Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 226 News

Chapter 226 News
Xiaolei Mountain, the den of bandits.

"Hmph, if you dare to fight my little Leishan, I will never let them go!"

"Yes, big boss, we will never let them go!"

"Have you found out their details?" The second leader asked calmly without blood surging.

"Second leader, looking at their busy faces, they look like the children of a small family who have come out to practice!"

"Didn't you say that there are more than 40 people? Which small family has so many children come out to practice together?" the second leader asked.

"Hey, second brother, I have already sent someone to investigate, and news will probably come back soon! No matter who they are, they dare to rob people from my Xiaolei Mountain, this alone can't let them go."

"Brother, we'd better be careful. I heard that the group of people are very well dressed, don't be the children of some big family, then we can't afford it and walk away!"

"Second brother, you are just too careful. You didn't hear Heizi and the others say that although those people are well dressed, they don't look like pampered young masters at all!"

"Brother, let's wait for further news!"

"Okay, just listen to the second brother!"

"Brother, we have to keep an eye on the people we captured. The accomplices of the man who escaped yesterday are still here!"

"Hmph, sorry they can't turn the tide!" But even though the big boss said so, he still sent two people to guard it.

In a room in the bandit's den, more than 20 people sat listlessly on the ground.

Suddenly the door knocked lightly, and then a thin figure came in.

"Shh, don't talk!" The visitor shushed the people in the room.

"Who are you?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Are you here to save us?" Someone's eyes began to light up.

"Shhh!" The visitor went to the door to look outside and saw no one around, so he whispered, "Time is urgent, to make a long story short, we will eradicate the bandits in Xiaolei Mountain later, but we are worried about your safety, so I’m here to let you know that when the time comes, you will take advantage of the chaos and hide, and come out when you are safe.”

"Are you really here to save us?" Everyone in the room became excited.


"Have you met our master?"

"Is your master Wang Ping?"


"That's it!"

"Ah, is our master alright?"

"It's okay, I just suffered a slight injury, and he also told us about your situation!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

"By the way, don't you have guards among you? Remember to protect the people here!"

"Don't worry, we promise not to hurt anyone here!"

"That's good, I'll go first, you wait for the fighting to start outside!"

"it is good!"

The thin figure slipped out lightly, and the people in the room became excited.

"Hush, there are footsteps, everyone, be careful, don't reveal your secrets!"

Everyone nodded hurriedly, this was their chance to be rescued, so naturally they couldn't mess it up in their own hands.

The door was kicked open with a bang, and two figures walked in.

"Hmph, the second leader is too careful, isn't there a lot of them!" One person cursed.

"Don't say a few words, the leader asked us to guard and we will guard, it's better than going outside!"

"Hmph, I don't care about it. We won't get the credit if we don't go outside. If we have spoils, we will definitely not have our share!"

"You can see the benefits, and you don't see the danger. Heizi and the others are not weak in kung fu, so they escaped after being beaten."

"Hmph, Heizi and the others said that group of people look like rich people!"

"Okay, it's useless to complain now, let's be honest! If you want to go out, wait for the next opportunity to fight for it."

The two walked out while talking, and the people in the room immediately beamed with joy.

It seems that the people just now are not lying, they are really coming to save them!

"Everyone come here, let's discuss it!"

All the people gathered together, who dare not care about matters of life and death.

"Boss Bing and Second Leader, it has been found out that they are a group of students who came out to practice, led by a beautiful teacher."

"How many people are there, and where can I find out the students?"

"There are more than 300 people, and it is not clear where the students are! There are so many of them, we did not dare to go forward."

The big boss waved his hand, and this person stepped back.

"Second brother, what do you think?"

"More than 300 people is not a small number, and what I am most worried about is that if they are students of Nancang Academy, it will be difficult for them!" The second leader said in silence for a moment.

"Hehe, second brother, how can such a coincidence happen! Don't you think about who are most of the people in Nancang Academy? They are young masters and ladies from aristocratic families and nobles. How could they be released to practice. Besides, even if they are from Nancang Academy Students, how can there be only one female teacher leading them, they are all golden dolls, and they are expensive. It can't be Nancang Academy!"

"Hehe, brother is right!"

"Since that's the case, let's go grab him. How dare we take care of my little Leishan's affairs."

"Brother, do you only rob but not kill?"

"No, kill them all!"

"Brother, we just want to rob and not kill, just drive them away! If we kill them all, their families won't swarm over and eat us."

"Haha, second brother, who knew that we killed them, let's clean it up!"

"Brother, if something is done, it will leave traces!"

"Second brother, you are becoming more and more a mother-in-law now, have you gotten used to the life of bandits and forgot your identity!"

The second leader shuddered when he heard the words, they were wanted criminals, criminals wanted by the whole Nancang.

"Hey, brother, listen to you!"

"That's right!"

"Come on!" the big boss shouted, and someone walked in immediately.

"Notify the brothers that there will be a big ticket sale in a while, and let them all gather at the gate of the cottage!"


The bandits' nest soon boiled over, and the sound of running footsteps could be heard everywhere.

"Damn, they are preparing, just leave the two of us here!" Two bandits outside the house guarding the captives said.

"You envy them, I don't envy them, nothing is more important than your own life!"

"You cherish your life so much, what are you doing here as a bandit?"

"I had to!"

"Hmph, I don't believe it! Hey, Heizi, you had a fight with them last night, why don't you stay and I'll go for you!"

Heizi turned his head: "I don't want it, why should I let it go to you, you laughed at us when we came back yesterday, today I want to avenge my shame, just wait and see!"

"Heizi, don't run away, let's discuss it again!"

"There is no need to discuss this matter!" Heizi's voice gradually faded away.

"Hey, this sunspot, why are you so stingy!"

"Hehe, would you change if you changed?"

"of course not!"

"That's it!"

"I don't believe I can't find someone who is willing to change with me! Hey, Huzi, do you want to change with me!"

"Hee hee, don't!"

"Hey, don't go!"

"Who is that? Do you want to change with me?"

"Hmph, being a door god is so boring, I'm going down the mountain to do a big job!"

Bandit stared.

The other bandit laughed unkindly.

(End of this chapter)

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