Chapter 214

Teacher Liang Yuling walked over lightly.

"I guess Teacher Liang Yuling must also have a ring!" Wei Ang whispered to several people.

Su Chengyun and the others scanned Liang Yuling's body, but they didn't see any accessories like Najie.

"The secrecy measures are too strict!" Feng Jue curled his lips.

Su Chengyun, Mo Mo and Wei Ang burst out laughing, and Feng Jue enjoyed it again.

Teacher Liang Yuling narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the extra cars and people.

"Whose car? Whose person? Hurry up!" Teacher Liang Yuling pointed at Che Yu, who was holding the luggage, and waved his hand.

"Ah, teacher, that's my car with my luggage on it!" A boy stood up.

"What, you mean you can't catch a long distance and carry luggage?" Teacher Liang Yuling tilted her head and asked, "Could it be that you only grow your body but not your strength, and you are strong on the outside and weak on the inside?"

The boy was startled when he heard the words, and then scratched his ears and said: "No... no... it was arranged for me by my family's love!"

Hearing the words, Liang Yuling even sprayed it unceremoniously, "Could it be that you are still a child, and you don't know how to do things? What others say is what you say, and you can do what you are told. What about your strength of character, what about your arrogance? Don’t tell me you’re obedient when others tell you to die.”

The boy lowered his head, not daring to look at Liang Yuling.

"Look up for me, my students of Liang Yuling are not allowed to bow their heads. Who else's carriages and guards, stand up for me!" Teacher Liang Yuling's eyes swept across the audience.

After a while, several students slowly stood up, some boys and some girls.

Teacher Liang Yuling walked round and round in front of several people, and finally said: "You guys are very talented, our class is going through experience, you just travel in a horse-drawn carriage, accompanied by escorts. Why, do you want to show your dignity, or do you want to show your dignity? Think of it as a tour of mountains and rivers?"

Seeing Teacher Liang who was a little furious, several students held their breath, and no one dared to touch her brow again.

"I'll give you a quarter of an hour to pack your luggage immediately and let your carriages and guards leave!" Teacher Liang Yuling ordered simply.

A few students didn't dare to delay when they heard the words, and hurriedly ran to their carriage. Teacher Liang Yuling said that it would be a quarter of an hour, it must be a quarter of an hour.

Liang Yuling ignored those students, but looked at the audience.

"This experience actually started when I announced it yesterday. I didn't remind you to buy anything. That is the first step in your experience. You may do it yourself, or your family may help, but no matter what, These items are what you used for this month's experience. Only through experience can you know whether these items are suitable. If they are not suitable, you can replenish them if you are lucky. If you are not lucky, you can only suffer by yourself! You have to learn to be yourself Be responsible for your actions, I believe this experience will be a good lesson for many of you, Miss Jiao and Master Jiao!"

As soon as Teacher Liang Yuling finished speaking, many people turned pale.

I thought it was a group activity of the class, and the college would definitely take care of them, but according to what Teacher Liang Yuling said, the college would not take special care of them at all. This experience is different from the previous family experience with the care of the elders. This time it is a real experience.

The academy is for real, and teacher Liang Yuling is also for real.

The freshness and excitement of collective experience were swept away, and what remained was the fear of the unknown and danger.

But Teacher Liang Yuling looked at the faces of many students with a smile, and said, "Now roll call!"

Names were clicked one by one, and then a quarter of an hour was up.

Seeing those students packing their luggage in a hurry, Teacher Liang Yuling waved his hand, "Put your luggage on your back, let's go!"

The mighty team walked towards the outside of the academy, attracting many passers-by to watch.

In a restaurant in Nancang City, two figures were sitting by the window in a private room on the second floor.

"Brother Qiu, are you so relieved that freshmen go out to practice, or go to the barren Luoxia Town?" Shangguan Bing asked lightly.

Qiu Tianqi smiled and stroked his beard: "What are you afraid of, boy Nan is also in class nine!"

"Brother Qiu, have you made other preparations!" Shangguan Bing asked with raised eyebrows.

"Hey, I can't hide it from you!" Qiu Tianqi laughed dryly, "Actually, I sent people to guard the group of students, but unless they encounter life-and-death matters, my people are hidden in the dark at other times!"

"Can you send enough people? Do you need another person from my City Lord's Mansion?" Shangguan Bing asked kindly.

Qiu Tianqi quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I have enough people, besides, Teacher Liang Yuling must have other precautions!"

"In this case, I will let the towns along the way receive them well!" Shangguan Bing said in silence for a moment.

"Shangguan, you don't have to worry about them. They are here to practice, not to enjoy themselves. If you give an order, all the towns will be overwhelmed. I don't want to be scolded for wasting people's money!"

"Hey, I want to help you, but you don't appreciate it!"

"Hey, hey!" Qiu Tianqi laughed dryly.

The four of Su Chengyun walked together all the way, chatting and laughing, and they were not annoying along the way.

Mr. Mingyi followed them not far away, surrounded by many girls. During the experience, it is normal for girls to like to be next to strong men, and it is normal for them to be pleasing to the eye.

Teacher Liang Yuling followed the team lightly, reminding everyone not to fall behind from time to time.

On the first day, everyone was full of energy and walked a long way. It was not until Teacher Liang Yuling announced that the day ended here that everyone realized that their bodies were very sore.

Many people sat down on the ground at once.

Teacher Liang Yuling walked forward with a smile and said: "The first thing to do when camping is to check the surrounding dangers, so you can't rest yet! You can discuss how to check the dangers yourself! Tonight and every night after that, the night duty personnel will also be selected. !"

Teacher Liang Yuling left with her hands behind her back after speaking, leaving a group of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

"This teacher Liang Yuling is really a hands-off shopkeeper, he doesn't care about anything if he sneaks us out!" Feng Jue said.

"Hehe, this is Liang Yuling's teaching method, let students participate as much as possible." Wei Ang said.

"Everyone, come here, let's discuss!" Mr. Ming Yi shouted loudly, and all the students gathered around when they heard Mr. Ming Yi's words, Su Chengyun and others were no exception.

"Let's discuss how to arrange it. The arrangement is made today, and we will implement it every time we rest!" Mr. Mingyi said.

This is related to vital interests, everyone started to discuss it chatteringly, and soon came up with a plan.

"Okay, let's implement according to what everyone discussed. Before each break, a hundred people will be assigned to check for danger nearby. 30 people will be on duty every day, and 15 people will work in shifts, taking turns!"

Everyone had no objection. After the discussion, a hundred people stood up to investigate the danger.

Some of the remaining people took a rest directly, and some started to set up tents.

"Su Xiaomei, how about we go hunt some prey after setting up the tent?" Feng Jue asked.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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