Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 209 1 Slap

Chapter 209 Slap
"What happened?" At this moment, two handsome sons came over, followed by a few guards.

Seeing the young masters, the surrounding crowd couldn't help but give way. They dared to embarrass weak women innocuously, but they didn't dare to confront the young masters blatantly.

"Brother Yuan Ze, Brother Yuan Rui!" Yang Shanshan ran towards the young masters.

"Shanshan?" The two were shocked.

Yang Shanshan whispered to the two of them: "Let's go!" Pulling the two together, she was about to walk out.

But someone shouted loudly: "There are a few unconscious men in the alley over there, naked!"

When the crowd heard this, they ran towards the alley.

Lu Yuanze and Lu Yuanrui also followed, and Yang Shanshan stomped her feet and followed.

But when they saw a few men, their faces turned black immediately, but they were completely naked, and each of them was holding a piece of women's clothes, including skirts, trousers, and bellybands...

What's worse is that they still know these people, they are Lu Ruyun's guards, and the clothes on their hands seem familiar.

"Hey, the clothes they are holding don't belong to that woman just now, do they?"

"I think it's [-]%!"

"Why don't you let Ms. Yang Shanshan come and recognize her!" Someone suggested.

Both Lu Yuanze and Lu Yuanrui looked at Yang Shanshan.

Yang Shanshan watched the two hesitate to speak.

"Get out of here first!" Lu Yuanze said.

Yang Shanshan couldn't wait for it, so she hurriedly walked outside.

When he reached a place where no one was around, Lu Yuanze asked with a gloomy face, "What's going on here?"

Yang Shanshan told the story in a low voice, because the previous situation was unclear, but only the later plot made Lu Yuanze and Lu Yuanrui's faces extremely ugly.

Their younger sister was actually seen naked by so many people, and even compared with the women in the brothel.

"Where's Ruyun?" Lu Yuanze asked.

"I asked the guards to escort her back first!" Yang Shanshan said, if she knew she would be surrounded, she would definitely leave first.

Lu Yuanze sullenly for a moment, called a guard to come over, and gave a few instructions in a low voice.

"Brother Yuanze, what should we do now?"

"Go back and meet Ruyun first!" A cold light appeared in Lu Yuanze's eyes when he mentioned Ruyun.

After a few people left, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked out from the dark.

"Momo, let's go, we're going back too!"

"it is good!"

The two headed towards Nancang Academy.

At this time, the Yang family.

Lu Huiping, Lu Huining, Yang Shanshan and the Lu brothers and sisters were all present.

Lu Huiping looked at Lu Ruyun who was huddled inside and asked, "Ruyun, what's going on? Why did you..." She didn't say anything later, and Lu Huiping was also very annoyed. This matter was kept from the Yang family. If the Yang family knew what had happened to her niece, they didn't know what harsh words they would say.

"That's right, Ruyun, how could such a thing happen?" Lu Huining also asked, why is her niece so uneasy.

"Ruyun, did someone frame you?" Lu Yuanze asked with narrowed eyes.

Neither Lu Yuanrui nor Lu Rushuang spoke, but just watched from the sidelines.

Lu Ruyun bit her lip, looked at several people around, and remained silent.

"Ruyun, before tomorrow, your identity will be revealed. If you don't say anything now, how can we help you?" Lu Huiping said.

Lu Ruyun's eyes widened in disbelief, she didn't reveal her identity!

"Ruyun, you underestimate the people in Nancang City, you can't hide your identity at all." Lu Huining said with a sigh.

Hearing this, Lu Ruyun pointed her eyes at Yang Shanshan viciously: "Yang Shanshan, did you say something to those people, so they will know my identity!"

"Ruyun, I'm sorry, I didn't tell them your identity, but some of them recognized me as the young lady of the Yang family, and I started to say that you were my cousin, so your identity is easy to be associated with. "Yang Shanshan said apologetically, although she didn't do it on purpose, she also provided clues for others.

"Yang Shanshan, no wonder you said I was sick the first time you came up. It turns out that you have long wanted to ruin my reputation. In vain, I still regard you as a good friend!" Lu Ruyun roared angrily.

Yang Shanshan was also angry when she heard the words, she helped her kindly, but she didn't expect that she would miss her so much.

"I said it wasn't intentional. Besides, even if I didn't stop you at the time, you still sold your identity. I obviously heard you threatening those people to report the names of my mother and aunt! If not In order to stop you in time, I will personally go out and put myself at the forefront of the storm? Hmph, I don't know good people!"

The faces of the other people in the room were ugly when they heard the words. According to Yang Shanshan, this Lu Ruyun was too stupid, so stupid that there was no cure for it.

Only Lu Rushuang twitched her lips. Lu Ruyun has always been stupid, and the eldest lady will ignore everything when her temper comes up. It is not surprising that she can do such a thing.

Lu Yuanze glared at Lu Ruyun: "Ruyun, do you know that not only our Wangyue Lu family, but also the Yang family, and even the Nancang Lu family have lost all face by your appearance tonight? You made the three families unmarried What about the girl?"

Lu Ruyun bit her lip and said nothing.

Lu Yuanze continued: "Ruyun, because you are the eldest daughter and the youngest in the Lu family, everyone let you and dotes on you, but what do you give back to the family? You have a family in your heart, But there are elders in the family, have you thought about the people who love you, have you thought about them?"

"Yuanze, calm down!" Lu Huiping patted Lu Yuanze's arm and looked at Lu Ruyun.

"Ruyun, you should tell the whole thing, anyway, let's find a way to deal with tomorrow's gossip."

"That's right, Ruyun, what's going on?" Lu Huining also asked with a frown.

At this moment, a guard outside reported in a low voice that Lu Yuanze had gone out, while others continued to question Lu Ruyun.

Lu Ruyun couldn't bear the pressure, and said bitterly: "It's Su Chengyun, it's that stinky girl Su Chengyun who hurt me!"

Su Chengyun?
The people in the house looked at each other.

"Ruyun, you said Su Chengyun harmed you like this?" Lu Huiping confirmed in a deep voice.

"Ruyun, why did Su Chengyun harm you in such a despicable way?" Lu Huining asked suspiciously, she has also come into contact with Su Chengyun, if you don't provoke her, she can basically ignore you, but if you provoke her , Her counterattack was also fierce.

"It's really Su Chengyun?" Lu Yuanrui's eyes flashed viciously, and he also hated Su Chengyun to the bone.

"It's not her, it's her!" Lu Ruyun's eyes flickered, and then he said firmly, with hatred in his eyes.It was Su Chengyun who harmed her. Su Chengyun not only made her lose face, but also robbed Mr. Mo. She hated her.

Lu Huining was about to ask more carefully, but Lu Yuanze pushed the door and walked in with a livid face.

"Yuanze!" Lu Huining called softly.

Lu Yuanze didn't respond, but walked up to Lu Ruyun step by step, stared at Lu Ruyun fiercely for a moment, and then caught everyone off guard and slapped Lu Ruyun across the face.

Five fingerprints immediately appeared on Lu Ruyun's fair face.

(End of this chapter)

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