Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 243 I heard...

Chapter 243 I heard...

Su Hongyi woke up early the next morning after taking the anti-alcohol medicine.

Su Chengyun packed everything for Su Hongyi early, and only waited for him to wake up and have breakfast before leaving.

But when they walked out of the gate of the academy, they found that Mr. Ming Yi, Feng Jue and Wei Ang were all waiting here.

"Why are you here?" Su Chengyun asked suspiciously.

"Su Xiaomei, why don't we come and see off uncle when he leaves?" Feng Jue was still carefree, "Also, thank you Su Xiaomei for taking care of me last night!"

"Hehe, Mo Mo took care of you last night!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah..." Chang Fengjue was dumbfounded this time, and then called out, "Miss Su, why don't you come and take care of me?"

"Whether a man or a woman can kiss each other!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Uh..." Feng Jue hid aside and sulked.

Mr. Mingyi smiled and stepped forward: "Chengyun, I have prepared the carriage, let the carriage take uncle!"

"Okay, I'll send dad outside the city and come back!"

"Let's go too!" Feng Jue yelled.

"Come together!" Su Hongyi laughed.

Several people crowded into a carriage and drove out of the city.

The carriage left the city quickly, and a few people got off the carriage, Su Hongyi said: "You guys send it here!"

"Uncle, I have already told the coachman, he will take you to where you want to go!" Mr. Mingyi said.

Su Hongyi nodded: "There is Lao Nan!"

"Uncle, you are welcome!"

Su Hongyi looked at this and then at that, all of them were good for his daughter, except for that silly boy.

He really wanted to say, all of you go after my daughter, whoever catches up with her will be the one to lose!

But he didn't dare, if his daughter found out and didn't fight him desperately, this daughter would be stronger than her mother.

"Daddy, take care!" Su Chengyun stepped forward and said sadly.

"Yun'er, take care too!" Su Hongyi's eyes were also faintly red.

"Uncle, it's not like you and Miss Su will never see each other again, don't be sad!"

"Haha, what Feng Jue said is right, I want to see Yun'er in the future, so I'll come back and have a look!"

"At that time, I, Feng Jue, will still drink with uncle!"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Su Hongyi laughed, sweeping away the sadness just now.

Momo gently tugs at the corner of Su Chengyun's clothes.

"What's the matter, Momo?" Su Chengyun asked.

Su Hongyi couldn't see it anymore: "Mo Mo, a man can say anything if he has something to say, what's the point of chirping!"

Mo Mo glanced at Su Hongyi, then whispered to Su Chengyun, "Qiqi said he wanted to see your father!"

"Ah... Mo Qiling?" Su Chengyun's heart was excited, Mo Qiling still couldn't help but want to make a move, he was naturally not worried that Mo Qiling would harm her father, but Mo Qiling showed a little momentum, I don't know if her father can bear it.

"Yun'er, what's wrong?" Su Hongyi asked strangely.

Su Chengyun looked at Su Hongyi hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Daddy, Momo wants to talk to you alone!" Su Chengyun winked at Feng Jue and the others, and they left with the coachman far away.

"Su Xiaomei, what does Momo want to say to uncle?" Feng Jue asked curiously.

Su Chengyun shrugged, she didn't know if it was okay or not!

"Mo Mo, what do you want to say?" Su Hongyi asked in the same doubt at this time.

Mo Mo shook his head: "It's not Mo Mo looking for you, it's Qi Qi!"

Su Hongyi frowned when he heard this.

"Mo Mo is called Qi Qi!" Mo Mo closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

Su Hongyi was wondering what Mo Mo was up to, but saw Mo Mo's eyes suddenly opened, a pair of domineering and extremely cold deep blue eyes, like ten thousand years of ice, looked over, as if with the fierceness of strangling the soul, Su Hongyi was caught Startled, he said in surprise, ""

But Mo Qiling smiled coldly, grabbed it with his hand, and a figure in black was grabbed from nowhere.

Now not only Su Hongyi was surprised, even Su Chengyun and Feng Jue were surprised.

"I didn't expect someone to follow us!" Mr. Ming Yi frowned.

"No, I want to see who it is?" Feng Jue flung his sleeves and was about to pass, but was held back by Wei Ang.

"Feng Jue, this matter is not urgent!" Feng Jue went now, and he would be smashed into scum by that man.

"Wei Ang!"

"Mo Mo will take care of it!" Wei Ang hastily played tricks on Feng Jue, who couldn't wink at Feng Jue, and didn't see that Mo Mo came back.

Feng Jue struggled, but was swept over by a pair of blue eyes and immediately calmed down, looked at Wei Ang, looked at Mo Qiling, and finally died down.

"You...what are you arresting me for?" the man in black said in horror.

Mo Qiling ignored him, and put his right hand on his head, the man in black robe trembled like an electric shock, as soon as Mo Qiling let go of his hand, he fell down.

"Who is he?" Su Hongyi asked.

"Enemy!" Mo Qiling said flatly, with a single point of finger, the man in black on the ground instantly turned into ashes.

Su Hongyi looked at Mo Qiling like he was looking at a monster, and Mr. Mingyi's eyes also shrank.

Really strong!

This is what everyone thinks.

"I heard that you don't like me very much!"

"I heard that you want to separate me and Susu!"

"It is said that……"

Mo Qiling's cold voice seemed to come from ghost hell, with a shocking effect, every time he asked a question, Su Hongyi's heart beat violently.

Su Hongyi wants to cry but has no tears.

Is this still that silly boy Momo?
When did Momo become so powerful?
Was the Mo Mo he had seen before all hallucinations?
"You are Susu's father, don't worry, I won't do anything to you!" Mo Qiling raised his lips slightly at the end, looking at Su Hongyi, "Are you still against Susu being with me now?"

Su Hongyi hurriedly shook his head: "If you had acted so strong earlier, how could I object!"

"So everything is my fault?"

"No, no, it's my fault, it's my blindness!" It was his blindness, who didn't see that this man was a wolf that was hiding deep.

God, is there a more aggrieved father-in-law than him in the world?Other people's sons-in-law are trying to please him in every possible way, but when they come to him, they are all blamed and threatened.

By the way, does Yun'er know?

Looking at Su Chengyun who smiled comfortingly at him from a distance, Su Hongyi completely understood that his daughter already knew it.

It's really a girl who is extroverted, so she didn't remind him earlier.

"Your daughter will have me in the future!" After Mo Qiling said this, he walked towards Su Chengyun.

This meant to let him take less care of his daughter, and Su Hongyi followed depressedly.

"Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun greeted him cheerfully, not forgetting to smile at Su Hongyi, "Daddy!"

"Yun'er, hey... Take care!" Su Hongyi didn't say anything under Mo Qiling's staring eyes, and simply boarded the carriage and bid farewell to everyone.

With such a powerful person beside his daughter, he has nothing to worry about!
After bidding farewell to Su Hongyi, several people walked slowly towards the college. They were handsome men and women, and they attracted many envious looks along the way.

"Mo Qiling, who is that man in black?" Su Chengyun took a chance and asked quietly.

"Susu, you can't imagine, that's from the Lu family!" Mo Qiling said.

"Lu Family?"

"Nan Cang Lu Family!"

Not Wangyue Lu's family, but Nancang Lu's family, Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes dangerously.

(End of this chapter)

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