Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 234 Final Meeting

Chapter 234 Final Meeting

Time passed bit by bit, and under the urging of Su Chengyun, Mo Qiling checked the situation in the desert.

"How is it? How is it? Has the storm disappeared?" Su Chengyun asked hurriedly.

"Susu, you just don't want to stay with me for a while?" Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun with a trace of resentment.

Su Chengyun was stunned, and said: "If it's nothing in normal times, there must be many people outside who are worried about us now!"

"Susu, let them wait!" It's just a few brats, he still doesn't pay attention to them, but Susu is so worried about them, he just can't understand.

Su Chengyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, when did Mo Qiling learn Mo Mo's petty temper.

"Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun tugged at Mo Qiling's sleeves, and smiled flatteringly, "It's always bad to make others anxious!"

other people?Yes, someone else!

Mo Qiling was in a good mood immediately, with a smile overflowing from the corner of his eyes, he looked at Su Chengyun and said.

"In the future, you can only love me, not them!"

God, Mo Qiling is too domineering.

"Mo Qiling, they are all my friends, you can't let me ignore them, can you?" Su Chengyun said dissatisfied.

Mo Qiling snorted coldly in his heart, silly Susu, you treat them as friends, they didn't think of only treating you as friends.

"Just care like a friend!" After a long time, Mo Qiling said a word.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun smiled, and immediately began to urge Mo Qiling to check the situation outside.

At this time in the Lanyan Desert, Wei Ang is trying hard to persuade Feng Jue.

"Wind Absolute..."

"Wei Ang, stop talking, I won't leave this Lanyan Desert if I can't find Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue said firmly, and walked forward with a flick of his hand.

Wei Ang sighed, and quickly followed Feng Jue's footsteps, it would not be fun for this person to faint in the desert.

"Hey, what's ahead?" Wei Ang suddenly opened his eyes and looked ahead.

Feng Jue also stared at it, and saw layers of yellow sand rolled up in a vortex shape, spinning at a high speed.

"Could it be that the storm is coming again?" Feng Jue wondered in his heart.

"'s not like it!" Wei Ang denied this point of view, "Feng Jue, let's go and see!"

"it is good!"

The two ran towards the whirlpool, but after walking for a while, they saw a crimson figure also running towards there.

"'s Mr. Mingyi!" Wei Ang shouted.

"Let's go, but ask Mr. Ming Yi if he has any news about Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue's speed was even faster.

Seeing the two of them coming, Mr. Ming Yi hurriedly said, "Do you have any news about Cheng Yun?"

Feng Jue's heart sank, and he didn't say anything if he wanted to ask.

"Young Master Mingyi, can you see what's going on here?" Wei Ang asked, pointing to the abnormal situation in front of him.

Mr. Mingyi shook his head: "I also came here to take a look when I saw something abnormal happened here!" He didn't know the implication.

None of them got the news they wanted, and finally they all focused on the anomaly in front of them.

"Hey, the speed has increased again!" Mr. Mingyi showed surprise in his eyes.

"Oh my god, two figures rushed out of it!" Wei Ang's sharp eyes made a sound in surprise.

"'s Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue's eyes lit up, and he ran up shouting, "Su Xiaomei, Su Xiaomei!"

Su Chengyun heard Feng Jue's shout, and glanced at Mo Qiling. Mo Qiling exerted a little force on his hand, pulling Su Chengyun down in the direction of the three of them, and the yellow sand behind him also slowly sank into the ground .

"Su Xiaomei, I knew you were fine!" Feng Jue happily ran towards Su Chengyun, and was about to hug Su Chengyun, but was blocked by Mo Qiling.

Feng Jue raised his head, his eyes were reflected in deep blue pupils.

"Mo Mo, you're fine, that's great!" Feng Jue said, if something happened to Mo Mo, Su Xiaomei would cry to death!

Mo Qiling nodded slightly upon hearing this.

Su Chengyun poked his head out from behind Mo Qiling: "Feng Jue, why did you make yourself like this, with messy hair, crumpled clothes, and bloodshot eyes, as if you haven't rested for days! "

"Miss Su, you are so heartless, I am only looking for you! You don't know that you are missing, I will be anxious!" Feng Jue roared.

Su Chengyun shrank his neck: "Feng Jue, I'm sorry!" She had an extra tube of medicine in her hand, "Feng Jue, drink this first!"

Feng Jue took it without asking anything, and gulped it down.

At this time, Mr. Ming Yi and Wei Ang also walked over.

"Chengyun, it's great that you're fine!" Mr. Ming Yi said with a smile, and glanced at Mo Qiling at the same time.

"Chengyun, Momo, it's good that you come back!" Wei Ang also let go of the stone in his heart, and said happily.

"Are you all okay?" Su Chengyun asked.

"We're fine, we found a shelter from the wind and escaped the disaster!" Wei Ang replied.

"Where are the other students?" Seeing that the closest person was fine, Su Chengyun began to care about other students.

"There are still three people who have no news! However, our classmates and Luoxia Town have come out to look for them, and there will be news soon!" This time, it was Mr. Mingyi who answered.

Su Chengyun fell silent when he heard the words, news does not mean it is good news, as time goes by, the chance of good news decreases.

"Miss Su, you are fine, and they will be fine too!" Feng Jue said.

"I hope!" She was fine because of Mo Qiling's protection, if it wasn't for Mo Qiling, she might have died a long time ago.

Thinking of this, Su Chengyun hurriedly pulled Mo Qiling's sleeve.

Mo Qiling knew without looking that Su Chengyun was asking for something, and he was as immovable as a mountain.

Su Chengyun deepened his strength and shouted, his eyes started to shoot fire: "Mo Qiling!"

Mo Qiling was also afraid of offending the little girl, so he immediately put aside his idea of ​​asking for interest and looked at Su Chengyun.

"Mo Qiling, can you find them?" Su Chengyun asked directly.

Su Chengyun's question made the three of Mr. Mingyi all look at Mo Qiling.

"You can try it!"

After Mo Qiling finished speaking, he began to close his eyes, opened them after a while, and said, "The three are still alive!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news they wanted to hear the most.

Young Master Ming Yi asked, "Where are those three people now?"

Mo Qiling pointed in one direction: "Fifty kilometers away, there is a dead tree, and one is hiding in the dead tree, but the wind and sand covered the hole, so he can't get out, and now he's fainted from hunger!"

"Where are the other two?" Wei Ang asked this time.

"Those two were blown away, but fortunately, they are now in an oasis, so they won't starve to death!"

"Oasis? Is it the oasis a hundred kilometers to the west?" Mr. Mingyi confirmed.

Mo Qiling nodded: "Not bad!"

"Let's go, let's save the first classmate!" Mr. Ming Yi took the lead and headed towards the dead tree.

"Let's go and have a look too!" Su Chengyun tugged at the corner of Mo Qiling's clothes.

Mo Qiling held Su Chengyun's hand instead, and led her forward.

Looking at the two people's hands, Feng Jue's eyes flashed with sadness.

Wei Ang patted Feng Jue on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Feng Jue, Wei Ang, won't you come?" Su Chengyun's voice came from ahead.

Wei Ang, who was depressed just now, cheered up: "Miss Su, wait for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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