Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 225 Encountering Bandits

Chapter 225 Encountering Bandits

Although they slept very late, most people still got up early yawning, because they really couldn't stand being crawled by bugs in the tent.

Su Chengyun, Mo Mo and the others got up at the same time as usual. As soon as they got out of the tent, they saw many people looking listless, and some were still holding their clothes and didn't know whether to throw them away or take them back.

"What's wrong with them?" Even Momo noticed something unusual.

"Hehe, they dislike bugs crawling over their clothes, and they want to throw them away but are reluctant!" Feng Jue said.

"Why can't you bear it?" Mo Mo was still puzzled.

"Because our experience is less than half of the time, they don't know if they can buy clothes again!" Wei Ang answered this time.

"Fortunately, Susu is here, otherwise we would have to be entangled like them!" Mo Mo said.

"Mo Mo, it's wrong to think this way, how can you gloat!" Feng Jue looked at Mo Mo.

Mo Mo looked back strangely, and said solemnly: "Feng Jue, Mo Mo is not gloating!"

Wei Ang said with a smile: "Feng Jue, I think you are the one who gloats, and you have to push it on Mo Mo."

"Wei Ang..." Feng Jue let out a low growl.

"Haha, haha, Mo Mo, let me tell you one more thing, this is anger from embarrassment!" Wei Ang said.

Mo Mo nodded vigorously, expressing that he was educated.

"Wei Ang, you are sincere!" Feng Jue shouted.

"Haha, did you know that?"

"Hmph!" Feng Jue turned his face away, not wanting to look at Wei Ang again.

Teacher Liang Yuling didn't feel sorry for everyone's experience yesterday, but gave way as usual.

Although many people are sleepy, even though many people are frowning, Teacher Liang Yuling just doesn't stop.

"Mr. Liang doesn't know how to be considerate of everyone?" Feng Jue said.

"Mr. Liang, why should you be considerate of everyone? If you were chased and escaped, would you care about bugs?" Wei Ang said.

"Two different things!" Feng Jue stared.

"Hehe, I can't even stand insects, so why talk about other things!" Wei Ang shook his head.

"Wei Ang, it's just that you didn't get bugs into the tent last night, so you need to be so arrogant, if you have the ability, don't use Su Xiaomei's medicine powder tonight!" Feng Jue snorted coldly.

"You think I'm stupid!"

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that Teacher Liang called to stop.

Immediately, hundreds of people came out and started looking for a habitat for tonight, and other students were also worried.

Please, be sure to look for it carefully, and there must be no more bugs!

They were terrified by last night's bugs!

After finally finding it, the other students checked it again worryingly, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was indeed safe.

Many students took the initiative to ask for the powder this time. Fortunately, there was a lot left yesterday, and it would be enough to refine some more.

However, the herbs are consumed very badly.

After doing everything that should be done, the students entered the tent to sleep in peace.

But who knows that the accident happened again at night.

"" The sleeping people vaguely heard someone yelling for help, thinking that the bugs were coming again, they all got up and left the tent as quickly as possible.

After I came out, I found that there were no bugs at all, but the sound of "help" was still ringing.

"What's going on?" Mr. Ming Yi asked.

"Young Master Mingyi, the sound came from the path over there. When we heard the sound, we immediately sent someone to check it!" said the classmate who was watching the night.

"How many people have gone?" Young Master Ming Yi asked with a frown.


"A few more people, come with me to meet them, don't let our classmates get into trouble, and the others guard the camp and don't run around!" Young Master Mingyi ordered decisively.

Immediately, more than 30 students stood up and ran forward following Mr. Mingyi.

Feng Jue and Wei Ang also went, while Su Chengyun and Mo Mo stayed in the camp.

After a while, the cries for help stopped, but there was the sound of swords and swords intersecting.

This is hands-on, some students couldn't sit still, and wanted to watch when they got up, but others stopped them.

"Master Ming Yi has already left, let's guard the camp well, don't be taken advantage of!"

The sound of swords and swords clashing lasted for a while, and then slowly disappeared. After a while, Mr. Ming Yi and his party came back, and beside them was a middle-aged man in silk, with colorful hangings on his body.

"What happened?" The students gathered around.

"Someone was chasing and killing this uncle, and we happened to save him!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Ah, who is it?"


Mountain bandit?

Everyone swallowed their saliva, and this place is not far from the bandit's den.

Mr. Ming Yi had someone bandage the middle-aged man's wound before he asked, "Uncle, why did those bandits chase you down?"

The middle-aged man sighed and said slowly.

"I was originally a businessman who traveled all over the world. This time, I passed the Xiaolei Mountain in front of me with three carts of goods. I didn't expect dozens of bandits to rush out of nowhere. They not only robbed the goods, but also injured my guards and followers. They took us captive to their bandit den and worked for them. I managed to find an opportunity to sneak out, but they found out and sent someone to hunt me down!"

"How many people are there? How many people have been kidnapped?" Young Master Ming Yi asked.

"The bandits have about 80 to [-] people. They not only captured our caravan, but also captured two convoys before. The people in those two convoys are still trapped in the bandit's den. I don't know if my escape will give them Bring disaster!" The middle-aged man sighed.

Mr. Ming Yi hurriedly persuaded: "Uncle, don't worry, we will naturally take care of this matter if we encounter it!"

Mr. Ming Yi asked the middle-aged man to eat something, and he said to everyone: "The bandits in Xiaolei Mountain are really hateful. Not to mention robbing the caravan, just now they wanted to kill our classmates. I decided to eradicate this scourge for the people. Do you agree!"

"Agreed!" Many people echoed.

"Young Master Mingyi, how do you know whether what that person said is true or not?" Some students asked questions.

"This is what we are going to do next. We need to find out the details of Xiaolei Mountain in the shortest possible time! The bandits who just chased and killed Uncle have fled back, and they will naturally pass back what we did. There will be a reaction, so we need to find out who they are before they do anything!"

"Okay, count me in!" Someone started signing up.

"Count me in too!" Another person started to sign up.

Young Master Ming Yi began to assign work for everyone after asking Teacher Liang Yuling for advice.

Dozens of people dispersed into small groups one by one to inquire about the news, while the others stayed at the camp waiting for the latest instructions.

It wasn't until dawn that the teams came back one after another.

"That man was right!"

"The mountain bandits are fierce. They often go to harass the people in the nearby villages, causing anger and resentment!"

"They also often rob the villagers of life-saving food, they are a bunch of scum!"


The last one to come back was Mr. Mingyi.

"I've already figured it out. The two bandit leaders are wanted criminals by the government, and they are extremely skilled. Be careful!"

"Master Mingyi, make up a plan, we will follow your orders!"

"Okay, let's discuss it!"

(End of this chapter)

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