Chapter 211

After Su Chengyun and Mo Mo returned to the dormitory, Su Chengyun first prepared the antidote for Mo Mo, and Mo Mo hurried to take a bath after taking the antidote. Yun felt that it was wrong to urge him, but he still refused to come out.

"Mo Mo, why did you wash it for so long?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

Mo Mo lowered his head, and his voice was like a mosquito: "Mo Mo didn't protect himself well, let that crazy woman touch him, Mo Mo is afraid that Su Su will dislike Mo Mo!"


All the water in Su Chengyun's mouth was sprayed out.

"Haha, Mo Mo, why do you think so?" Su Chengyun laughed, this Mo Mo is so cute!

"Susu..." Mo Mo looked at Su Chengyun resentfully.

Su Chengyun walked towards Mo Mo, stood on tiptoe and patted Mo Mo's shoulder: "Mo Mo, it's not your fault today, so don't blame yourself!"

"Susu, it's because my vigilance is too low that someone took advantage of me!" Momo bowed her head in shame.

"It's okay, just remember the lesson from this time!"

"En, Momo will remember!" Momo said firmly.

"Okay, I'm tired today, go to bed early!"


The sky is slightly lit up!

Mo Qiling quietly entered Su Chengyun's room, looked at the sleeping Su Chengyun, and gently twitched the corners of his mouth.

Su Chengyun suddenly felt a familiar atmosphere in the air, she opened her eyes involuntarily, and suddenly a deep blue pupil hit her eyes.

"Mo... Mo Qiling, when did you come?" Su Chengyun was pleasantly surprised.

"I just came here and saw you sleeping soundly, so I didn't want to call you!" Mo Qiling said.

"Hehe, go out and wait for me first!"

"it is good!"

When Mo Qiling went out, Su Chengyun began to wash and change clothes quickly, and quickly tidied up his whole body refreshed.

"Susu, I bought rice, let's eat together!" Mo Qiling greeted Su Chengyun.

"That's really rare, of course I want to join in!" This was the first time he and Mo Qiling had dinner at the same table.

Mo Qiling ate really elegantly, he ate very fast, but his movements were not chaotic at all, extremely elegant, as if he had received special training in this area, which made Su Chengyun envious.

Who is Mo Qiling, of course he can see the envy in Su Chengyun's eyes, and said: "I will teach you in the future!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun rolled his eyes.

The two of them have been nesting in the dormitory today, unaware that rumors about Lu Ruyun, the Lu family and the Yang family are already flying all over the sky.

But even if Su Chengyun knew it, he just laughed a few times, and then devoted himself to his cultivation. Now there is nothing more important than improving his own strength.

Two days later, Mr. Ming Yi paid a surprise visit.

"Master Mingyi..." Su Chengyun smiled and invited Mr. Mingyi to come in, while Mo Mo stood aside without saying a word.

"Master Ming Yi, are you here today for something?" Su Chengyun asked directly.

Mr. Mingyi nodded: "It's like this. I know you are in the academy, so I applied for two jade tokens of the Heart Refining Pagoda for you and classmate Mo."

"The Refining Tower?"

"That's right, Nancang Academy's Mind Refining Pagoda specializes in mental state refining, Chengyun, you are now a late-stage spiritual master, it's just right to go to the Mind Refining Pagoda!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Why have I never heard of such a magical place?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hehe, Chengyun, it's normal that you don't know. Many students in the middle and senior grades don't know about it. Generally, only the top students in the college are allowed to use the Refining Tower, and it's not allowed to spread it outside." Mr. Mingyi explained.

"So that's the case!" Su Chengyun suddenly realized.

"However, with these two jade cards, you and Mr. Mo can enter and leave the Heart Refining Pagoda at will!" Mr. Ming Yi handed over the two jade cards.

Su Chengyun took it and thanked Mr. Mingyi with a smile.

"By the way, the Mind Refining Pagoda is in the restricted area of ​​the academy. You must take the jade cards well. If you don't have the jade cards, you will be regarded as infiltrators!"

"Understood!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, see you later!"

Su Chengyun sent Mr. Mingyi out of the dormitory.

The next day, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo walked towards the restricted area of ​​the college. Due to the holiday time, there were very few students in the college. They walked all the way, but they only saw a dozen or so students.

There is no one in the restricted area of ​​the academy.

Seeing the words "restricted area" erected at the entrance of the small courtyard in front of them, Su Chengyun and Mo Mo stopped in their footsteps, not knowing whether to go in directly or wait here.

Fortunately, the two didn't struggle much, and a guard came out from the darkness, pointing his long sword at the two: "This is a restricted area, you are not allowed to stay, please leave quickly!"

"We have a jade card!" Su Chengyun hurriedly showed the jade card in his hand.

The guard put away his sword, stepped forward to check the jade plaque, then nodded and moved out of the way: "Please come in!"

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo thanked the guards, opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

Walking into the small courtyard, Su Chengyun immediately felt more than a dozen eyes sweeping over his body, it seems that there are many masters hidden here.

Not far away, a small pagoda with a height of five meters and a width of three meters stands in the middle of the courtyard. It is very conspicuous. There are three characters "Xinxin Pagoda" written on the pagoda door.

Ah, is this the Refining Heart Pagoda?
Also too small!

But thinking that Mr. Ming Yi would not harm them, the two of them approached the Refining Heart Pagoda with more than a dozen gazes.

The door of Refining Heart Pagoda was only 1.8 meters by visual inspection, and Mo Mo had to bend down to get in because of his stature.

"Mo Mo, let's go in!" Su Chengyun inserted the jade tablet into a groove in the door, and the door opened immediately.

Su Chengyun pulled out the jade tablet and walked in first, Mo Mo followed suit and walked in.

After Su Chengyun entered, he was surprised to find that the space inside was surprisingly large, and it was completely different from the outside.

"Hey, little girl, are you scared?" An old man with a white beard walked out from the side and smiled at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded: "I was really shocked! Is this a space artifact?"

"Space artifact? This term is new! But it is indeed a space-type device!" said the white-bearded old man, stroking his beard.

"I haven't asked who you are yet?"

"Hehe, this old man is the manager of the Mind Refining Pagoda, you can call me Gu Lao!"

"Hello Gu!" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo hurriedly saluted again.

"Hehe, good boys, you're welcome!" Elder Gu smiled with narrowed eyes, "I'll tell you about the rules of the Mind Training Tower first. Every time you add a floor to this Mind Training Tower, the difficulty and danger double. You are the number one." The next time you come to the Mind Training Pagoda, you can only use the room on the first floor. You can only enter the second floor after you pass the training on the first floor! Don’t jump to the next floor, otherwise no one will be able to save you!"

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo are busy responding.

"There are the most rooms on the first floor, and the word retreat on the door of the room means there are people inside. You can choose other rooms without people to enter, just insert the jade token into the groove at the door!"

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo nodded to express their understanding.

Gu Lao waved his hand: "Okay, you guys go! Don't be brave, if you find danger, come out immediately!"

"Understood, thank you Gu!"

The two walked inside and soon found two adjacent rooms.

"Susu, I'm going in!"

"Okay, Momo, be careful!"

"Well, Susu is also careful!"

Su Chengyun nodded and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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