!" Mo Qiling said.

Only then did Su Chengyun realize that the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, probably more than two months.

"This is the heaven-level spiritual skill you want to practice?" Mo Qiling waved the booklet in his hand.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded: "Well, Big Brother Yun helped to find this heaven-level spiritual power skill. I originally wanted to find a yellow-level spiritual power skill or a mysterious-level spiritual power skill to practice first, but Teacher Liang Yuling didn't want to use it. Agree, I asked Yun Zixuan to find the original!"

Mo Qiling: "Are you grateful to them?"

"Of course!" Su Chengyun answered as a matter of course.

"Don't practice this one, I'll help you find a better one!" After Mo Qiling finished speaking, he was about to destroy the spiritual skill in his hand.

Su Chengyun hurriedly shouted: "Mo Qiling, stop!" After speaking, he rushed forward to grab it.

"Mo Qiling, why did you do this?" Su Chengyun was not angry, but asked suspiciously.

Mo Qiling was obviously a little startled by Su Chengyun's fierce reaction. Hearing the question, he said: "This one is not very good, it's not powerful enough, and it has flaws. I'll help you find a better one!"

Su Chengyun let out a breath, secretly glad that she was right that she was not angry, this Mo Qiling must have his own reasons for doing things, but it may be that the superiors are used to it, and often they don't bother to explain.

However, Su Chengyun would not agree to ruining this spiritual skill.

"Mo Qiling, although this spiritual power skill is the lowest level among the heaven-level spiritual power skills, and although it cannot catch your eye, it was found for me by my teacher and friends with great pains. Don't let their efforts go to waste."

Mo Qiling remained silent, just looking at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun also looked at Mo Qiling quietly: "I know you are doing it for my own good. I accept your love, but I also accept the love between Teacher Liang and Brother Yun. I don't know if you understand me when I say this?"

Mo Qiling thought for a moment and nodded: "I think I understand!"

Who didn't give him the best things in the past, so when he saw this spiritual power skill, he thought that the person who gave the spiritual power skill was uneasy and kind, and gave Su Chengyun a spiritual power skill that was not on the table.

But now, after listening to Su Chengyun's explanation, and feeling Mo Mo's gratitude and kindness to the two when he received the spiritual power skill, Mo Qiling suddenly understood that he was no longer the superior person, and many things could not be handled in the same way. previously measured.

Thinking of this, Mo Qiling got up and walked forward to look at Su Chengyun, and whispered in her ear: "Susu, I won't be so impulsive in the future, don't be annoyed!"

Su Chengyun chuckled softly: "Hehe, I'm not annoyed! I know you must have never dealt with little people like us before, so your thoughts are high!"

Are you superior?It seems that he wants to digest Mo Mo's thoughts and mental activities well, and integrate more into Su Chengyun's world.

"Don't worry, it won't happen in the future!" Mo Qiling lowered his head slightly, and said naturally.

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard that, Mo Qiling was willing to change for her, she was very happy.

"However, I want to help you modify this spiritual power book to smooth out the flaws in it!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun nodded with a smile, and let Mo Qiling change it.

After being modified by Mo Qiling, the original low-level heaven-level spiritual power skill has obviously been upgraded to a mid-level heaven-level spirit power skill, and the corresponding mental method is also a little more difficult.

Su Chengyun couldn't help stroking his forehead, and wanted to master this spiritual power skill proficiently during the holidays, but now he's stuck in the mental method.

But Mo Qiling smiled slightly: "Susu, if you don't ask me, I am omnipotent by your side, are you really going to break your own head?"

Su Chengyun's eyes lit up suddenly when he heard the words, and he began to ask Mo Qiling for advice like a dog's leg.

Seeing such an upright Su Chengyun, Mo Qiling was also very happy, and gave him his best.

And the amazing thing is that with Mo Qiling's guidance, the mental method has become extremely simple, and Su Chengyun understood the essence of it within an hour.

"So it's so simple!" Su Chengyun said with emotion.

"That's because of my instructions!"

"Haha, indeed! I wonder if Mo Mo can master it!" Su Chengyun began to worry about Mo Mo.

"Don't worry, I will pass on my insights to him when I leave! In addition, I will prepare a few more spiritual skills for you, you have to practice hard!"

Su Chengyun nodded hurriedly, she was extremely happy to be able to improve her cultivation.

In ten days, Su Chengyun had fully mastered this spiritual skill, and the effect of the spiritual skill was unexpectedly good, which made her very happy.

After that day, Mo Qiling also sent three spiritual skills, but this time he didn't help to point them out.

Spirit power skills need to be understood by oneself. He helped Su Chengyun get started last time, and Su Chengyun needs to practice it by himself in the future. Only in this way can she go further.

"Su Chengyun, someone is looking for you outside the college!" A student knocked on the dormitory door.

"Do you know who it is?" Su Chengyun asked the student strangely.

The student shook his head: "I don't know him. I passed by there and was stopped by someone. By the way, that person left a letter for you!" The student hurriedly took out a letter from his pocket and handed it over.

"Thank you!" Su Chengyun accepted the letter with a smile.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands!" The student said goodbye and left.

Su Chengyun went back to the dormitory and looked at the envelope over and over again. The light green envelope was simply painted with two small pink flowers, and the whole envelope still had a faint fragrance.

"Susu, who sent the letter?" Momo asked doubtfully when he came out of the training room.

"I don't know either! But just take it apart and have a look!" Su Chengyun raised the letter in his hand, and Mo Mo hurried over.

"Miss Su, please tell me if you have anything to tell me at the Meizhi Pavilion of Qingyun Tea House in Weishi!"

Signed: Baihualou Chunniang!

Baihualou?Chun Niang?

Su Chengyun played with these words.

"Susu, is this Baihualou the brothel we entered by mistake last time?" Mo Mo asked curiously while playing with the letter.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Yes, that's the one!" And the bustard of Baihualou is Chunniang.

"Susu, why did Baihualou seek you?" Mo Mo was very puzzled.

In fact, I don't know that Mo Mo is puzzled, and Su Chengyun is also very puzzled.

Thinking of the incident where the Dou family ambushed her last time, Baihualou seemed to have also intervened, and the only contact she had with Baihualou seemed to be unpleasant, so I couldn't understand why Baihualou wanted to help her.

Could it be that Baihualou wants to use her like some other forces?

"Susu, shall we go?" Mo Mo asked.

"Go!" Su Chengyun replied, why not go, she would like to see what this Baihualou is selling.

(End of this chapter)

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