Chapter 217

After walking for a few more days, everyone looked dusty, and some young masters and ladies had already finished their dry food, so they had to go hunting like Su Chengyun and others. Although the food they baked was terrible, they were hungry. They had to eat it, and of course there were those who couldn't catch the prey, and even offered to buy barbecue from Su Chengyun and the others, but Feng Jue ruthlessly rejected it.

Feng Jue said it very bluntly, as if Teacher Liang Yuling had given him all the retaliation for scolding him earlier, but in the end he also said earnestly: "We don't have much dry food, we can't help you and make us hungry! "

That popularity, I don't dare to force it, after all Mr. Liang Yuling is watching, even Mr. Ming Yi won't make people bully Su Chengyun blatantly.

Other students who were thinking about buying also turned off their lights all of a sudden.

Well, let's find a way by ourselves!
Fortunately, Teacher Liang Yuling didn't have the idea of ​​starving to death. He stayed not far from a big town and allowed them to elect ten representatives to go to the town to purchase.

Feng Jue originally wanted to compete for the representative, but Wei Ang was too embarrassed to mention it.

After suffering these days, other students have also learned a little bit, and specially selected those who are shrewd and able to bargain to buy.

So a lively registration scene was in progress, and more than a dozen pieces of paper were registered quickly.

The ten representatives set off towards the town with the expectation of everyone.

Until the sun set, ten people came back with more than 30 carriages, and more than 30 carriages were fully loaded.

The students helped the coachman unload all the things, and let the coachman go back, looking at the things piled on the ground with burning eyes.

"Ahem!" Representative Ten stood up and said, "Let me explain first, how many of the items you want to purchase are not available in this town, we helped find replacement items on our own initiative, and those that could not be replaced were not bought. , I will explain it in detail when I divide the items later, I hope you don't blame us for not doing things well!"

"No, no!" The students hurriedly said, they have worked hard for a long time, and tried their best to help remedy it, so if you keep talking about it, you will be a fool.

The things were sorted out quickly, Su Chengyun's and Mo Mo's things were exactly the same, but the two bought by Feng Jue were replaced.

"Hey, why are you so unlucky!" Feng Jue sighed.

"Feng Jue, now you know why I stopped you to be a representative, and return Lan Fangzhai's snacks? I wonder if there are any in this town?" Wei Ang said.

"Ugh, I was wrong, I was wrong!" But is it wrong to want a snack?Since he was a child, he only ate Lanfangzhai's dim sum, looked at the one in his hand, and pushed it to a few people, "Eat it!"

"What happened to Feng Jue?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Ticky!" Wei Ang curled his lips.

Su Chengyun sneered when he heard the words, opened the snack box, twisted up a piece and tasted it: "The taste is really unflattering!"

Wei Ang also ate a piece: "Ah, I ate very well, this should be the best dim sum in this town. Feng Jue, try it, it's a bit similar to Yunfangzhai's dim sum!"

"Don't eat!" Feng Jue refused, and then looked at Su Chengyun, "Su Xiaomei, can you make snacks?"

"Yes!" Su Chengyun answered as a matter of course.

"Ah, I really do!" Feng Jue stared.

"Of course!"

"Su Xiaomei, why don't you make me some snacks!" Feng Jue said with his eyes shining brightly.

"But, why should I make snacks for you!" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Miss Su, don't you think this snack is not delicious? You make a delicious one!"

"Although it's not tasty, it's still edible. Fengjue, what time is it now? You're still wasting it!" Su Chengyun said disapprovingly.

Feng Jue's gaze turned to Mo Mo: "Mo Mo, try this snack to see if it's hard to eat!"

Mo Mo ate a small piece: "It's not bad, it's not too bad!"

"Mo Mo, why do you have the same taste buds as Wei Ang, why have you been raised by Su Xiaomei for so long, why didn't you keep your mouth in your mouth, and you can't even eat a bad snack?" Feng said in an unhappy manner.

Mo Mo blinked: "Susu didn't make dessert for Mo Mo!"

" haven't done it, so you can't taste the delicious food?" Feng Jue's voice dropped twice.

"Well, compared with Susu's, this one is of course unpalatable!" Mo Mo said immediately, not forgetting to smile at Su Chengyun.

"Feng Jue, come on, isn't it just a piece of dessert? Can't I make it for you?" Su Chengyun helped his forehead helplessly.

"Wow, Su Xiaomei, you are the best!" Feng Jue jumped up happily when he heard this.

Su Chengyun ignored him, but calculated the materials in her hands. Her materials were limited, and she could only make the simplest pastry.

"I remember someone bought milk!" Su Chengyun said.

"It's Mr. Mingyi!" Wei Ang said, "Do you need milk?"

Su Chengyun nodded.

"Feng Jue, why don't you ask Mr. Ming Yi for some milk!" Wei Ang said.

"why me?"

"Because you want to eat snacks!"

"Okay, Wei Ang, don't eat it then!"

"Hey, the dim sum made by Chengyun is my favorite!"

"If you say you like it the most before you eat it, then go and ask for it!"

"It's better if you ask for it! I believe Mr. Mingyi will give you face!"

"You have something to do with me?" Just as the two were arguing, a bright voice suddenly sounded, and the two were taken aback, even Su Chengyun, who was lowering his head to prepare the ingredients, gave a hand.

It's really impossible to talk about people behind their backs, and it won't be obvious if they are caught.

"Why is Mr. Ming Yi here?" Wei Ang asked with a smile, there was no embarrassment of being caught on his face, and Feng Jue secretly praised his thick skin.

"Heard you mentioned my name, come and have a look!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Chengyun, you have to prepare new food again. Your meals these days have caused many students to drool!"

Su Chengyun smiled: "It's not so exaggerated, it's just some ordinary things!"

"Hehe, Chengyun's hand is really skillful in making ordinary things so well!" Mr. Ming Yi praised.

"Well, Susu's hands are always very skillful!" Mo Mo also said.

Feng Jue couldn't listen anymore, and looked at Mr. Ming Yi: "Mr. Ming Yi, Miss Su is worrying about milk!"

Mr. Mingyi smiled: "I happen to have it there, I'll get it!"

"Thank you, Mr. Mingyi, I'll treat you to some snacks later!" Su Chengyun felt embarrassed to trouble him so much, so he warmly invited.

"Okay! It's a deal!" Mr. Ming Yi smiled and left, and soon came back with a small bucket of milk.

After the materials were prepared, Su Chengyun began to prepare in an orderly manner. Of course, the hard work of beating eggs was handed over to a few men, and she did the other fine work by herself.

With the help of a few people, the dim sum was steamed into the pot very quickly. Although it was very primitive, simple and outdated, the faint and sweet scent of dim sum wafted out after a while.

"Wow, Miss Su, the dim sum you make is even better than Lan Fang Zhai's!" Feng Jue praised after eating a piece.

"It's over, Chengyun, be careful Fengjue will be arguing for you to make him snacks every day!" Wei Ang stroked his forehead.

"Chengyun, how did you make such a taste out of such simple ingredients!" Mr. Mingyi also asked curiously.

Su Chengyun smiled and tasted the dessert in his hand.

Well, the taste is not bad, even better than she expected!
(End of this chapter)

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