Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 207 Trap

Chapter 207 Trap
Su Chengyun and Mo Mo enjoyed shopping to their heart's content, and they also ate a lot of snacks by the way, stuffing their stomachs full.

"Momo, let's go back!"

Su Chengyun looked at the darkened sky and said.

"Okay!" Mo Mo replied with his eyes bent.It's not a short time for them to visit, it's time to go back.

The two walked in the direction of Nancang Academy.

But who knew that when he was about to leave the downtown area, suddenly a beggar ran towards this side, followed by many people.

"Catch the thief, catch the thief!" those people shouted loudly.

It was obvious that the beggar was the thief, and the beggar was also considered smart, and he dexterously shuttled back and forth among the crowd.

"Mo Mo, let's go!" There were already so many people chasing after him, there was no need for them to add to the icing on the cake.Moreover, no matter how strange this drama looks, it is better to stay away.

"it is good!"

But who knew that the two didn't want to participate, but it seemed that someone in the crowd deliberately asked them to participate, leading the crowd to rush towards this side quickly.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo were rushed away by the crowd before they could defend themselves.

"Momo!" Su Chengyun shouted.

"Su Su!" Mo Mo's voice sounded in the crowd, and when Su Chengyun was about to search for it, another group of people rushed over, making her farther away from Mo Mo's voice.

At this time, Mo Mo had already been squeezed into a corner.

"Big brother, the sister you're looking for is waiting for you in the alley over there! You go!" A little boy said with a smile and tugged at the corner of Momo's clothes. His cute little face made people want to pinch it.

"Little brother, thank you!" Mo Mo said gratefully.

"Big brother, you're welcome, don't make sister wait!" the little boy reminded playfully.

"Well, I'm going now!"

Mo Mo walked towards the alley, and as soon as he entered the alley, he saw a man in black running forward with a woman on his shoulders.

Ah, it's Susu, the white dress that Susu is also wearing today.

"Susu!" Mo Mo shouted and chased after her.

And Su Chengyun was startled when she heard Momo's voice in the noisy crowd, but when she saw a white skirt floating across the alley, her eyes narrowed slightly involuntarily.

Mo Mo chased to a hidden alley, but saw only a woman in white standing in front of her, and there was no figure of the man in black.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, but did not speak.

"You are here!" The woman turned around slowly.

"It''s you!" Mo Mo cried out in surprise, then thought of something, frowned and said, "Lu Ruyun, did you lure me here deliberately by dressing up as Susu?"

That's right, this woman is exactly Lu Ruyun, but the hairstyle and clothes are exactly the same as Su Chengyun's.

Lu Ruyun smiled slightly, and looked at Mo Mo obsessively: "Yes, I was the one who led you here!"

"Why?" Momo asked.

"Why? Hehe, of course it's for you!" Lu Ruyun smiled foolishly and walked towards Momo.

"Don't come here!" Mo Mo shouted loudly, ready to leave in a flash.

"Hehe, I want to leave, it's late!" Lu Ruyun's voice sounded behind him.

Mo Mo only felt dizzy, and his body suddenly became weak.

"You..." He wobbled and supported the wall on one side, only then did he see a stick of black incense stuck on the wall, exuding a faint fragrance.

"You poisoned?" Mo Mo spat out three words with difficulty.

But Lu Ruyun walked over slowly, smiling gradually: "That's right, I poisoned you! Because that's the only way I can keep you!"


"Mr. Mo, I was confused by your face when I saw you for the first time, and every time I saw you, I became more obsessed. I saw you and that bitch Su Chengyun in the same room every day, getting along day and night. , do you know how much my heart hurts and how jealous I am!"

"Don't talk about Susu!" Mo Mo stared, but he was powerless without any threat.

"Hehe, you still defend that stinky girl, are you worthy of me?" Lu Ruyun's footsteps became heavy, "Su Chengyun, hehe, if I knew that she would fight for you, I would have Kill her, and let her have no chance to meet you!"

" dare!"

"Why don't I dare, I will show no mercy to anyone who stands in the way of me and you! Mr. Mo, I really like you!" Lu Ruyun's eyes were infatuated.

This man is crazy, really crazy.This was the thought in Mo Mo's heart at this time, and at the same time, he secretly hated himself for being too stupid to be caught by such a clumsy trap.

Susu, where are you Susu?
"Haha, don't expect someone to save you, no one will pass by here!" Lu Ruyun laughed, and walked to Mo Mo's side step by step.

"What are you going to do, don't come here!" Mo Mo glared at Lu Ruyun angrily.

"Haha, what do I want to do? What do you say I want to do?" Lu Ruyun stared at Momo's face, "What a beautiful face, I really like it!"

It's a pity, Mr. Mo, why can't you just take one more look at me, maybe you will fall in love with me if you take one more look.

"Huh!" Mo Mo turned his head away, as if he dismissed Lu Ruyun.

"Mr. Mo, am I beautiful? Am I more beautiful than that bitch Su Chengyun?" Lu Ruyun was not annoyed, but walked towards Mo Mo with a smile instead.

"Mr. Mo, my Lu Ruyun's beauty only blooms for you alone! Mr. Mo..." Lu Ruyun stretched out his hand to touch Mo Mo.

"Get away... get away!" Mo Mo pushed Lu Ruyun away with all his strength.

"Hehe, Mr. Mo, you have been drugged by me, and your strength is no match for a three-year-old child. Do you think you can push me away?" Lu Ruyun was not annoyed, she cast aside her shyness and continued to lean towards Mo Mo.

"Get out... open!" Mo Mo pushed again, but couldn't.

"Haha, Mr. Mo, don't waste your efforts. Since I lured you here, do you think I will let you go so easily?" Mo Mo was startled by the hideous look on Lu Ruyun's face, and couldn't help but backed away. One fell unsteadily to the ground.

"Mr. Mo?" Lu Ruyun giggled and bent down towards Mo Mo.

"you go!"

"Mr. Mo, it's come to this point. Do you think I will leave? I want to see how that stinky girl Su Chengyun will react to this scene?" Lu Ruyun was about to reach out his hand after giggling.

Mo Mo suddenly looked behind Lu Ruyun in a panic, his eyes widened suddenly.

"Susu..." Mo Mo's tone was tinged with grievance.

Su Chengyun stretched out his hand, but Lu Ruyun froze in place.

Su Chengyun stretched out his hand to yank and throw, and Lu Ruyun was ruthlessly thrown to the ground aside.

"Susu..." Mo Mo lowered his head slightly.

Su Chengyun stepped forward to help Mo Mo up, and put his hand on Mo Mo's wrist.

"You were poisoned?"

Mo Mo nodded hurriedly.

Su Chengyun looked at the motionless Lu Ruyun, seeing the ferocious expression on her face and the unwillingness in her eyes, he became even more angry.

Fortunately, she came here, otherwise Momo would not have been polluted by this disgusting woman.


Su Chengyun patted the back of Mo Mo's hand: "It's okay, it's okay, watch me avenge you!"


Su Chengyun stuffed a pill into Mo Mo's mouth. Although it couldn't completely dissolve it, it was still no problem to alleviate the drug's properties.

(End of this chapter)

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