Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 206 The Land of Exile

Chapter 206 The Land of Exile

When Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked out of the college gate, a man in black came up to them.

"Miss Su, Mr. Mo, my master is already waiting at Qingyun Teahouse, and I specially asked the younger one to welcome you two!" The man in black made a gesture of invitation.

Unexpectedly, Chun Niang acted so thoughtfully, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo did not refuse, and got into the carriage.

In less than two quarters of an hour, we arrived at Qingyun Tea House.

"My master is between Mei, Miss Su and Mr. Mo can go directly!"

Su Chengyun nodded, and led Mo Mo into the Qingyue Teahouse. Under Xiao Er's guidance, the two came to an elegant pavilion on the second floor, and wrote the words "Meijian".

This is it, the two looked at each other and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A crisp voice came from inside.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo pushed the door open and walked in, only to see a woman in green clothes standing at the window with her back facing them and staring out, as if she heard the footsteps of the two, the woman turned her head slowly.

"You are... Chunniang?" Su Chengyun asked in disbelief. This person was dressed like an ordinary woman in her thirties. She was very beautiful, and her gestures were full of elegance. Such a person Could it be the bustard of Chunlou?This was far from what she had imagined.

"Hehe, I am Chunniang!" The woman replied with a smile.

"Are you really the old bustard of Baihualou?" Shouldn't the old bustard be wearing heavy make-up and carrying a dusty atmosphere, but this one looks like a lady from a great family no matter how you look at it.

"Hehe, doesn't it look like it?"

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head: "Well, it really doesn't look like it!"

"Hehe, I'm only the bustard when I'm in Baihualou, I don't admit it at other times!" The woman said with a smile.

Su Chengyun was surprised for a moment, then chuckled lightly.This is their way of life, she doesn't need to point fingers.

"Chun Niang, I don't seem to have anything to do with Baihualou, right? Why did you send me a letter? What do you mean by telling me something?" Su Chengyun asked directly.

Chunniang chuckled: "Miss Su, Mr. Mo, the tea here is pretty good, why don't you sit down and taste it!" After speaking, Chunniang made a gesture of invitation.

Su Chengyun nodded to Mo Mo, the two sat down, and lightly sipped the tea on the table.

"It's really good!" Su Chengyun boasted.

"As long as Miss Su likes it, to be honest, this tea comes from Floating Cloud City!" Chunniang said quietly, looking at the tea in the cup.

"Floating Cloud City, the land of exile?" Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes.

In addition to the four main cities of Dongqi, Nancang, Xiyue, and Beiming in Lanling Continent, as well as Wangyue City, where she came from, there is another city, Mingliu Yuncheng, which is located in the remote northwest of Lanling Continent. The city is even barbarian.

But the name of Floating Cloud City is a hundred times more famous than Mochiyue City, because Floating Cloud City also has another name, called the Land of Exile.

Exiled Land, a mysterious, bloody and strange city in the legend, there is no city lord here, only various forces, and there are no restrictions here, you can kill and set fire, omnipotent.But the premise is that you must be strong. This is the world of the strong. Only the strong have the right to speak. If you don't have the strength, you should get out of Floating Cloud City as soon as possible.

Many people don't like Floating Cloud City because it's too chaotic and there are daily battles, but some desperadoes or disciples exiled by the family regard this place as a paradise, because here they can create a piece of their own kingdom with their hands.

"Chunniang, are you talking about Liuyun City just to talk to me?" Su Chengyun looked at Chunniang with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Chunniang smiled and said, "Hehe, Miss Su, you are so smart, I am looking for you today because of Floating Cloud City!"

Su Chengyun looked over suspiciously.

"Miss Su, if you have a chance, please go to Floating Cloud City!" Chun Niang was very cautious when she said this.

"Why? I don't think it is necessary for me to go to Floating Cloud City!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.Although he was very interested in the magical city, he didn't feel compelled to take a trip.

Chunniang smiled: "Miss Su, there is a Su family in Liuyun City, I think you will be interested in taking a trip!"

The Su family?

What does this spring girl mean?
Su Chengyun flicked his fingers on the table, thinking quickly.

Chunniang: "Miss Su, I heard that your father was adopted by Mochizuki's Lu family. Have you ever doubted your father's life experience? Have you ever doubted the massacre of your Su family?"

Father's life experience, a massacre?

Su Chengyun's pupils shrank slightly, could this Chunniang know something?
In Floating Cloud City, the family with the Su surname, what does the surname Su have to do with his father?

Could it be another bloody drama, and the father has another background?

How much does Chun Niang know?

"Chun Niang, do you want me to go to Floating Cloud City, or is it entrusted by someone?" Su Chengyun asked after gathering his thoughts.

Chunniang was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then laughed.

"Miss Su, believe it or not, we have no malicious intentions!"


Su Chenyun raised the corners of his mouth slightly upon hearing the words: "Is Chun Niang a member of the Su family in Liuyun City?"

Chunniang was really surprised this time.

What a sharp girl!

"Hehe, it's just entrusted by others! Originally, the young master of the Su family was going to come, but troublesome things happened in Floating Cloud City, and he might not be able to get away in a short time, so I let Miss Su have time to go!"

Su Chengyun nodded: "I understand what the Su family means!"

Chunniang smiled and stood up: "I have brought my words. Miss Su can ask someone to bring a message to Baihualou if you have something to do in the future. Chunniang will help me if you can help me!"

Su Chengyun also hurriedly stood up: "Then Chengyun thanked Chunniang here!" It was obvious that Chunniang was from the Su family.

"Then Chunniang bids her farewell first!"

"Chun Niang, go slowly!"

Chun Niang left gracefully, leaving only Su Chengyun and Mo Mo in the house.

"Susu, does Chunniang mean that the Su family has something to do with you?" Mo Mo asked.

Su Chengyun nodded: "I have a bold guess, but I'm not sure yet. Let's talk about the Su family's affairs later. We don't have the strength to go to Floating Cloud City right now!"

Momoen let out a cry, and the two walked out.

"Momo, we haven't come out to play for a long time!"

"Well, Mo Mo hasn't played for a long time!"

"Let's go play for a while and then go back."

"Okay, but it can't be too late!" Mo Mo still remembered being ambushed last time.

Su Chengyun nodded hurriedly, and the two walked towards the downtown area.

On the second floor of Qingyue Tea House, a beautiful woman stood by the window, looking out obsessively.

"What are you looking at, you're completely dumbfounded!" Another woman in the room stepped forward curiously and asked while looking out.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just think Nancang City is much better and more prosperous than Wangyue!" the woman hurriedly explained.

"That's right, Mochizuki is one of the four main cities!" The woman's voice was full of pride.

"I seemed to see a classmate waving at me just now. I guess something is wrong. I'll go and have a look. You should go back first!"

"Aren't you going back with me?" the woman asked suspiciously.

"No, I don't know how much time was wasted!"

"Okay then, I'll go back first, and you should go back sooner too!"

"Know it!"

"Then be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'm bringing guards!"

(End of this chapter)

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