Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 212 Going to practice

Chapter 212 Going to practice

Time flew by, and the students began to return to the academy one after another.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang didn't know what was holding them back, and they didn't return until the start of school.

And Su Chengyun, after a month of training, is only a little short of the promotion, and he can be promoted again as long as he has an opportunity.The mental state of the mind refining tower has been refined, and her mood has also been greatly improved. She can already practice on the third floor of the mind refining tower.

"Su Xiaomei, I'm sorry, I agreed to come back early!" Feng Jue said apologetically.

Su Chengyun smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, you have something to do, don't you?"

"Su Xiaomei, you don't know that I was tricked by my father. He clearly said that he would take me to meet a few people, but who knows..." Feng Jue then babbled how his father lied to him, and finally threw him into a valley. In the valley, he was trained inhumanely by a few weirdos. He lived in dire straits every day.
Su Chengyun was surprised to hear the accusations made by Feng Abbott's father and those weirdos, and from time to time he inserted a sentence to complain about his injustice.

Feng Jue finally finished speaking, feeling much more at ease.

"Su Xiaomei, do you think there is such a father? With such a good son, he is not afraid that I will die?"

"Hehe, your father must be sensible. Besides, does it look good? It's dark, strong, and even promoted to the rank of Spirit King!" Su Chengyun teased with a smile.

"Little sister Su..."

"Haha, it's not enough to have a father who loves you so much, be careful of being struck by lightning!" Wei Ang said quietly from the side.

"Hmph!" Feng Jue turned his head away.

At this moment, teacher Liang Yuling walked into the classroom, and everyone immediately quieted down.

Liang Yuling smiled and said: "It's a pleasure to see you again. You all achieved good results last semester. The new semester is a new start. I will lead you to another peak!"

There was applause from below.

"Okay, roll call now!"

One name after another was called, and none of them was absent.

Teacher Liang Yuling said: "After a month's vacation, many of you may not have taken it back, so I have applied for the opportunity for you to go out to practice. Go back today and prepare for it, and leave tomorrow at Chenshi!"

As soon as Teacher Liang Yuling finished speaking, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly changed, and discussions arose.

"May I ask Mr. Liang, where should we go to practice? How long?" A student stood up and asked.

Liang Yuling smiled: "We went to a border town called Luoxia Town, which is close to the Lanyan Desert! The training time is one month."

Teacher Liang Yuling's words made everyone talk even more.

"Everyone remember to be well-prepared. We may have to eat and sleep in the open air along the way. Although there are supplies on the road, the closer we get to Luoxia Town, the less!" Teacher Liang Yuling kindly reminded.

"Okay, you can go out of the academy for shopping today! Gather at the entrance of the academy tomorrow! Let's go!" Teacher Liang Yuling smiled and twisted her waist and left.

"Ah, why do you think Teacher Liang Yuling chose Luoxia Town? Why do I have a feeling of conspiracy!" Wei Ang said.

Feng Jue pursed his mouth: "Wei Ang, have you been exposed to the dark side of the family a lot this month, so the dark factors in your mind have also become active?"

"Uh..." Wei Ang choked, and turned to look at Su Chengyun and Mo Mo, "Chengyun, Mo Mo, do you think my worries are justified?"

Su Chengyun thought for a while and said: "I remember that there are no monsters in Luoxia Town, so what exactly do you want to practice?"

"Although there are no monsters in Luoxia Town, there are in Lanyan Desert!" Wei Ang said.

"You mean, Teacher Liang Yuling's ultimate goal is to drag us to the Blue Flame Desert to practice? Impossible!" Feng Jue exclaimed.

"What's impossible, teacher Liang Yuling is very likely to do such a thing!" Wei Ang said.

"Then we have to prepare a lot, the first is water!" Su Chengyun said.

"That's right, no matter what, let's prepare more things we need in the desert, be prepared!" Wei Ang also said.

"Ah, how many things do you need to prepare? It would be great if you have a ring!" Feng Jue muttered.

"Najie?" Su Chengyun sensed these two words sensitively.

"Well, the ring is a storage tool, and there is a lot of space inside, you can put things in it!" Feng Jue explained weakly.

"There are such props in this world?" Su Chengyun was surprised. Isn't this Naring just like the storage ring and storage bag in Xianxia? She has never heard of it since she came to Lanling Continent , I thought there was no such thing here, but I didn't expect it to exist long ago.

"Su Xiaomei, of course there is a ring, but it is very precious. Ordinary people may never see it in their lifetime. Even my Feng family has only got two rings that are not big in so many years." Feng Jue said weakly. Well, those two rings are treasures of the family, I really want to steal them and use them.

"Chengyun, although rings are rare, sometimes they are available at auctions, but they are so expensive that we simply cannot afford them!" Wei Ang explained.

"Oh!" Su Chengyun nodded.

"Su Xiaomei, let's go out and do the shopping now!" Feng Jue suggested.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied, there are too many people to discuss, and it is not easy to miss it!

The four of them walked out of the classroom together, and walked towards the outside of the college. Although the college also has shops, they have a lot of things to buy, and there may not be all of them here.

Young Master Mingyi looked at the backs of the four with envy.I can't figure out why I can't fit into that circle.

Until the afternoon, several people came back with several cars.

And several people saw Jin Duoduo and Shangguan Youyue waiting outside the dormitory door from a distance.

"Chengyun, are you back?" The two rushed over.

"You Yue, Duoduo, why are you here?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Chengyun, I heard..." Jin Duoduo wanted to speak quickly, but was stopped by Shangguan Youyue, "Duoduo, let's help Chengyun move things in first!"

"Oh, good!" The two of them, together with Feng Jue and Wei Ang's help, quickly moved everything.A few people went to help Feng Jue and Wei Ang move again, with a lot of people and great strength, they solved it quickly.

A few people were sitting on the sofa, Shangguan Youyue said: "Chengyun, Duoduo and I have heard that your ninth class is going out to practice!"

Jin Duoduo also nodded hurriedly: "I really don't know what your teacher Liang Yuling thinks, why did you let you practice so early?"

"Aren't you going to practice?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

Shangguan Youyue shook her head: "Our teacher said, let us study hard in the first year, and arrange to go out for training in the second year!"

"Chengyun, I heard that you are going to a border town, where the people are barren and uncivilized, so be careful!" Jin Duoduo also said with concern.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Don't worry, we usually do group activities, and we can't suffer!"

"Chengyun, are you all ready?" Shangguan Youyue asked.

"It's almost there, but there are a lot of things, and I'm still worrying about how to take them away!"

"It's okay, let's tidy up, you and Mo Mo will carry a big package tomorrow!"

"Hehe, that's the only way to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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