Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 244 Tracking

Chapter 244 Tracking
They returned to the academy quickly, and Mr. Mingyi insisted on sending them back before returning, so they were mocked by Feng Jue for a long time, but Mr. Mingyi remained unmoved.

At the door of the dormitory, Mr. Ming Yi called Su Chengyun to stop him.

Su Chengyun knew that Mr. Ming Yi had something to say, and signaled Feng Jue and the others to go back first.Feng Jue refused at first, but was forcibly pulled away by Wei Ang.

"Wei Ang, Mr. Ming Yi has no good intentions!" Feng said without anger.

"Fengjue, Chengyun is not a child, Chengyun will handle it!" Wei Ang sighed helplessly.

And here Mr. Ming Yi asked in a low voice: "Chengyun, did I do anything out of line last night?" Mr. Ming Yi asked very carefully.

Su Chengyun was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said: "No, no, you slept very deeply after being drunk yesterday!"

Mr. Mingyi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and left with a smile, but his brows did not loosen along the way.

Why did he vaguely remember that Cheng Yun seemed to be abrupt yesterday, could it be a dream, but is the dream so real?
Su Chengyun returned to the second floor, but saw Mo Qiling standing in front of the window.

"What are you looking at?" Su Chengyun stepped forward to look out curiously, but saw Mr. Ming Yi walking further and further away.

Mo Qiling twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "Susu is very popular!"

The jealousy in these words almost made Su Chengyun burst out laughing, she never thought that Mo Qiling, who was always cold and arrogant, would have such a jealous side.

"Susu, are you happy?" Mo Qiling gritted his teeth.

Su Chengyun nodded: "En! I'm glad to see you jealous!" Su Chengyun ran away after finishing speaking.

Mo Qiling stepped forward to catch up, and stopped in front of Su Chengyun.

"Susu, don't attract bees and butterflies again!" Mo Qiling said.

"Ah... Mo Qiling, why do I feel that your face is more attractive than mine!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, Mo Qiling's face is unparalleled in the world, and many people in Nancang Academy covet it Don't think she doesn't know that every time Mo Mo goes out, there are many people secretly watching.It's just that they didn't do anything out of line, so she pretended not to know.

"Susu feels inferior?" Mo Qiling raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Not really! Haven't you heard of a pink skull? It's the same for men, and it's not a skeleton in the end!" Su Chengyun said bravely.

"Hehe, why do I remember that Susu is very satisfied with my face!"

"Ah, good-looking genes are good, and the babies born are also the most beautiful! For the sake of the next generation, of course I care about the appearance of the child's father." Su Chengyun said.

"Oh, so Susu wanted to give birth to me so early?" Mo Qiling smiled.

"Ah... I didn't mean that!" Su Chengyun hurriedly denied it, wanting to bite off her tongue, the focus of what she said was obviously genes, how could Mo Qiling become a child in Mo Qiling's mouth.

"Susu, you are still young, you want to wait another two years for your child!" Mo Qiling said with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Su Chengyun's face turned dark, what did Mo Qiling mean, she said it as if she was in a hurry to have a child.

"Mo Qiling, I didn't say I wanted a child!"

"Well, if you want it, I won't let you want it now, I'll wait until the body grows up and matures!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun almost went crazy, can't this bastard understand her words!

"Mo Qiling..."

"Susu, don't worry, really don't worry!"

Su Chengyun is now sure that this girl did it on purpose!
"Mo Qiling, if you do this again, I'll be angry!" Su Chengyun pouted.

"Oh, how does Susu want me not to be angry?" Mo Qiling asked with a smile.

"Hmph!" Su Chengyun could only feel tears streaming down his face, looking at the sky speechlessly, why was he being eaten to death by Mo Qiling every time.

The days passed quickly, and soon it was time to rest at the end of the month.

"Chengyun, where are you and Mo Mo going?" Su Chengyun and Mo Mo saw Shangguan Youyue and Jin Duoduo as soon as they left the dormitory.

"Ah, Youyue, so much!" Su Chengyun laughed, "Are you here to look for me?"

"Chengyun, are you busy?" Shangguan Youyue asked.

"Oh, I wanted to go to Yun's house!" The last time Yun Zixuan provided her with Su Hongyi's news, she didn't have time to thank her and was planning to go today.

"Chengyun, since you have something to do, we won't bother you!" Jin Duoduo said with a smile, signaling Shangguan Youyue to leave.

Mo Mo looked at the figures of the two, and said suspiciously: "Susu, why does Mo Mo feel that You Yue and Duo Duo have been here very frequently recently!"

After being reminded by Mo Mo, Su Chengyun also thought that the two of them did come a little more frequently recently.

"Maybe we went out to practice once, and the two of us couldn't bear it anymore, so we often come and see!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"En!" Mo Mo also echoed.

"Let's go, do we still have to buy gifts?" Su Chengyun pulled Mo Mo and walked quickly.

"Susu, do we still have gold coins?" Mo Mo was rarely concerned about their wealth.

"When Dad left, he secretly left a lot of gold coins in my room, enough for us!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

The two were busy shopping for gifts, Mo Mo was not interested in these, his eyes couldn't help thinking about looking on the road, looking for new things.

Then Mo Mo pulled the corner of Lasu Chengyun's clothes.

"What's wrong, Momo?"

"Susu, do you think that person looks like Yun Ziyang?"

Su Chengyun looked along Mo Mo's fingers, and indeed saw a familiar figure flashing by, and it was sneaky.

"Go, follow and have a look!" Su Chengyun thought for a while, and finally motioned for Mo Mo to come along.

The two quickly followed Yun Ziyang's footsteps and saw Yun Ziyang walking into an alley. The alley was a dead end. Su Chengyun didn't dare to get too close, so he waited not far away.

After a while, a woman with a veil came out of the alley.Then Yun Ziyang also came out and headed in another direction.

Hey, it seems very interesting!
These are all kinds of brain supplements in Su Chengyun's mind, and he also became curious about the identity of the woman. She should be a lady from a wealthy family, but why does that woman's figure look a little familiar?

"Susu, it's Hongling!" Mo Mo whispered.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun was surprised this time, Hong Ling is Yun Ziyang's mother, did the two meet so mysteriously?Those who didn't know why thought that the two were having a private meeting.

"Mo Mo, keep an eye on Yun Ziyang first!" Su Chengyun ordered, she stepped out and chased Hong Ling, and when Hong Ling was not paying attention, she sprinkled a ball of medicinal powder on her body, Su Chengyun turned around and went back to look for Mo Mo.

"Susu, Yun Ziyang has entered there!" Momo pointed to a gate ahead.

At first glance, this door is the back door of a certain house.

Su Chengyun looked around carefully, and then went around to the front of the house to look around, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This is the home of Hong Ling and Yun Ziyang.

Yun Ziyang went home, so where did Hong Ling go?
"Susu, what shall we do?"

"Let's go find Hong Ling!" She wanted to see what the mother and son were trying to do.

"Ah, Susu knows where Hong Ling is?" Mo Mo asked strangely.

Su Chengyun smiled: "I sprinkled tracking powder on her body, as long as it's not too far away, I can follow her soon!"

"Well, let's go quickly!"

Su Chengyun sensed it carefully and pointed in a direction.

"This way!"

The two left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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