Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 227 Showdown

Chapter 227 Showdown
"Master Mingyi, bandits are gathering, and they will attack us soon!" A student rushed over to report.

"Okay, very good!" Mr. Mingyi waved his hand, "Everyone follow the plan!"

"Yes!" All the students should be, picked up their weapons and ran towards the predetermined location.

"Come, come!" Feng Jue exclaimed in a low voice excitedly.

"Feng Jue, are you promising?" Wei Ang cast a blank look at Feng Jue, and moved away a little, not wanting to be with this obviously over-excited person.

"Wei Ang, can't you see that my blood is burning and my heart is boiling?" Feng Jue continued on his own.

Wei Ang left a little further.

"Feng Jue, you are too mean, Su Xiaomei and Mo Mo are more loyal!" Feng Jue smiled at Su Chengyun and Mo Mo.

Su Chengyun laughed: "Feng Jue, they are just bandits who can't stand on the stage, is it worth it for you?"

"Miss Su, why are you like this?"

"Stop talking!" Su Chengyun stopped Feng Jue from nagging again, and pointed down the mountain.

I saw a group of three or 40 people passing here quickly.

"Strange, why are there only so few people, what about the others?" Feng Jue said.

"It is estimated that other people have gone to our camp!" Su Chengyun said.

"Uh... these days bandits still talk about tactics?" Feng Jue wondered.

"Hehe, you are only allowed to talk about tactics, not others!" Su Chengyun laughed.

"Hey, I thought it was just a bunch of fools!"

"Here we come, we are ready!" Wei Ang said.

So, when the bandit was passing by, countless stones began to roll down from the mountain, and the bandit was smashed to pieces.

"Everyone, run away and get out of the dangerous zone!" Someone among the bandits shouted, and the others heard the command and fled to a safe place.

A round of stones was thrown, and the bandits lost half of their combat effectiveness.

"Kill, it's time to test our experience results, everyone don't hold back!" The students rushed down one after another not to be outdone.

More than [-] people defeated dozens of bandits, and the bandits were wiped out. Only a few students were injured.

"It's too simple, I haven't had enough yet!" Feng Bu shouted dissatisfied.

"Hehe, you can go to support the camp, or go to the bandit den!" Wei Ang said.

"Hey, that's right! I'm going to the bandit den!" Feng Jue immediately smiled.

"Miss Su, you go with me!" Feng Jue said.


"Feng Jue, go as soon as you go, what are you doing with Su Xiaomei?" Wei Ang stared.

"Hey, I'm thinking that Su Xiaomei hasn't seen the bandit den yet, so let Su Xiaomei go and see it!"

"Come on, I really don't want to see this!" Su Chengyun gave Feng Jue a blank look, this reason is too bad.

"Hey, hey, Mo Mo, do you want to go?" Feng Jue changed his strategy.

Mo Mo thought for a moment, nodded, and looked at Su Chengyun first: "Susu..."

"Okay, let's go together!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Little sister Su, I'm hurt, I'm hurt, you dismissed me when I told you to go, but when Mo Mo yelled, you went without even thinking about it, little girl Su, you hurt me!" Feng Jue said, clutching his heart.

"Feng Jue, do you want to go?" Su Chengyun hooked his fingers.

"Hmph, of course we're going!" Feng Jue walked forward, waving his sleeves angrily.

"I'll go to the camp to see, I won't go with you!"

"it is good!"

When the three of Su Chengyun rushed to the bandit's den, there was still fighting here.

"Haha, I really overestimated my abilities, and even sent it to my door on my own initiative!" The big leader held his sword and looked at Mr. Ming Yi.

"Liao Quan, you've been at ease for so many years, it's time to obey the law!" Mr. Ming Yi said coldly.

The big leader was surprised: "You... how do you know?" How did this person know his real name?
"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing! Why don't you invite your brother Liao Hai out?"

"Haha, Liao Hai has already gone to your camp. Since you know our identities, you naturally know our cultivation base. Don't think that if you fight me to a tie, you can win. As long as my brother is here, you will all be finished. I don't believe that among your group of students there are people with the same cultivation as you!" Liao Quan said.

"Hmph, you underestimate the students of our Nancang Academy!" Mr. Mingyi snorted coldly.

"What? You are students of Nancang College? No...impossible?" Liao Quan was shocked.

"Hehe, your information is too incomplete. I didn't expect that you didn't even get the basic information. It seems that we overestimated you!" Mr. Ming Yi shook his head.

"Hmph, I admit that I made a mistake, but so what, we have already fought, and there is no room for maneuver. I, Liao Quan, will definitely fight with you. As long as I kill you, no one will know about you, haha, Haha!" Liao Quan laughed wildly.

"Arrogance!" Feng Jue curled his lips, not to mention them, there is also a teacher Liang Yuling in the camp!
"Young Master Ming Yi, I, Feng Jue, haven't seen such an arrogant person for a long time, even more arrogant than me, I can't bear it, I'll meet him!" Feng Jue shouted.

Liao Quan cast a disdainful glance at Feng Jue when he heard the words: "Hmph, here comes another one to die, I, Liao Quan, haven't gotten around enough to step on kittens and puppies!"

"Haha, it's not sure who will die!" Feng Jue actually said with high spirits, then turned to look at Su Chengyun, and said in a low voice, "Little sister Su, I remember you have a berserk pill, which can make my strength violent." Triple it, hey, can you borrow it from me?"

Su Chengyun is speechless, can I borrow it from you?

"Okay, if you can really return the things I borrowed from you, I will lend you!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile.

"Su Xiaomei..." Feng Jue's face turned black, and then he began to flatter him, "Su Xiaomei, I was wrong, I can't return it, but I will definitely give you whatever you want!" Feng Jue hurried to remedy.

"Su Xiaomei, you don't want to see me being beaten to the ground by that egomaniac?" Feng Jue continued to lobby.

"Feng Jue, are you too stupid to go even though you know you can't beat him?" Mo Mo asked curiously.

"Mo Mo, let's play!" Feng Jue continued to beg, "Su Xiaomei, just promise me!"

"Hey, seeing how pitiful you are, I will help you, but if you lose, don't blame my bad medicine!"

"Joke, I will lose? Impossible!"

Su Chengyun handed over a elixir, and Feng Jue took it without looking at it, and then used his kung fu to dissipate the power of the medicine, and his aura more than doubled.

"Liao Quan, I'm here, Feng Jue!" Feng Jue swung his long sword and leaped over, Young Master Ming Yi hurriedly stepped aside when he saw this.

"What's going on with Feng Jue?" Mr. Ming Yi asked suspiciously why his combat power increased so much.

Su Chengyun curled his lips: "What else could be going on? Medication!"


Mr. Ming Yi choked, looked at Feng Jue, then at Su Chengyun, not knowing what to say!

"Chengyun, I'll leave this place to you. I'll go back to the camp and have a look. Liao Hai is not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"Hehe, aren't you afraid that we won't be able to subdue Liao Quan?"

"With you here, I feel relieved!" Mr. Mingyi replied.

(End of this chapter)

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