Chapter 218
"Come here, there is a situation here!" A student shouted.

The students who heard the yell ran over, today was Su Chengyun's team investigating the danger, Su Chengyun naturally heard the yell, and called Mo Mo, Feng Jue, and Wei Ang to go over together.

"What happened?" Young Master Mingyi asked.

"Master Mingyi, inside the cave..." The boy stretched out his finger and pointed to a hidden cave entrance in front of him. The weeds and vines at the cave entrance were all pulled aside. If it wasn't for this, others would not be able to see the cave entrance.

"Is there a monster in the cave?" A classmate asked.

"Warcraft is so big, it's full of women!" the boy said angrily.

"Woman?" Everyone frowned, and Mr. Ming Yi also frowned slightly.

"You can't see it, how can there be women here in the barren mountains and mountains?" Some people didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, go and have a look. If there is only one woman, I may be wrong, but there is more than one of them!"

"Ah, a lot?"

"Can you see what's going on with them?" Young Master Ming Yi asked.

"I didn't see clearly. I saw women coming up to grab me as soon as I went in. Look, they grabbed the wound on my neck!" The boy raised his head so that everyone could see the wound clearly.

Good guy, you're ruthless enough!
"Young Master Mingyi, what should we do now?" Someone asked.

The situation inside is unknown, so it's best not to go in yet.

"Let's try shouting inside first!" Mr. Ming Yi said after thinking for a moment.

Immediately, a loud voice stood up and shouted automatically.

"Girls, come out, we are not bad people!"

"Girls, we won't hurt you, come out quickly!"

"Girls, if you have any difficulties, we can help as much as we can, let's come out first!"

"Girls, look how beautiful it is outside, don't hold back in the dark cave!"



After shouting one after another, a quarter of an hour later, there was finally a response from the cave, and a weak voice asked tremblingly, "Aren't you really bad people?"

"Of course we are not bad people, we are all students who have come out to practice, so you don't have to be afraid!"

The cave fell silent again, and the people outside did not rush, they all knew that the people inside were weighing.

After waiting for a while, finally there was another voice from inside: "Let's go out alone first, and you promise not to hurt us!"

"Don't worry, girl, we promise not to hurt you!" This time it was Mr. Mingyi who answered.

Soon after hearing rustling sounds in the cave, a thin girl with withered hair stuck out her head, maybe because the light outside was too bright, the girl closed her eyes involuntarily, and opened them again when she saw standing Young Master Ming Yi in front couldn't help being stunned.

"Girl!" Young Master Ming Yi shouted.

The girl regained her senses and turned her head to look at other people. When she saw many young boys and girls here, her worried heart finally relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Miss, do you believe that we are not bad people?" Mr. Ming Yi asked with a smile.

"Well, well, you don't look like bad guys!" The girl nodded hastily.

"How about the girl call out all the people inside?" Mr. Ming Yi continued to ask softly.

"Okay!" The girl nodded and retracted her body, so everyone heard her joyful voice, "They are not flower pickers, we can go out now!"

Flower thief?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces darkened.

Did those girls hide in the cave and not come out because they mistook them for flower pickers?But is there such a handsome and sunny flower picker?

Soon, more than a dozen 15-year-old girls came out of the cave.

But these girls seem to have stayed in the cave long enough, their faces are unnaturally pale, and they are thin, looking malnourished, and the clothes on their bodies are also stained with the damp atmosphere of the cave.

"Don't you have a home? Why are you hiding here?" Young Master Ming Yi asked.

And the girls all lost their minds for a moment when they saw Mr. Mingyi, and the girl who came out first stepped forward and said: "Young master, you don't know, we are from Songxi Town not far away, half a month ago A few flower pickers came to our small town, and many girls were murdered. Some rich families hired bodyguards, and families with relatives also sent their women out, but we are the daughters of small families, and our family has no money to hire someone , I have no relatives to rely on, so..."

"That's why I finally came up with such a way to let you all hide out and hide in this cave!" Mr. Mingyi said.

More than a dozen girls nodded repeatedly.

"My lord, there is nothing we can do, the only way to keep our innocence!" The girls all cried.

"Hey, don't cry! How long have you been hiding here?"

"It must have been more than ten days. My family said that if the town is all right, they will send someone to pick us up, but it has been more than ten days, and we have not waited for anyone. We dare not go out of the cave casually, and we dare not make loud noises. Don’t dare to light a fire to cook! We eat cold and dry food every day, and **** is looking forward to coming home to pick it up!”

"Your cave is not very safe! Otherwise, we would not have discovered it!" Mr. Ming Yi shook his head and sighed.

The girls all bowed their heads.

The boy who discovered the cave said embarrassedly: "Master Ming Yi, their cave is actually quite hidden. If I didn't catch that rabbit, I wouldn't have been able to find it!"

"Okay, you caught a rabbit while checking for danger. I'll report you to Teacher Liang Yuling in a while!" A boy said with a grin.

"Don't, don't I know I was wrong!" The boy hurriedly begged for mercy.

The other students laughed out loud.

"You haven't eaten well in the past few days, you are all starving! Follow us back to the camp, since we have encountered your matter, we will not ignore it!" Mr. Mingyi said.

Everyone nodded, this kind of thing should really be taken care of.You can't let a dozen girls continue to nest in the cave!
The girls shed tears of joy when they heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, thank you!"

Mr. Ming Yi asked a few girls to come forward and led them towards the camp.

The rest of the people continued to investigate the danger.

When everyone got back to camp, the students knew about the girls, and everyone was outraged.

"Teacher Liang, we must take care of this matter!"

"That's right, Mr. Liang, you can't just sit idly by!"


Teacher Liang Yuling laughed: "Since you want to take care of it, then go! Let's talk about it first, I won't help!"

"Teacher Liang, we can handle this trivial matter by ourselves!"

"That's right, Teacher Liang, don't worry!"

Teacher Liang Yuling just laughed.

Su Chengyun and a few girls cooked thick rice porridge to warm the stomachs of a dozen girls. They haven't eaten well recently, and their stomachs might not be able to bear it if they eat other things.

After everyone had eaten, Young Master Ming Yi called everyone together.

"Let's discuss how to deal with the flower pickers in Songxi Town!"

(End of this chapter)

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