Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 235 The end

Chapter 235 The end
Several people quickly found the dead tree, not so much a dead tree as a tree stump.

When the classmate was rescued, he was not only fainted from hunger, but also dehydrated. Su Chengyun hurriedly added two tubes of medicine to him.

Mr. Mingyi notified the students in the desert with a communication stick, asking some of them to take them back, and some of them followed Mr. Mingyi to the oasis to find the remaining two classmates.

Su Chengyun didn't follow this time, she was kept by teacher Liang Yuling.

"Chengyun, I promised Yun Zixuan to take good care of you, but I almost caused you an accident!" Teacher Liang Yuling felt a little guilty.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Mr. Liang, am I okay? Besides, this is an accident, and no one would think about it!"

"Hehe, Chengyun, it's good that you don't get annoyed!"

"Mr. Liang, if you really don't let me do anything, I will be annoyed!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, Teacher Liang Yuling has given her many opportunities to develop, how could she blame her. "Mr. Liang, you don't have to listen to Brother Yun, just treat me like an ordinary student!"

"Hehe, the teacher understands! You are tired too, go back and rest, since the rest of you have news, you can relax!"

After Su Chengyun and Liang Yuling bid farewell, they returned to Luoxia Town with Mo Qiling, and of course Feng Jue and Wei Ang also came back.

In fact, Su Chengyun had enough rest in the secret room, she was not sleepy at all, and urged Feng Jue and Wei Ang to go to rest, the two of them barely closed their eyes when looking for someone, they were really tired.

"Susu, I'll leave with you for a while!" Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun and was reluctant to leave.

"En!" Su Chengyun was also reluctant to let Mo Qiling leave, but she knew he had to leave.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Chengyun finally heard the commotion from his classmates. It turned out that the two of them had found it, and everyone was back!
Su Chengyun was about to call Mo Qiling out to have a look, but saw Mo Qiling sleeping peacefully.

Mo Qiling left, although she knew he was in the nearest place, but Su Chengyun still felt a bit lost in her heart, she gently covered Mo Mo with a quilt, and walked out.

"Teacher Liang Yuling said, let's take a good rest for a day and head back to the academy the day after tomorrow!"

A classmate shouted, and everyone laughed happily when they heard the words, and finally wanted to go back.

At this time, teacher Liang Yuling and the mayor were sitting in the same room.

"Teacher Liang, fortunately no one happened this time, otherwise I would have committed a great crime!" the mayor said with lingering fear.

"Hey, I didn't expect to encounter a desert storm. Those students had arranged people around them, but when the storm broke out, my people were useless!" Teacher Liang Yuling also sighed.

"It's these students who are lucky and lucky!" The mayor smiled.

Teacher Liang Yuling also smiled when he heard the words, and asked after a while: "Mayor, now that the cause of the beast horde has been found out, what are your plans?"

"Hey, I didn't expect that the flower that blooms once a century in the small town is the culprit of the beast tide! It's a very common flower, but who knows that it is so attractive to low-level monsters!" the mayor sighed.

Teacher Liang Yuling smiled: "If I remember correctly, that flower is unique to the border town, and it was first transplanted from the Lanyan Desert!"

"Hehe, Mr. Liang is right. If the person who transplanted this flower knew that it would bring so much trouble to the town, I wonder if he would do such a thing!" The mayor shook his head.

"Now that I know the reason, I can always come up with a good way to get the best of both worlds!"

"Well, this flower can't be destroyed, it won't be beautiful if it causes a monster riot! Teacher Liang, I plan to transplant this flower back to the Lanyan Desert!" the mayor said.

Teacher Liang Yuling paused, and said, "Is it easy to transplant?" It is still a trouble if the transplant is dead.

"It should be possible. After such a long time, this kind of flower has multiplied a lot in the town, and some residents have transplanted it back home to grow it themselves. We can always find a few people who are proficient in this flower!" The mayor said.

"That's good, find a few proficient people to study it first, and then transplant it after confirming it!"

"En! Are you going to go back tomorrow?" The mayor changed the subject.

"That's right, this training session was originally planned to last for a month, but the situation on the road keeps changing, so it must be too long to go back!"

"Hehe, I have heard about the feats of the students. The students led by Mr. Liang Yuling are really good. They are brave, courageous and insightful! It is estimated that Nancang City has also received the news. The students will definitely be regarded as heroes when they go back!" The mayor of the town He boasted with a smile.

"It's all their own doing, I can't help!"

"Teacher Liang is being modest!"


Time flies by, Su Chengyun and the others set foot on the journey back, because Teacher Liang Yuling said that they must rush back to the academy as soon as possible, so everyone hurried on their way.

And just as the mayor of Luoxia Town said, all their actions along the way were transmitted back to Nancang City bit by bit.

Catch the flower-picking thief, rescue the disaster-stricken villages, help Luoxia Town to find out the enemy's situation, and encounter a desert storm.

The piles of piles affect the hearts of many people.

"Hehe, this group of students really exceeded my expectations!" said Shangguan Bing, the city lord.

"Hey, Shangguan, you underestimate the young people today, they can do too much!" Qiu Tianqi said.

"Perhaps, I have seen youthfulness in these students. It seems that the young people in the City Lord's Mansion should also be pulled out to practice and experience, so as not to be lifeless!"

"Shangguan, you are right to think so!"

Jin Duoduo looked at Shangguan Youyue, and enviously said: "Youyue, I am so envious of Chengyun and the others now, it would have been great if I had been assigned to their class too!"

"Hehe, Duoduo, I think there must be a lot of people who think like you now!"

"You Yue, don't you envy?"

"Hey, Duoduo, you have only seen their beauty, but have you ever thought that they have suffered a lot! A group of young masters and young ladies can do so many things not only with enthusiasm and passion, but also cooperate seamlessly."

"Ah... are you so sure?"

"Duo Duo, if we let our class go out to practice, do you think everyone will be twisted together? I'm afraid it will be a mess!"

Jin Duoduo thought for a while, then nodded helplessly: "You Yue, maybe you are right!"

"They must have experienced a lot, so the whole class has been sublimated."

Jin Duoduo thought deeply.

Lu Yuanze, Lu Yuanrui, and Lu Rushuang sat in the hall, looking at each other speechlessly.

After a long time, Lu Yuanze said: "Let go of the hatred between the Lu family and Su Chengyun for now, Yuan Rui, I know you want to avenge your father, but now is not a good time, bear with it for now! Rushuang, although I don't know Su Chengyun and Su Chengyun How did that man offend you, you can put it down for now!"

"Should we just let them go like this?" Lu Yuanrui bit his lip, the hatred of killing his father was irreconcilable.

"Just be patient for a while!"

Chunniang Baihualou smiled and wrote a note, tied it to the pigeon's leg, and let it fly out.

She looked at the land in the northwest and said with a smile: "That girl has grown up again!"

Lu Huiping broke the vase in the house, clenched her fists, and said in a hateful voice, "Su Chengyun!"

In short, the hearts of Nancang City are floating!

(End of this chapter)

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