Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 215 Roast Meat

Chapter 215 Roast Meat
Soon the students who checked out the danger came back, and the tents of Su Chengyun and the others had already been set up and their luggage had been put away.

Teacher Liang Yuling walked over at a leisurely pace, and said to everyone with a smile: "I selected the camping place for you today. From tomorrow onwards, you can choose the camping place yourself. Alright, next is the time for free activities. You can go for a walk around, but it’s best to be in company, don’t act alone, and don’t go far, and you can handle dinner by yourself. Those who are capable drink and eat meat, and those who are not capable eat leftovers!”

"So ruthless!" Feng Jue muttered in a low voice.

"Feng Jue, Teacher Liang Yuling seems to be planning to go to the theater all the way, we must not let her underestimate!" Wei Ang said.

"Yes, we can't let her underestimate it! It's not that we haven't come out to practice before, so we won't be scared!" Feng Jue also said, and then turned to Su Chengyun and Mo Mo, "Su Xiaomei, Mo Mo, we The four of us together, let others see our strength!"

Su Chengyun nodded with a smile and said, "Let's start with today's dinner!"

"Dinner?" Feng Jue looked over suspiciously.

"Look!" Su Chengyun pointed not far away, and when they looked, they saw a blue figure running quickly beside Teacher Liang Yuling, with a fat rabbit dangling in his mouth, But the rabbit is already dead.

"It's Teacher Liang's Qinglingwolf!" Mo Mo said.

"Teacher Liang is so treacherous, she actually used contracted beasts to help her hunt!" Feng Jue complained.

Wei Ang patted Feng Jue on the shoulder: "Feng Jue, who told us not to have contracted beasts, envy is not envy, let's obediently go find prey by ourselves!"

"Who said I'm envious? I'm not envious. I will definitely find a tall, mighty, flamboyant and powerful contracted beast!" Feng Jue waved his arms firmly.

"Okay, let's wait and see what kind of contracted beast you can find!" Wei Ang replied with a smile.

"Don't worry, it must be stronger than yours!"

"Ah, Feng Jue, why do you always compare yourself to me?"

"My pleasure!"

"But I'm not happy!"

"What don't you care about me?"

"Uh...why it's none of your business?"


"If you dawdle any longer, it will be dark!" Su Chengyun hurriedly urged while watching the endless two people.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang looked at the darkening sky, it was indeed getting late, so they hurried outside.

Several people came to a small forest, Su Chengyun said: "I am in a group with Mo Mo, Feng Jue, Wei Ang and you are in a group. After half an hour, no matter whether you have hunted or not, you will meet here!"

"Got it!" Feng Jue and Wei Ang responded.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo headed to the east of the grove, Feng Jue and Wei Ang headed to the west.

More than half an hour passed quickly, and the four of them laughed and walked towards the small river not far from the camp. Each of them carried a prey in their hands.

"Chengyun, we may not be able to eat so much!" Wei Ang said.

"It's okay. If you can't finish eating, save it for tomorrow. Anyway, the weather won't be bad for a day. Aren't we going to be on duty tomorrow? We don't have time to go hunting." Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"It's Su Xiaomei who is so thoughtful!" Feng Jue boasted.

"Ah, Mo Mo, you are really neat in handling prey!" Wei Ang praised Mo Mo's movement like water.

Mo Mo smiled embarrassedly: "Su Su taught Mo Mo!"

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "Wei Ang, you don't know that Mo Mo's grilled meat is more delicious! You can't stop eating it, and even want to swallow your own tongue!"

"Su Xiaomei, is that an exaggeration? Don't think that we have never eaten barbecue, how could it be as exaggerated as you said?" Feng didn't believe it.

Su Chengyun: "Hehe, you will know after a while that what I said is true or false! Don't be too delicious!"

"Okay, I'd like to see how delicious it is, to make Su Xiaomei admire it so much!" Feng Jue still didn't believe it.

Su Chengyun didn't speak any more, but smiled slyly at Mo Mo.

The four of them worked together, quickly dealt with the prey and collected enough firewood.

Mo Mo started to grill the meat, while Su Chengyun cleaned the mushrooms he picked just now, and packed out a pot to prepare mushroom soup, and heat up the dry food by the way.

Su Chengyun and Mo Mo were both busy, and Feng Jue and Wei Ang didn't want to watch, they also picked up the meat and started roasting.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Feng Jue said.

"It's Teacher Liang Yuling's barbecue!" Wei Ang glanced at Teacher Liang Yuling not far away, and said.

"I didn't expect Teacher Liang Yuling to be able to barbecue!" Feng Jue was a little surprised.

"Hehe, Fengjue, I bet that Teacher Liang Yuling is a good at surviving in the wild!" Su Chengyun said.

"Miss Su, why do you see this?"

Wei Ang smiled: "Just because Teacher Liang Yuling dared to pull us out to practice in our freshman period!"

Su Chengyun also nodded: "That's right, if it weren't for his strong ability to survive outside, Teacher Liang Yuling would not have such confidence and courage. Also, have you noticed that although Teacher Liang Yuling let us do everything by ourselves? Do it, but she has always been in charge of the general direction!"

"What you said is also reasonable. My father also said that Teacher Liang Yuling is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but a very capable person. He also asked me to learn more from her!" Feng Jue said.

"Well, we should learn more!" Wei Ang said.

"Wow, it smells so good, Mo Mo, what did you sprinkle on the meat just now?" Feng Jue suddenly had an appetizing aroma wafting from his nose, which made him involuntarily inhale.

"Oh, this is the seasoning that Susu found, and it will make the meat fresher and more delicious when you rub it on the barbecue!" Mo Mo replied with a smile.

"Ah, Miss Su, why didn't you tell me you have such a good thing?" Feng Jue looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun gave Feng Jue a blank look: "Feng Jue, do you think it's easy to collect these seasonings?" It's actually very easy, but you can't tell Feng Jue directly like this, otherwise the barbecue she just bragged about will lose its value.

"Su Xiaomei, tell me what seasoning you need, and I'll let my family collect it for you!" Feng Jue said.

"Hehe, I don't barbecue every day, so I don't need that much. What I have is enough!" Su Chengyun smiled, she didn't know Feng Jue's plan.

"Ah, Miss Su..." Feng Jue pouted.

"Mo Mo, give him a seasoning!" Su Chengyun said.

Mo Mo quickly took out two seasonings and gave them to Feng Jue and Wei Ang respectively.

Only then did Feng Jue happily continue roasting the meat in his hand.

"I'm done roasting, Feng Jue, Wei Ang, are you eating now, or wait for the roast meat in your hands?" Mo Mo said, pointing at the meat that the two of them were still roasting.

"Hmph, Miss Su praised your barbecue so well, of course I want to try it!" Feng Jue said.

"Give me a piece too!" Wei Ang also said.

Mo Mo quickly divided it up, and everyone got a share.

"Wow, it's so delicious! Su Xiaomei, you're right, Momo's barbecue is really amazing!" Feng Jue praised.

"It's really delicious!" Wei Ang also looked surprised.

While the other students smelled the aroma of barbecue wafting from here, and looked at the hard dry food in their hands, they immediately found it difficult to swallow.

(End of this chapter)

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