Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 208 Recognition

Chapter 208 Recognition
While waiting for Mo Mo to recover, Su Chengyun stared at Lu Ruyun: "Lu Ruyun, do you still count on your guards to save you?"

Lu Ruyun's eyes froze sharply, staring fiercely at Su Chengyun.

"Hehe, I forgot to tell you, I've taken care of all your guards, you'd better be lucky!"

When Lu Ruyun heard the words, panic appeared in her eyes. She was not afraid at first, because she knew that her guards were not far away, but now Su Chengyun told her that her guards were all gone, so what should she do?
Su Chengyun was not a fuel-efficient lamp in the first place, and now it is really bad luck for him to fall into her hands.

"Woooo..." Lu Ruyun stared at Su Chengyun and expressed his desire to speak with his eyes.

Su Chengyun shook his head slightly.

"Lu Ruyun, you shouldn't have used such despicable means to get Momo's idea! You have crossed my bottom line, so I will treat you well!"

Lu Ruyun's pupils dilated greatly, with panic.

At this time, Mo Mo had recovered a bit of strength, walked over and shouted: "Susu!"

"Momo, let's take revenge!"

Mo Mo nodded with a smile: "Mo Mo listens to Susu!"

The bustling city is still extremely lively, with crowds of people frolicking and strolling around.

Suddenly a sharp scream pierced the night sky. Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, but they were surprised to see a white light flying out of the dark alley. When they looked closely, it turned out to be a naked body.

The crowd gradually gathered around in a daze.

"Wow, so white!"

"Great figure!"

"Hmph, I really don't know which lady is so shameless!"

"Whatever you look at, it's not yours!"

In the brain world, the men watched it with relish, while the women despised it and at the same time became jealous.

Lu Ruyun was so annoyed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip down.

She hated Su Chengyun in her heart, it was really cruel to humiliate her in this way.

"What are you looking at? Look at this lady gouging out your eyes!" Lu Ruyun stared fiercely at the people who were making noises around her. Although she couldn't move her body, Su Chengyun released the Ya acupuncture point, so there is no problem in cursing people.

"Yo, it's really hot! Has anyone ever seen a lady lying naked on the street?" Some men whistled.

"Isn't stripping naked just to let people see, what a hypocrisy!"

"I think this chick doesn't just want us to see it, maybe she just can't see us and is annoyed!"

"Haha, I think so too!"

"But don't be ashamed, we want more. Such a shameless woman on the street is really not as good as the girl from Baihualou!"

"Blind your dog eyes, how is this lady not as good as a prostitute?"

As soon as Lu Ruyun finished speaking, there were continuous laughter from around.

"Haha, I just said that this lady is not a serious girl, even Baihualou knows it!"

"Hmph, the world is getting worse, how can a decent girl compare herself with a prostitute."

"He also said that he is a young lady of everyone, and this behavior can be seen in every way of a prostitute!"

Ha ha ha ha……

"What happened in front, why are there so many people around? Go and see!" Yang Shanshan pointed to a guard.

The guard took the order and left quickly, but came back soon.

"Miss, it's a shameless woman lying naked on the road!" The guard said with a red face.

Yang Shanshan didn't expect this kind of thing, so she spat: "Let's go!"

But she had just taken two steps when she heard a familiar voice!

" deceive people too much, this lady will never let you go!"

Lu Ruyun?
Yang Shanshan recognized that it was Lu Ruyun's voice, and a bad feeling emerged in her heart.

"Did you recognize who that woman is?" Yang Shanshan stared at the guard who went to check just now.

The guard's face was embarrassing at first, and then he said in shame: "Miss, that woman's hair is disheveled, and her body..., I didn't dare to look at it! I will check it again!"

Yang Shanshan waved her hand: "No need!"

Because she heard the woman's roar.

"You villains, do you know who my aunt is? Who is my sister? Tell you, my aunt..."

Yang Shanshan's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and she shouted: "Ah, cousin!" The voice was so sharp that it shook the guards around her.

Lu Ruyun's words came to an abrupt end, because she saw a figure rushing through the crowd in a hurry.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you? Are you sick again? Didn't you stay at home? Why did you sneak out!" Yang Shanshan scolded Lu Ruyun and pinched Lu Ruyun hard.

Only then did Lu Ruyun realize that Yang Shanshan was going to treat her as a patient.

"Yang..." Before Shanshan could utter the word, she was knocked out by Yang Shanshan's blade.

Seeing that Lu Ruyun was dizzy, Yang Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief, you idiot!
Yang Shanshan's subordinates were also more colorful, someone immediately brought a quilt, wrapped Lu Ruyun in it, and carried it away!
"Sorry, my cousin is mentally ill, don't bother with her!"

Yang Shanshan backed away while apologizing to the people around her, but someone was against her.

"Haha, let me tell you why the young lady looks so familiar. She is from the Yang residence. I never heard that there is a girl in the Yang residence who is mentally ill!" A young man said loudly.

Someone actually recognized her as the young lady of the Yang family, Yang Shanshan wanted to step up and immediately dig out that person's eyeballs.

"Ha, it looks familiar, she looks like Miss Yang Shanshan!" someone said.

"What does it look like? She is Yang Shanshan. I've seen her before!"

"So that shameless woman just now is a relative of the Yang family."

"Miss Yang Shanshan, who is that person? He is so shameless!"

"That's right, Ms. Yang Shanshan, the reputation of your Yang Mansion is already very bad, don't let your poor relatives who don't know where come from come and ruin it again."

"Didn't you just hear that Miss Yang said that she is her cousin, who shares the same ancestor as her mother, haha, how could it be any better!"

Ha ha ha ha……

There was laughter all around.

Yang Shanshan's face turned red. She knew that these people were talking about her mother. After all, last time Su Chengyun provoked her mother and father to have a big fight, which made it known to everyone. Those who don't know will naturally think that her mother has been Thinking about other men is not a good woman.

"Get out of the way!" Yang Shanshan walked out.

But was stopped.

"Yang Shanshan, is that person really your cousin? Is she really sick?"

Yang Shanshan was furious, it seemed that these people didn't intend to let her pass the test easily!
"Let me open the way! If you see someone who doesn't have eyes, hit them!" Yang Shanshan's young lady also became angry, and ordered the guards who stayed beside her.

The guards stepped forward and began to open the way, but more people confronted the guards, and the guards did not dare to use violence to drive them away.

"Yo, it's even hotter than the chick just now. It's true that the whole family doesn't enter the house. This Miss Yang may be more open-minded than the girl just now!"

"That's right, that's right, before I even said a few words, I revealed my true colors!"

"You... you!" Yang Shanshan pointed at the laughing crowd, her face flushed with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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